Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


     I round of Republican competition of the scientific research works among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.        The department of  higher and postgraduate education of MES RK annually holds Republican competition of scientific research works among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.      On December 11, 2015 the first round of republican competition passed in A. Baitursynov KSU of building No. 2 of economics faculty.           16 reports on the current issues of economy development of Kazakhstan were heard: market of organic production, organization of the center for rehabilitation of disabled people, market of medical services, WTO, demography, indirect taxes, small and medium business, "green economy", leasing, human capital assets, privatization of the state enterprises, electronic commerce, insurance sector, tax administration, project "installation of bus stop pavilions", project “Flocking”.          The following students took part in competition: Yemelyanova Angelina, Radko Marina, Kusmanov Timur, Slyusar Nikolay, Auyesheva Aigerim, Abikeeva Dinara, Basova Yekaterina, Gauert Tatyana, Kvasha Artem, Morozova Anastasiya, Kotelnikov Vladislav, Smagul Alibek, Utebayev Rustam, Mitayeva Maryam, Abbasov Vitaly.  
     On December 10, 2015 the II All-Russian Student Internet Olympiad "Economy and Management" with the use of computer business game "BUSINESS COURSE: Maximum" was held by the scientific and publishing center "Science and Education". The Olympiad purposes: determination of training level of students and master students of higher educational institutions in the sphere of the general and financial management and their abilities to make administrative decisions in the conditions of the market competition. The Olympiad was held in the form of collective competition on the basis of computer business game "BUSINESS COURSE: Maximum".        30 teams-participants took part in the game. The economics faculty team included the 4 year students Vitaly Abbasov and Rabiya Shiktybayeva, the 2 year student Rustam Utebayev, their specialty 5B050900-Finance. The research supervisor was the head teacher of finance and banking department V.V.Godunov.         This business game was held from 12.30 till 20.00. The students in the virtual reality made administrative decisions on the occasion of acquirement of the equipment, raw materials, establishment of work shifts, expenses on the quality control, realization of product, actions with securities.
       Kostanay - TerritoryFreefromCorruption       On December 9, 2015 the forum “Kostanay - territory free from corruption”, devoted to the International Anti-Corruption Day passed in the city house of culture "Miras" of Kostanay, organized by the Department of Agency of RK on the public service and counteraction of corruption across the Kostanay region.          The secretary of a regional maslikhat, first deputy chairman of Kostanay regional branch of party “Nur Otan”, veterans of public service, public servants, military personnel, representatives of public organizations, political parties, students of specialty 5B051000-Government and local management took part in this forum.           The 2 year student of A. Baitursynov KSU of specialty 5B051000-Government and local management Tanatkanova  Arailym, who was awarded by the diploma of Department for the contribution in corruption counteraction, was among speakers at the forum. Also the head of department of management and business administration Mustafin A.S was awarded by the diploma for the contribution in counteraction of corruption.          The head of Department Daniyar Usenov noted - "Development of joint actions will lead to the creation of atmosphere of intolerance to any manifestations of corruption and formation of anti-corruption culture in all spheres of our life".     
     On December 10, 2015 the round table, devoted to the celebration of day of the first president passed at the veterinary and livestock technology faculty. During the discussion the students discussed the autobiography of our president, spoke about him as the leader of nation and as about the hero of today's time. Also our students considered and discussed the last message of the head of state.  
      On December 11, 2015 the problem lecture on the topic "Project approach in management: methodology, technology, instruments" passed at the department of management and business administration for master students of specialty 6M050700-Management.           The lecturer: Doctor of Economics, professor of department of innovative and project management of Omsk state university of F.M. Dostoyevsky  Mamontov Andrey Sergeyevich.           The lecture promoted to the practical application by master students of the technology of project management in the organization activity. The master students received the skills of the software MS Project use for management of the projects.  
       On December 11, 2015 the championship of futsal among women's teams passed in sport club "Sunkar".          The team of veterinary and livestock technology faculty became the owner of the first place and the champion of KSU of A. Baitursynov.            Amanzholova Rauza (VLTF) is recognized as the best forward. In the nomination the best defender became Aliyeva Altynym (VLTF). The best goalkeeper – Kameshova Saule (ITF), the goal-scorer of the tournament – Urazbekova Madina (ETF).            The matches passed in very hot fight and became emotional apogee of the tournament. In tough struggle for the second place ITF and ETF teams met. The ITF team with the minimum score (4:2) won the match, and we congratulate it with victory!!! The ITF team took the third place.