Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Be donor – give life   To give a help to those, who need it, is a usual deal for volunteers of a youth wing "Zhas Otan". The youth once again takes part in saving lives.   Activists of information technology faculty organized an action "Be Donor - Give Life" in the regional Blood Centre.     The purpose of this action is to give a hope to the people, having cancer, to draw attention of youth and to increase the number of donors.   The shortage of donor blood is considered one of relevant problems in Kazakhstan.50 donors are on 1000 population in the European countries, and only 18-20 people are on 1000 population in our country. All this actually indicates the small number of donors in our country.  
On April 8, 2016, the scientific and methodical seminar on "Competency-based Approach is New Paradigm at Training of Specialists of Three Education Levels" took place in audience No. 309 for academic teaching staff and master students of economics faculty.     Moderator: professor of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University Zeinegul Klyshbekovna Yessymkhanova. All listeners of the seminar were handed certificates about passing advanced training course.   
On April 7, 2016, the subject competition on financial disciplines among 2-3 year students of the "Finance" specialty took place in audience No. 305 of "Finance and banking" department within arrival of professor of  L.N.Gumilyov  Eurasian National University Zeinegul Klyshbekovna Yessymkhanova.     The competition consisted of 3 rounds: solution of test tasks, solution of thematic crossword puzzle, solution of Case situation, connected with power supply of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of EXPO 2017 holding.       During Olympiad, teams successfully showed the high standard of knowledge in the subjects, especially well proved themselves at the reasoning of author recommendations in solutions of power supply problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan.      According to the results, the “Einstein” team took the 1st place, the “Time” team took the 2nd place, and the 3rd place was divided among the “Besstrashnye” and “Erudity” teams. On behalf of professor Z.K.Esymkhanova, gifts were handed.  
On April 7, 2016, the round table with academic teaching staff and students of department of "Finance and banking" took place in audience No. 309 within arrival of professor of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University Zeinegul Klyshbekovna Yessymkhanova.     Within internal academic mobility the professor Z.K.Yessymkhanova will give classes and consultations for students of specialty 5B050900-Finance concerning a financial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.   
On April 7, 2016, the professor of “Finansy” department of  L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Candidate of Economic Sciences (doctor Ph.D) of RK and Russian Federation Zeinegul Klyshbekovna Yessymkhanova in the first day of official visit  met with the university management  within internal academic mobility.     The meeting was held with rector Kh.Kh.Valiyev, vice-rector for academic affairs and educational work  A. A. Absadykov,     vice-rector for scientific work and external affairs  Zh. B. Zharlygassov and dean of economics faculty E.V.Vassilchuk.     After short conversation the rector Khussain Khassenovich Valiyev signed the Memorandum of cooperation and collaboration of our universities in the field of science and education.  
On April 06, 2016, the doctor of "Centre of family planning" at policlinic No. 1  read a lecture on "Family Planning and Protection of Reproductive Health" to students of Agriculture and Biology Faculty.  During a meeting students learned a lot of new for themselves, and also asked the expert interested questions. Reproductive health is an opportunity to conceive, carry and give birth to the healthy child. His preservation is a task for both, as women, as men. Each pregnancy has to be desired, and parents of future child should be healthy physically and prepared morally and socially.