Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


The civil and criminal law and process department of history and law faculty held a round table, on which the RK Law "On Amendments and Additions in Some Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning Consumer Protection" was discussed. Representatives of Committee on consumer protection of the Ministries of national economy of RK (further CCP MNE RK) responded to students’ questions. One of them, Daulet Kabylbekov is the chief expert of Management on interaction with public associations and consumers of CCP MNE RK; he made the report on this topic.  He well explained which actions it is necessary to make if the rights of citizens are violated and where to address. Students were interested by this topic; it is caused very intensive discussion.  
The festive action, devoted to the Fatherland Defender Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, took place in the student’s house No. 2.   Girls congratulated  "defenders", living in the student’s house No. 2, by the concert.They sang songs, danced and held different games. The most active participants were awarded by diplomas.
The "Bravery lesson" took place at economics faculty, devoted to heroes of the Great Patriotic war with participation of academic teaching staff and students. The purpose of holding this action was the formation of ideas at students about civic duty, bravery and heroism; to cause feeling of admiration and pride of the feats, made by Soviet people in the years of war.   Feature of this action was that participants of a round table have heard about feats of heroes from their descendants. One of such examples was Aleksandr Petrovich Mozgovoy. The granddaughter A. Kovalyonok , who is the teacher of economics department, told about his feats. Her grandfather was a participant of fights near Moscow of 1942, for Yelnya city near Orsha and had been awarded by the medals "For Courage", "For Victory over Germany", an award of Patriotic war of the 2nd degree. Students have showed sincere interest to stories about terrible war. Also verses and songs in honor of valor and courage of war heroes were sounded.   In the run-up to the Victory Day, the student activity chair of economics faculty visited veteran of the Great Patriotic War, participant of fights on Central, the 3rd Belarusian fronts Ivan Grigoryevich Kotelevskiy, who is awarded by awards of Patriotic war of the 1st degree, " Red Star", Honour of the 3rd degree, medals "For Courage", "For Services in Battle", "For Capture of Konigsberg", "For Victory over Germany". Ivan Grigoryevich with great pleasure met students, shared reminiscence about years of war, and expressed sincere pleasure for the fact that students show interest and aren't indifferent to history of the country. Also he transferred the video message for "Bravery lesson" participants.
  There was held a republican stage of the International Olympiad in the sphere of information technologies for students of higher and secondary professional education “IT Planet”.   Viktoria Ivanova, the 3rd year student of the "Computer Facilities and Software" specialty took 3 place  in the competition "Web -design". We congratulate her and wish further success!  
The meeting of 2-3 year students of the "journalism" specialty with representatives of collective of editorial office of the regional newspaper "Kostanay Tany" took place in a reading room of A. Baitursynov KSU. Opening the meeting, the Vice-rector for academic affairs and educational work A. Absadykov, noted an importance of business relations maintenance of higher education institution with employers and bases of educational and production practices. Among the invited guests were the editor-in-chief Zhanuzak Ayazbekov, his deputy Zhumatay Kakimzhan and young journalist Zhandos Zhussupbekov, who graduated our higher education institution. The editor fascinatingly told about glorious history of the newspaper, numbering 94-year story, and about the innovations, introduced in creative process. Despite active preservation promotion of a traditional printed form of the newspaper, "Kostanay Tany" already several years develops the online version, which is improved every day. At the same time the website is not limited by the content placement of a paper version of the newspaper. Every day, news, articles, photo reports, prepared by journalists for the online version, are posted on the website. The Deputy editor-in-chief Zhumatay Kakimzhan told about features of Internet journalism.The young journalists Zhandos Zhussupbekov told how he became a journalist and why chose this edition, having urged future colleagues to seek opening of something new and develop professional skills. 
On April 28, 2016, the round table on a topic: "Current state of monetary policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: realities and prospects" took place at 15:00 in audience 103 cases No. 2 with participation: - Deputy director of National Bank of Kostanay branch Zh.T.Omarkhanova ; - Deputy director of “Zhilstroybank” D.G.Yessembekov; - Credit analyst of “Bank CenterCredit” of Kostanay branch N.K.Dossov; - Teachers of finance and banking department; - Students of 5B050900-Finansy specialty. • The agenda of the round table    Questions have been discussed: need of monetary and credit regulation of economy by the state, monetary policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and system of measures and tools of National Bank of Kazakhstan on assistance of ensuring financial stability, control of monetary policy tools at the present stage.