Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Dear researchers and interested persons!     British Council and “Science fund” JSC declare acceptance of applications for the “Institutional Links” competition within the "Newton — Al-Farabi" partner programme. This type of grants is intended for development of research and innovative cooperation between institutions of Great Britain and Kazakhstan at group, departmental and institutional level, and also in commercial and noncommercial sectors. The sum of  grant varies from 50,000 to 300,000 pounds sterling from four months to two years for the assistance to cooperation between institutions of Great Britain and Kazakhstan.   Grants will cover expenses on research and innovative cooperation, including: Expenses connected with conducting researches; Expenses on an exchange of researchers, students and staff of industrial enterprises (including enterprises of small and medium business and non-profit organizations); Expenses on organization of meetings, seminars, trainings; Other expenses connected with establishment and strengthening of partnership.   Also expenses are covered other actions. Please, get acquainted with the complete list of admissible and inadmissible expenses with Management on the reference above. The final date of acceptance of applications for participation is June 27, 2016 till 16:00 o'clock on London time. We will be grateful for distribution of this information among your colleagues and interested persons. If you have questions about this competition or if you would like to know more about the "Newton — Al-Farabi" partner programme, please, contact on the following addresses: newton-al-farabi@kz.britishcouncil.org or b.karimkyzy@science-fund.kz.        
On April 4, 2016, curators of 2-3 year students of "Finance and banking" department T.A.Akhmetkali and A.S.Salkina organized curatorial hour on "Prevention Methods of Religious Extremism and Terrorism" in order to form patriotism, justice and negative relation to extremism and terrorism, to familiarize with the main characteristics of extremist groups and their manifestation in Kazakhstan.The director of Center of problems studying of  interethnic and interfaith consent, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of philosophy Zh.A.Shaukenov was invited for holding of educational hour.     Prevention is one of the key areas of fight against terrorist and extremist manifestations in the public environment. Holding of such preventive work is especially important among young people, because the youth is most vulnerable for variety factors, for example, they tending to be affected by negative influence of various antisocial and criminal groups.         
The akimat of Kostanay region invited the director of Institute of theoretical mathematics and scientific calculations of L.N.Gumilyov ENU, professor N. Temirgaliyev and research scientists of this Institute within an instruction of the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to all scientist and representatives of the creative intellectuals, in which was told that "… we are fond of missions abroad more than the intellectual help to native school, native district, native region …".       Within a month of information technology faculty, the informatics and mathematics department organized a meeting with the outstanding mathematician, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Nurlan Temirgaliyevich Temirgaliyev     and his pupils: senior research associate of ITM and SC, PhD, Zhubanysheva Aksaule Zhanbyrshiyevna, senior research associate of ITM and SC, PhD Nauryzbayev Nurlan Zhumabayevich, junior research associate of ITM and SC Akhmetov of Bakytzhan Bigaliuly, senior research associate of ITM and SC, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Nurtazina Karlygash Begakhmetovna, junior research associate of ITM and SC Kabulov Armanbek Erkinuly.           At the meeting the scientific report of professor N.T.Temirgaliyev has been heard on: "Full spectral testing by Kovea-McPherson's method of Lehmer random number generators of with the maximum period". Pupils of professor N.T.Temirgaliyev hold a master class on scientific researches in mathematics and informatics in a key of the Fourth industrial revolution and the Third "digital (computer technologies)" revolutions.  
Within a month of information technology faculty, the round table on "Problems and ways of development of a state program of industrial innovative development in Kostanay region with involvement of representatives of the innovative enterprises" was held by the software department.   The first year master students of "Technological Machines and Equipment (Trajectory Mechatronics)" specialty, academic teaching staff of the software department and representative of youth policy management of Kostanay region T. Zhazitov, specialist of “Saryarkaavtoprom” LLP A. Temirova were presented at the event.       During the round table, reports of master students were heard: N. Kartsev - "SPIID, its purposes, objectives and realization in Kostanay region".     Ye. Vodyassov – "Innovative production by eyes of future Master of Engineering".     R. Podgornov - "Role of innovations in development of enterprise and human life".  
The reporting concert of “Oner” studio, exactly of dance group "Badrissafa", was held in the assembly hall of A. Baitursynov KSU. The collective exists from the date of foundation of “Oner: studio. They shine on a scene of university, but not only, for example, they are prize-winners of regional and republican competitions. In repertoire of collective about 30 dances of various directions and styles – from classical national to modern.              The performance of four year student of history and law faculty Sergey Novosseltsev became the highlight of program. He perfectly executed the Kazakh melodies on a dombra.  
"Steppe voice" is a new book of the writer, professor of A. Baitursynova KSU Akylbek Shayakhmet, which is published in capital publishing house "Foliant". The author of the foreword of the book is professor of A. Baitursynova Kostanay State University Yuriy Bondarenko.     The creativity range of Akylbek Shayakhmet is very wide: poetry, prose, dramaturgy, publicism. He is the author of plays: "Gratitude and Damnation, Or Light and Shade", "Pure Spring", "Shokan's Sadness", "Will of Ibraya", "Kulturbakan" and others, having took prizes in republican competitions and brought to the author the award "Altyn kalam" ("Gold Pen").     The drama poem "Aksulu", devoted to the akyn improviser Aksulu Orysbaikyzy, was accepted into the gold fund of the Kazakh radio. Creativity of the writer is multiple. The openness of soul, sincerity is felt in his works. It follows from the personality of the poet - entire, alien ambiguity. These qualities induce him to tell the truth in the works every time, under any circumstances.    Akylbek Shayakhmet's destiny closely intertwines with destinies of Kazakh people and native land. Personal experiences of the author, pleasure and pain, hope and belief in the best, call for freedom from vices of past and present, preservation of the native language and culture are the main keynotes of his works. The author has an opportunity to influence minds of readers, putting good motives.