Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


The real "fight of journalists" based on a popular game "Chto? Gde? Kogda?" passed at journalism and communication management department of Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay state university. "Intellectual club" were organized by 3 year students; 1 – 2 year students fought for a title of the cleverest.     The game consisted of two rounds, where in the first round experts answered questions of the audience (among them were teachers of department and employees of local mass media), in the second – received tasks from organizers. Children competed in the most different areas: journalism, history, practice of Russian, literature etc.     Young experts were checked on knowledge of media persons, known brands and mass media logos and signature tune of programs. As the result, the team of 1 course took the first place, which got ahead of the rivals by only two points. All participants received positive energy, new knowledge, and winners - a sweet prize.  
The long-awaited final of CFI league passed in the assembly hall of main case of A. Baitursynov KSU. It became clear from the very beginning that the show promises to be interesting. The best teams fought for the rector’s cup: "Zachet" ABF, "Sem k odnomu" HSSF, "Sbornaya veterenarnogo faculteta" VLTF,"Moya lubimaya komanda" EF, "Tipichnaya veterinarka"VLTF.   Everything passed according to the traditional system: greeting, musical and home tasks.   From the first competition - a greeting, teams enslaved hearts of audience, leaders and even jury. Bright, authentic, magnificent acting ability, fast reaction, in other words everyone seemed more cheerful and inventive, than their rival.       The game was judged by the jury. Arman Zholdanov, Arman Yesmagambetov, Rach Martirossyan, Ruslan Alpyspayev, Dinara Utebayeva and Bolat Kaliyev were part of jury.   The winner has in each game, and we have our winners:   The team "Zachet" of Agriculture and Biology Faculty took the 3rd place, the 2nd place -"Tipichnaya veterinarka" of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty, and winner of our competition became the team "Sem k odnomu" of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty. The jury noted students of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty for "The best male role" - Abulkhair Alkau and "The best female role" - Altyn Aliyeva.  
Open Day for pupils, who will graduate in this or next year, passed at information technology faculty. The deputy dean for educational work Saule Kameshova in cooperation with student's dean office of faculty prepared a small concert in order to school students have not only got  acquainted with specialties of faculty, but also saw how leisure of students is organized. Each specialty was presented in State and Russian languages. School students could see and hear about specialties firsthand from videos, made by students. The student's dean Aslan Abdulov made a speech at a meeting with school students, and told about student's life as faculty, as university in general, what future entrants found very interesting. At the end of a concert, school students with the teachers went to see the faculty, where have got acquainted with material resources. The student's dining room, audiences were shown to the pupils; they could see how lectures are passed. Entrants were satisfied, and some of them decided to change the fifth subject on physics.  
Within realization of anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the presentation on "Improvement of Anti-corruption Policy in Society" was held by the employee of Department of the Ministry for public service of the Kostanay region R.S.Bolat at history and law faculty.     The presentation was organized for students and academic teaching staff of faculty. During a meeting, the main strategic plans, which necessary for promotion of anti-corruption policy among youth and in society00 in general, were read. The student's audience took active part in discussion of questions for improvement of the anti-corruption legislation.
Ibrai Altynsarin is a prominent Kazakh teacher, the public figure in the field of education. Within 175 anniversary of I.Altynsarin, the scientific conference passed at Kostanay State University. The round table of teachers and students told about merits of the outstanding educator and teacher. One of merits is an opening of the first national school, publication of the chrestomathy in Kazakh language. I. Altynsarin considered his main purpose is to give education to the Kazakh children that they could be useful people to the nation. Altynsarin is the creator of the Kazakh alphabet in the Russian graphics; he has laid the foundation to the Soviet education of the Kazakh people. Also thanks to him, four central Russian-Kazakh schools, consisting of two grades, one vocational school, one women's school, five volost schools, two schools for children of Russians country-people, and teacher's school in Troitsk were opened.       Invited guests Agybai Nugmanov – a teacher of Kazakh of  I.Altynsarin of boarding school for gifted children and Nazgul Shektibayeva is an employee of I.Altynsarin Kostanay regional memorial museum made a speech at conference.    
Victory in International Olympiad   The student of humanities and social sciences faculty took the 2nd place in the International Olympiad in English. Olga Sunyaikina is the 4 year student of the specialty "Translation study".          Students of 6 countries participated in the International Olympiad: Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, the USA, China, and Uzbekistan. The competition passed in E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University from April 6 to 8, 2016.     By the results of three rounds Olga surpassed students from the leading local and foreign higher education institutions, having conceded only to the representative of E.A. Buketov KSU.   The department of foreign philology is proud of progress of the students, who repeatedly proved that our UNIVERSITY prepares the best future experts in language training.