Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On February 25, 2016, the problem lecture on discipline Modern technologies in bank activities on a subject: "Bank technologies of analysis of borrower credit capacity" has been given in audience No. 307 with 3 year students of specialty 5B050900-Finance.The lecture has been organized by the head teacher of finance and banking department K.M. Kuzhukeyeva with participation of the head of department on work with small business Yelena Aleksandrovna Zadorozhnaya  (“Sberbank” SB of JSC).     The lecture has been given at the high theoretical and practical level, the developed issues of bank technologies of the analysis of borrower credit capacity on the example of “Sberbank” SB JSC Kostanay have been discussed.  
The III "Economy and Management" All-Russian student's Internet Olympiad (with use of the computer business game "BUSINESS COURSE: Maximum") On February 16, 2016, students of 5B051000 – Government and Local Management and 5B050700 - Management specialties  participated in the III "Economy and Management" All-Russian student's Internet Olympiad (with use of the computer business game "BUSINESS COURSE: Maximum"). The Olympiad was held on the basis of “Mir nauki” Scientific and Publishing Center according to Regulations and Rules of the Olympiad holding. The chairman of organizing committee, director of “Mir nauki” Scientific and Publishing Center A.I.Vostretsov was an administrator of the Olympiad. Purposes of Olympiad holding: education level determination of students and master degree students of higher educational institutions in the field of general and financial management and their abilities to make administrative decisions in the conditions of market competition. The Olympiad was held in the form of collective competition on the basis of computer business game "BUSINESS COURSE: Maximum" (version 1.4). Places in the Olympiad were distributed according to the rating, scored by participating teams during business game. No more than three people were allowed to be in one team. Two teams participated from management and business administration department. 1. “Effekt” team.  - R.I.Balkin, 4 year student, specialty 5B051000-GLM; - A.R.Maksut, 3 year student, specialty 5B051000-GLU; - K.A.Abisheva, 3 year student 5B051000-GLU.     2. “Druzhba narodov” team - R.A.Magambetov, 4 year student, specialty 5B050700-Management; - T.B.Kusmanov, 4 year student, specialty 5B050700-Management; - K.K.Aitpayev, 4 year student, specialty 5B050700-Management.   The game consisted of game periods, which lasted for 10 – 15 minutes (1 period means 1 month), and our team successfully last 17 game periods.   Places in the Olympiad were distributed according to the rating, scored by participating teams during business game. The offset was command.     The participants, who didn’t win places, will be awarded by diplomas and certificates of participation. In general the participation in the Internet Olympiad can be considered successful, because we participated as beginners in the similar action, organizers of the Olympiad left a positive review about our students.
Kindness and, of course, maternal caress is very important for children. Nothing will replace maternal warmth and care. Mother never wish bad to the child, she never pity caress and tenderness for him. But today heroes of my story are the children, who need parental kindness. The children, deprived of care and caress of parents. Children with eyes, shining from tenderness, and which are looking for love. "Together on Way to Happiness" charity event traditionally take place at Agriculture and Biology Faculty. Within such action, 2/18/2016, our students organized a concert for orphans and children without parental support at boarding school No. 2. Even if we spent only an hour with children, gave them attention and kindness, we saw smiles on their faces and presented them a little pleasure.     Educators of orphanage welcomed us very warm and friendly. We danced with children, sang songs, played games and rejoiced together. And also we presented two marker blackboards and sweets to children.     We didn't want to leave children, and we promised to visit them once again. During the Nauryz holiday we plan to visit children again.     Kindness and love make our life and mood lighter and better. The 1st  year student of A. Baitursynova KSU  Symbat Baidildina.  
On February 12, 2016, the problem lecture on a subject: "Deposit market and its financial instruments" of “Financial markets and intermediaries” discipline was given in audience No. 307 for the second year students of 5B050800- Accounting and Audit specialty. The lecture was organized by Cand.Econ.Sci., head teacher of finance and banking department V.V. Godunov and teacher  A.S.Salkina  with the participation of the head of "Medeo" Division Saltanat Akhmetova.       The lecture was given at the high theoretical and practical level, the developed issues of the deposit market and its financial instruments were touched,  the essence and role of the deposit market was discussed, types of the most reliable bank deposits on the example - “Sberbank” SB of JSC in Kostanay were considered.  
     The round table devoted to the 143 anniversary since the birth of A. Baitursynov        On January 28, 2016 the round table "Akhmet Baitursynov is spiritual leader of Kazakh nations", devoted to the 143 anniversary since the birth of the public figure, scientist, educator Akhmet Baitursynov, held by the Akhmet Baytursynov's museum together with department of history of Kazakhstan.          The reports of students of History specialty about  political, publicistic, scientific activity of Akhmet Baitursynov were heard on this round table.          In end of the round table the students and teachers participated in the floral tribute ceremony to the Akhmet Baitursynov's monument.     
    On January 15, 2016 the traditional international scientific and methodical “Innova-2016” conference passed in university.        Master’s degree students, grand PhD degree students and teachers of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Ukraine took part in the work of conference.       The work of conference was organized in 4 directions. Topical issues were considered: the modern role of the teacher at the higher school, improvement of the process of realization of educational programs, development of the practice-based education, polylingual education in the system of the higher school: tendencies and prospects.           By the results of work the electronic collection of conference materials was published.