Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On March 1, 2016, the 3 year student of economics department of specialty “Government and local management”, Karina Abisheva, being a participant of Assembly of  People of Kazakhstan, made a speech at the festive action, devoted to Gratitude Day "Bolashak bugunnen bastalady" in KSI "Boarding school for gifted children "Ozat".     She with big gratitude told to pupils and representatives of ethno-cultural associations of Kostanay region about history of her family, giving historic facts and expressed respect to the big house Kazakhstan, where we have place for everybody.  
On March 4, 2016, the problem lecture on Finance discipline on a subject: "Goverment budget" has been given in audience No. 201 with 2 year students of specialty 5B050900-Finance, 5B050800- Accounting and audit, 5B051000-GLM. The lecture was organized by the head teacher of finance and banking department A.K.Abzhanova with participation of the chief specialist of department of "Entrepreneurship " Sh.A.Seidalina.     The lecture was given at the high theoretical and practical level; the developed issues of the state budget were touched.      
On February 29, 2016, the master - class for economics faculty students on a subject: "How successfully to pass interview", organized by finance and banking department was held within the signed contract about cooperation between Sberbank of Russia and A. Baitursynov KSU.     The Sector expert in work with personnel of "Sberbank of Russia" Yekaterina Leonidovna Tulebayeva held master- class. The bank personnel shared the vision of how the graduate has to pass interview and answer the questions, posed of the bank management.     Students had an opportunity to ask questions to leading experts of “Sberbank of Russia” SB of JSC after detailed and interesting conversation.  
On February 29, 2016, the master - class for economics faculty students on a subject: "How successfully to pass interview", organized by finance and banking department was held within the signed contract about cooperation between Sberbank of Russia and A. Baitursynov KSU.     The Sector expert in work with personnel of "Sberbank of Russia" Yekaterina Leonidovna Tulebayeva held master- class.     The bank personnel shared the vision of how the graduate has to pass interview and answer the questions, posed of the bank management.   tudents had an opportunity to ask questions to leading experts of “Sberbank of Russia” SB of JSC after detailed and interesting conversation.
Gratitude Day is a new holiday in Kazakhstan and was celebrated on March 1 at the initiative of N. Nazarbayev. In the twentieth anniversary of Assembly the Head of State has suggested to declare this day the Gratitude Day, when Kazakhstan citizens can thank each other and Kazakhs for tolerance and hospitality in those years, when many people were deported in the country.     Students and teaching personnel of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty with pleasure joined the celebration of a new event: there was an opportunity to thank each other on radio, and also to express gratitude in writing on "Gratitude wall".     Within the Gratitude Day celebration on the basis of practical psychology laboratory, "Tolerance is a road to the world" seminar training, directed on spiritual and moral, patriotic education of youth was held among 1 year students under the leadership of S. T. Zhumarova.     We are sure the holiday of mercy, friendship and love of all Kazakhstan citizens to each other will find worthy continuation in the future.  
On March 1, 2016, Engineering Technical Faculty students of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University visited the Great Patriotic War veteran Nikolay Panteleyevich Stepurin in honor of celebration "Gratitude Day ". The Great Patriotic War veteran was glad to share the invaluable experience and reminiscence with students. The younger generation talked about modern policy, and then handed food package.     Nikolay Panteleyevich was born on May 1, 1926 in Kostanay, he was called for service and served 7 years. In 43-45 years he was at war in Estonia, Poland, Germany as a part of the Third Baltic front.     Nikolay Panteleyevich kindly photographed with students on the memory. Each student told to the veteran the special, warm, kind words, when they has been leaving him. Everyone thanked him for the blue sky over the head! Students promised to visit him again.