Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


     The ball in honor of the laureate of "Gold book of youth of Kostanay region" 2015 passed at “Ak-Shanyrak” restaurant. The first year master’s degree student of educational program "Mechatronics" of A. Baitursynov KSU Kartsev Nikita became the laureate  in the sphere of entrepreneurship.         Also Nikita is the winner of Republican competition a startup of the projects "School of Young Businessmen". His startup project is connected with inventive activity of mechatronic devices and automatic equipment. We wish you good luck and further victories.   
      Today we discuss with the head of strategic development department of A. Baitursynov KSU F.F.Mayer, who was the part of working group of MES RK and took part in development and improvement of normative documents in education from January 5 to January 6.          - Fedor Fedorovich, this is not the first time, when you participate in such work. In which development of Regulations did you participate earlier? And what did you do this time?       - Actually, the Department of higher and postgraduate education of MES RK constantly involves me to the development of various documentation on the educational activity. So, for example, I am one of developers of the existing Rules of organization of educational process on the education credit technology and the State obligatory standards of the higher and postgraduate education.The most important in these documents I introduced the new generalized concepts of credit and academic hour, which allowed resulting in all calculations into consistent system, connected with the study load of students, master students, PhD students and academic teaching staff according to the labour intensity of the credit for the different types of study work. Also the recalculation mechanisms of ECTS credits for all types of study work in Kazakhstani credits and back were given. The working group,consisted of the representative of five leading higher education institutions of the country, made the Rules of placement of the state educational order for the training of specialists with the higher and postgraduate education, and also on the preparatory divisions of higher educational institutions.      - Can you tell which innovations wait us?      - The best innovations in this situation are its absence. We have such situation.      The main approaches on placement of the state educational order for training of specialists are stated above in the document, specified by me. The decision about competition on the defining of higher education institutions for placement of the state educational order for personnel training and competitive documentation are announced by separate orders of MES RK on the eve of the beginning of documents acceptance of entrants. Here the form of the Information card was applied, which the higher education institutions in the shortest terms had to fill for each specialty. It is large volume of work!      And now the form of the Information card will be approved by those Rules of placement of the state educational order for training of specialists with the higher and postgraduate education, which we processed, and this form will be known to all higher education institutions in advance. For this reason now the higher education institutions will be able to fill in advance quietly these Information cards, without waiting of releasing of the MES RK order about Competition on placement of the state educational order for personnel training with the higher and postgraduate education.       - Fedor Fedorovich, probably,did you make other documents during these two days?      - Yes,of course, the methodology of application of key indicators of activity efficiency (KPІ) was developed by the working group for the assessment of activity of the top management of higher education institutions of the country and pilot variant of indicators of KPІ, its criteria, weight and a technique of calculations.      - Thank you for interview.
     A.L.Pustuyev on accounting and audit department.      From December 8 to December 18, 2015 the scientist from the Ural state agricultural university Pustuyev Alexander Leonidovich - Dr.Econ.Sci., professor, the honored economist of the Russian Federation, academician of AMOK, honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation gave lectures and gave a practical training at accounting and audit department.           A.L.Pustuyev   gave classes for 4 courses students of specialties 5B050800- Account and audit and 5B050600- Economics on the current issues of disciplines "Account and assessment of bankruptcies" and "Entrepreneurship", also meetings and consultations with master students of specialty 6M050600-Economics were held at which the scientist in detail stated all main aspects of research work.          The agreement of further international cooperation with Ural state agricultural university was reached by the department: participation in the international scientific conferences, joint writing of manuals and mobility of students and academic teaching staff.  
     Within the realization of the State program of industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Doctor of Engineering Sciences, professor of mechatronics department of St. Petersburg national research university of information technologies, mechanics and optics, the main metrologist of  “Concern CSRI Elektropribor” JSC Gryazin Dmitry Gennadevich was invited at the software department .          During this visit the professor held a number of meetings, and also actions for master students of specialty 6M072400-technological machines and equipment on the training of discipline Mechatronics. According to the holding lectures the master students knew a lot of new in the sphere of information devices and their application in mechatronics.          The professor D.G.Gryazin, being the main metrologist of the leading institute of Russia in the sphere of high-precision navigation, a gyroscopy, gravitation measurements and sea radio communication, has a big experience in the fundamental and exploring researches, manufacture and maintenance of production in exploitation in the different directions. He also shared with his experience during the holding lectures and consultations.         The round table on the topic "Current Issues of Problems of Education in the sphere of Technical Science" was held at the department with professor participation. By following the results of the round table the protocol of intentions was signed, within which the student's mobility, participation in conferences, professional development of teachers, scientific probation are planned.
      Foreign scientists on department of management and business administration        From December 8 to December 19, 2015 the foreign scientists gave lectures at the department of management and business administration:       - Doctor of Economics, expert in the scientific and technical sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of the Higher school of the Russian Federation, professor of the department of management and marketing of Omsk State Agricultural University of P. A. Stolypin Stukach Victor Fedorovich;     - Doctor of Economics, professor of departments of innovative and project management of Omsk State University of F.M. Dostoevsky  Mamontov Andrey Sergeyevich.           The invited scientists gave classes to the students of specialties: 5B051000- government and local management (government regulation of economy), 5B051100-marketing (organization of business, strategic marketing), 5B050700-management (strategic management), and also to the master students of specialties 6M050700-management within disciplines: strategic management, regular management. The students and master students received knowledge on the relevant topics of above mentioned disciplines.           The meeting of foreign scientists with academic teaching staff and master students on the topic: "Relevant problems of programs formation of scientific researches of postgraduate education" was held by the department of management and business administration at economics faculty.           The contracts on cooperation between the Russian universities and KSU of A. Baitursynov was signed, the plan of realization of the contract on the international cooperation of MBA department was made as the result of staying of foreign scientists.  
     The student scientific and theoretical conference "November Readings", is traditionally held by the finance and banking department at the end of November - beginning of December. The participation of students in this action allows improving skills of performance and protection of own work before the audience, to study the interesting topic in-depth, to practice in the application of research methods. The selection of applicants on Republican competition of student scientific works was made during the conference. On December 10, 2015 the meeting passed at KSU  at 14-00 o'clock, the moderator – V.V.Godunov.          The head of finance and banking department, Candidate of Economics, associate professor D.S.Kenzhebekova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor B.N.Zhanalinov, Candidate of Economics, associate professor N.T.Sartanova, Candidate of Economics V.V.Godunov were part of jury.           The associate professors B.N.Zhanalinov and N.T.Sartanov asked the interesting questions, focused the attention of audience on the certain finance problems of Kazakhstan, made comments on student's reports.             The students of Kazakh groups took part in conference:      Zhanbosynova Nurgul, Nurmaganbetova Aigul, 4th course, Smagul Alibek, 3rd course, Aisina Altyngul, 2nd course;                  And the students of Russian groups:       Students of 4th courses: Kotelnikov Vladislav, Amanov Tanat, Mitayeva Maryam Abdul-Vagapovna, Abbasov Vitaly, and also Utebayev Rustam, 2nd course, Dosova Mariya and Erzhanova Sabina, 3rd course.     The students discussed the current issues of economy and finance of Kazakhstan: deflation, problem credits, human capital, privatization of the state enterprises, electronic commerce, devaluation, insurance, tax administration, industrial zones.