Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Within a month of methodical innovations of economics department, the subject Olympiad on "Management and Marketing" was held by the department of management and business administration.   The purpose of the Olympiad holding is formation of interest in the chosen specialty at students, solidifying of knowledge on basic disciplines and development of business activity.        The Olympiad was held in a format of business game, which consisted of 4 rounds: 1 Homework 2 "Baiga" 3 "Euler-Venn diagram"   4 "Svoya Igra"   Students from all departments of faculty (4 teams) involved in the Olympiad.   Results of the Olympiad were the following: The first place – “Finansyushechki” team (FBD department) The second place – “Apelsiny” team (AAD department) The third place –“Pyatyi element”team (MBAD department). 
From 18.04. till 29.04. 2016, acceptance of applications for participation in the second seminar training of the Russian Federation of "Damu" Entrepreneurship Development Fund" JSC according to the "Support of Enterprise Initiatives of Student's Youth" program take place at A. Baitursynov KSU. We invite all students of higher education institutions and colleges of Kostanay. Applications need to be provided in department of professional development of university (office No. 110/case 3). Phones for reference: 8-7142-55-85-69, 8-707-363-71-89. The form of the application is applied. • Application  
On April 15, 2016, for the first time the competition "KSU MAN-2016" was organized for the most courageous men of our University by the Centre of development of youth initiatives and "Arular Otauy" student's club.      15 participants laid claim to the title of "KSU MAN-2016", nine of whom had honour to continue a fight in final. Boys showed creative abilities in four contests: introducing, arm wrestling, military training, creative performance and classical defile.   The creative contest was rich by a palette of creative performances. It was clear that a huge work stays behind each performance of competitors: formation of compositions, its practice, music choice, writing of the text. Determined walk, brand-new suit, charm captivated views of many girls in the hall, who breaking voices, cried out names of their favourites. For this reason finalists of the competition received an applause at every new entrance, applause were not "standard", and also they caught sincere smiles and applaud views of the generous audience.     The undeniable victory in hard fight was won by the student of economics faculty Galym Zhanaidar, who received the title of "KSU MAN-2016". The student of veterinary and livestock technology faculty Marat Kabden became "VICE KSU MAN-2016".   Other nominations were distributed as follows: "Mr. Artistry" - Galym Zhanaidar (EF); "Mr. Courage" - Marat Kabdenov (VLTF); "Mr. Romantic" - Alim Alibekov (HLF); "Mr. Confidence" - Bagdat Tobylbay (HSSF); "Mr. Sport" - Darkhan Kosylbayev (ETF);   "Mr. Elegance" - Akylbek Aralbayev (ABF);    "Mr. Popularity" - Aidyn Amirkul (ABF);   "Mr. Ambition" - Adil Omarov (ITF);    "Mr. Creativity" - Ernazar Bektemissov (ITF).         Gulnur Kabdybekova first year student of Journalism department
In the first April days the meeting with Candidate of Philology, director of regional broadcasting company "OTRK-Kazakhstan" Alibek Tatanov for students of the "Journalism" specialty took place at A. Baitursynov KSU. The main questions, which interested young journalists, were "How to become a TV reporter?" and "How does a modern mass media live in the conditions of an economic crisis?" The head of regional television assured that "future in hands of young talented people". By the way, the meeting took place on the eve of celebration of "25 anniversaries of regional broadcasting company"; therefore the part of students’ questions concerned the history of TV channel.     Don't lose hope! If you dream to become a professional journalist and you creatively gifted person, you will not stay without work. 
The International scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov Readings-2016" on "Science, production, business: a modern condition and ways of innovative development of the country", devoted to the 25 anniversary of RK Independence passed at A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University.       The scientific and pedagogical community of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, representatives of higher educational institutions of foreign countries, CIS and RK took part in the conference.     During the work of 6 sections, more than 200 reports in various aspects were heard: "Topical issues of jurisprudence", "Modern trends of social and economic development of Kazakhstan", "Topical issues of humanities and social education and science", "Development prospects of of information technologies in science, education and practice", "Innovative development of agrarian and industrial complex of Kazakhstan: development problems of agricultural, veterinary and technical sciences", "Development prospects and main directions of development of natural sciences". Also problems and ways of development of a state program of industrial innovative development in Kostanay region were discussed with involvement of representatives of the innovative enterprises.
The Annual International scientific and practical conference of students, master students and young researchers on "Current Problems of Modern Linguistics and Linguodidactics" was held by foreign philology department, in which students and young researchers from higher education institutions of Kazakhstan and Russia took part.     There are more than 90 articles in a collection, published on materials of conference. Subjects of researches cover a broad range of questions within such directions as: cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, foreign literary studies, technique of teaching foreign languages, theory and practice of translation, etc.