Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


With victory!   On April 1-3, 2016 the International Debate Tournament "Nebo kochevnika" took place in Astana on the basis of Nazarbayev University, at which main judges were from the Russian Federation (Moscow): SHAMHAL MURTAZALIYEV and ROBERT USTYAN. They are the most famous debaters of the CIS.   64 teams, 128 speakers from Kazakhstan, Russia and Kyrgyzstan participated on this tournament.   Our HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION  presented 2 teams of first-year students of "Dattebaye" (first-year student of HSSF Anuar Sagarov and first-year student of HLF Azamat Toktarbay) and team "Linkin Park" (second-year student of ETF Anuar Bukabayev and first-year student of HSSF Azamat Kamza). The team "Linkin Park" reached the Final of "Beginners" and took 2nd place.     We congratulate our students with victory!  PRESS SERVICE of A. Baitursynov KSU at the Centre of development of youth initiatives
Nauryz is a holiday of wakening of spring in Kazakhstan and in many other countries. This holiday is a symbol of spring reviving, celebration of love, fertility and friendship.     Nauryz is a beginning of New Year; advent of spring, and day, when life is born anew on the earth. With the arrival of holiday Kazakhs get dressed in festive clothes, visit each other and exchange congratulations and wishes of wellbeing, which will come true in New year.     This year on March 17, 2016 academic teaching staff and students of all courses of economics faculty, as one big and close-knit family, gathered under a uniform shanyrak for Nauryz celebration.     In this spring day guests and participants of holiday could try dishes of national cuisine, to see with their own eyes Kazakhs lifestyle and traditions, to enjoy dombra sounds, to feel hospitality of the Kazakh people. Nauryz kozhe became the main traditional dish of this holiday.     Teachers and students of faculty showed such traditions of the Kazakh people as “Tussau kessu”, “Bessikke salu”, “Kuiryk baiyr”.   All participants of the holiday have been awarded by diplomas and certificates.
"Generation of independence: reality and prospects of youth science development".   Traditionally student's conference holds in the spring in our university, which acquires the regional status. Present objectives are the presentation of the received researches, which in the subsequent will be submitted for protection of the master, doctoral dissertation, or theses of a bachelor degree. Also objectives of masses attracting are set. Students of various faculties, who were selected and got the experience of scientific work, can present the materials before wide range of scientific community. The theme of conference "Generation of independence: reality and prospects of youth science development" is devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.     The work of conference took place in 7 sections: agricultural and biological sciences, veterinary and agricultural sciences, engineering technical sciences, social and human sciences, physical and mathematical and information sciences, economics sciences. Teachers, students, master students, doctoral candidates and rather wide range of participants were invited on sections. At the end of conference the results were summed up and winners are defined. The participants, who won 1, 2 and 3 places, received diplomas and memorable prizes.   Place Student’s full name Section 1 – Agricultural and biological sciences I Degree Diploma Yelena Gerner II Degree Diploma Gulnara Tuzelbayeva II Degree Diploma Aleksey Guze III Degree Diploma Lyana Zhanissova Section 2 – Veterinary and agricultural sciences I Degree Diploma Zhassagan Baimakanov, Alibek Massalimov II Degree Diploma Yekaterina Gan III Degree Diploma Irina Abramova Section 3 – Engineering technical  sciences I Degree Diploma Akmaral Yekremkanova II Degree Diploma Ashkan Kossovskiy III Degree Diploma Zhanar Zharasbayeva Section 4 – Historical and juridical sciences I Degree Diploma Tlegen Zhangeldin II Degree Diploma Kristina Kuzmina III Degree Diploma Oral Takirov Section 5 – Social and human sciences I Degree Diploma Olga Sunyaikina II Degree Diploma Zhansaya Kussainova III Degree Diploma Almagul Akylbekova Section – Physical and mathematical and information sciences I Degree Diploma Dana Makishova II Degree Diploma Viktoriya Ivanova III Degree Diploma Anar Sadman Section 7 – Economics sciences I Degree Diploma Roman Balkin II Degree Diploma Rustam Utebayev III Degree Diploma Inkar Kurmantay
On April 6, 2016, "Property legalization: questions and answers" seminar was organized by the accounting and audit department together with Department of public revenues across Kostanay region. The chief specialist of explanatory work management of public revenues department across Kostanay region Baurzhan Utegenovich Yermenov, the academic teaching staff and students of specialty 5B050800- Accounting and audit participated in the seminar. During this seminar problematic issues for property legalization were discussed. Listeners of the seminar obtained full and exhaustive information on all questions. 
In the 25 anniversary of independence Republic of Kazakhstan step by step we reach new tops on the way to happy life thanks to policy of the Head of State. On March 18, 2016 we celebrated Nauryz at Agriculture and Biology Faculty.     The celebration under the name "Armysyn az - Nauryz!" took place on a large scale at Agriculture and Biology faculty. Students of "Agronomy" specialty were responsible for the event organization.     All departments of faculty with great enthusiasm participated in the concert. In this day a lot of songs were sung, dances were performed, shashu from sweets were scattered in the assembly hall of the case No. 2. Besides, students of "Agronomy" specialty presented a small performance.     The action was continued on the 4th floor, where tasting of dishes took place. Each department prepared a table with a treat for students and guests.  Also each department prepared a creative performance in the form of theatrical demonstration of Kazakh national traditions. It was very interesting. Students could show the knowledge of Kazakh traditions, their wealth and depth.     We congratulate all Kazakhstan citizens with Nauryz and want to wish the peace, consent and prosperity to our state, and also wellbeing, happiness and health each family. Happy Nauryz!     Baidildina Symbat, 1 year student of ABF.
Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of Education institution of higher education “South Ural institute of economics and management” I.A.Sergeicheva completed scientific and pedagogical traineeship according to the implementation plan of the international treaty on cooperation between Higher education institutions at the invitation of management and business administration department of economics faculty of A. Baitursynov KSU.       The traineeship was held in departments: international cooperation, registration; in distance learning centre, management and business administration department. During traineeship actions were planned for the realization of further international cooperation between Higher education institutions.