Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On February 16, 2016, students of specialty 5B051000 - GLM and 5B050700 - Management participated in the III All-Russian Student Internet Olympiad in "Economy and Management" (with use of computer business game "BUSINESS COURSE: Maximum").   The Olympiad was held on the basis of “Mir nauki” Scientific and Publishing Center according to Rules and Regulations of Olympiad holding in the form of collective competition on the basis of computer business game "BUSINESS COURSE: Maximum" (version 1.4).   The organizers of Olympiad expressed gratitude to the rector of our university and awarded participants: R.I.Balkin , A.R. Maksut, K.A.Abishev, R.A.Magambetov, T.B.Kusmanov, K.K.Aitpayev by certificates of participants.  
On March 16, 2016, Domestic Policy Department of Kostanay region akimat organized a presentation of the book "Kazakhstan: nation and national consciousness" of the head of philosophy department of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, Doctor of Philosophy, professor Safar Abdugaliyevich Koldybayev within a meeting of an intellectual drawing room of Friendship House.        Participants of the meeting were representatives of scientific and creative intellectuals, institutes of civil society, library workers, teachers of history and social science of schools, colleges and HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of regional center.   Speakers of meeting Candidate of Historical Sciences T.K.Nurtazenov, Doctor of Historical Sciences A.A.Aitmukhambetov , Candidate of Legal Sciences A.B.Bekmagambetov, Candidate of Philological Sciences D.A.Kacheyev noted an importance of the work for modern philosophical and historical sciences of Kazakhstan, formation of conceptual approaches on advance of a state policy, strengthening of an interethnic relations, civil identity and principles of unity and consent in society. 
Our students took second place in the national contest «Bolashak Business Competition»   From 24 to 26 March 2016 in Astana held a competition among students and young entrepreneurs «Bolashak Business Competition». Our students in the team of «Jas Atameken», undergraduate first year of the educational program «Mechatronics» Kartcev Nikita and first year student of the specialty «Computers and Software» Daniyar Mukhtarov, took second place in the intellectual game for solving business cases.     Competition for business cases the decision was held in 2 stages. According to the results of the first round of the 136 teams entered our guys in the top ten and were able to participate in the finals.     March 25 at the Graduate School of Business, University of Nazarbayev held the finals, which are facing the strongest teams of Kazakhstan. In the finals the team fought their way out of the cities of Astana, Almaty and only come from the regions team «Jas Atameken», Kostanay. At the end of the final presentations, the jury came to the following decisions: the first place went to the team from Almaty «DreamTeam», the second place was the team of the KSU – «Jas Atameken», the third place was the capital team «Optimus».   We congratulate and wish them further success.
On March 5, 2016, the gala concert devoted to the International Women's Day took place in the assembly hall of the case No. 2 of A. Baitursynov KSU.     Only men, represented by academic teaching staff and students of economics department were on the stage in this warm and spring day. All songs, dances and words of congratulation sounded for lovely women and girls of faculty.     Congratulations of professor K.Zh. Zhaparov and professor S. M. Zhiyentayev were a special gift for audience. In honor of a holiday professor S. M. Zhiyentayev devoted verses in French to all present ladies. Boys delighted the present heroines of the festivities by flowers and sweet gifts.  
On March 15, 2016, the meeting with the head of Centre for the studying of French at “ViaDomitia” university, Perpignan (France) Vincent Glez took place at A. Baitursynov Kostanay state university. Students of specialties "Translation Major" and "Foreign Philology" and teachers of French were at the meeting. V. Glez told about Perpignan region, programs of French, functioning at university. Students asked questions about conditions of entering in university, student's leisure, housing cost, and also about opportunities to get grants.After the meeting advertising brochures were distributed to students. V. Glez highly appreciated the level of French of our students.  
On March 14, 2016, the problem lecture on discipline "Financial markets and intermediaries" on a subject: "RK pension system" was given in audience No. 309 with 1-2 year students of specialty the accounting and audit. The lecture was organized by the teacher of finance and banking department A.S.Salkina with participation of the specialist on work with investors of Integrated Accumulative Pension Fund Aidar Kerimovich Raissov.     The main reasons of creation of the Integrated Accumulative Pension Fund were considered on the lecture, receipts schemes of pension contributions and payments were analyzed, management of pension assets of fund and efficiency of investment portfolio were actively discussed.     The lecture was given at the high theoretical and practical level; students took active part in the discussion of problems of present pension system in the country.