Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Dear pupils of the 11th classes!   A. Baitursynov KSU announces a video contest «KSU is my choice! ». The winner of the contest becomes the owner of an educational grant and acquires the right for free education on specialties of university. Pupils of 11th classes of comprehensive schools of Kostanay and Kostanay region with the Kazakh and Russian languages of education are invited to participate in the contest.   
At the beginning of June 2016, the five-day seminar was held in the KAIST Gollege of Business, organized with the assistance Nazarbayev University for the purpose of training and professional development of leaders (executive officers) of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of program is a professional development of leaders in education system; and also to enable Higher Education Institutions to become more autonomous. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) specialized in the area of natural science and engineering education and scientific research. KAIST among 50 advanced HEIs in the world rating, and in the top ten on the Asian continent. Among world HEIs KAIST is among the top twenty on the specialist training of the engineering specialization. Leaders of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University:  Vice-rector for academic affairs and educational work, Doctor of Philological Sciences, ProfessorAlmasbek Akhmetovich Absadykov and head of department of information system, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, Professor Abdykarim Tungushbayevich Baimankulov took part in this event. By the words of Almasbek Akhmetovich, he was in South Korea the first time. All five days of seminar, Kazakhstani leaders of HEIs read reports and listened to lectures on the topic «Professional development of leaders of Higher Education Institutions». At the end of visit, the excursion at the western Seoul was organized for the leaders of KSU, where they could closer get acquainted with population of Korea, and also with the culture. It should be noted that all conditions are created for education of leaders of HEIs as well as students of foreign countries.   The first stage of courses, organized on the direction «Training and development of leaders», took place in Graduate School of Nazarbayev University. The second stage – in South Korea. The final stage is being planned to make in autumn this year in Nazarbayev University. Holding of such seminars are useful not only for leaders, but for all education system of Kazakhstan. Click on http://abai.kz/post/view?id=8642 for more information.   Press secretary: Alla Chechetkina
  On July 1, 2016, the Majilis Deputy of the Parliament of RK Irina Petrovna Aronova arrived with working visit in A.Baitursynov KSU. The purpose of this visit is an introduction with work of KSU laboratory according to the analysis of food quality. Laboratory was created in 2005 on Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty, and it enables students to work in three directions. The first is a practice while studying; the second – an ideal place for scientific and research work and the third – an opportunity of provision of economic service. Express analyses are made in the laboratory, revealing the chemical composition of feed for livestock animals. The laboratory is equipped with unique modern equipment, bought in Denmark and Sweden.   By words of Vice-rector for scientific work and external affairs Zhenis Bakhytbekovich Zharlygassov, such laboratories are not enough in Kostanay region. The laboratory of KSU is a pride of University. Analyses of dairy products and feed are made in the laboratory. Not only theory is very important for future specialists, but and practice is significant in the educational process. Students become highly skilled specialist in this area due to scientific activity of laboratory.   The Majilis Deputy of the Parliament of RK Irina Petrovna Aronova noted that work are performed in a high level.She was satisfied by the visit of KSU and wished further success.     KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina 
On June 24, 2016, the seminar, organized by the international affairs department of KSU, took place in the main building. Questions about the writing of project requests within the “ERASMUS+” program became a main topic of this action. One of the most important components of this program is "increase of potential in the higher education" (IPHE). This component includes financing of joint and structural projects, based on the multistakeholder partnership, and directed to development and modernization of curriculum and training programs, modern education methods, improvement of management and administration of universities, strengthening of communication between higher education institutions and production. The practical subjects have been touched at the seminar, such as establishing relations in the sphere of international partnership, and also writing of project requests for participation in the international grant projects of the “ERASMUS+” program, financed by the European Union.  KSU press secretary: A. Chechyotkina
On June 23, 2016, the training on Commercialization of research projects took place in A.Baitursynov KSU within the intergovernmental Kazakhstan-British program "Newton — Al-Farabi". Purpose of this training is skills strengthening of researchers for cooperation between science and business, and  also information  receiving about experience of technology transfer in Great Britain. This training was provided by IsisEnterprise consultants of the Oxford University Doctor Nathan Payk and Eva Baltar to help Kazakhstan researchers find sources of innovations, to learn to develop its and to commercialize.                            11 representatives of University took part in the training: 1. D.A.Kacheyev- head teacher of philosophy department, Candidate of Philosophical Science, master of history; 2. G.B.Yunussova - head of economic department, Candidate of Engineering Science; 3.B.Z.Akhmetova - head of languages and literature’s theory department, Candidate of Philological Sciences, VAK of RK associate professor; 4. D.O.Toshomanova – head teacher of languages and literature’s theory department, master of philosophy; 5. N.Sh.Manasbayeva - teacher of foreign philology department, master of humanities; 6. A.S.Sarbassova - teacher of foreign philology department, master of humanities; 7. Zh.Zh.Bermukhametov – teacher of veterinary and livestock technology department, master of engineering; 8. G.A.Abileva – teacher of biology and chemistry, master of natural science; 9. G.Yermagambetova – head teacher of informatics and mathematics department, master of natural science; 10. D.A.Ryumin - teacher of informatics and mathematics department, master of natural science; 11. A.E.Abdibekova – head of Linguistic Research Laboratory, master of humanities.   As a result, the scientists, who have taken part in training, will be able to increase quality of researches of their institutions, and also rating and reputation in the international research community.   KSU press secretary: A. Chechyotkina
On June 15, 2016, the meeting of guests from National veterinary school of Toulouse (ENVT) took place in Kostanay State University. Professor Pierre Sans and Professor Guy-Pierre Martineau visited KSU within the project of cooperation between ENVT and consortium of Kazakhstan higher education institutions, headed by Kazakh National Agrarian University.   The purpose of project is assistance to Kazakhstan higher education institutions in improvement of educational programs for veterinary science and achievements of its compliance to the European level, and also development of mobility of academic teaching staff within advanced training.   During the stay in Kostanay, guests had time to meet with management of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty, and also with heads of departments. The dean of faculty, Azamat Issabayev has provided the existing educational programs, and also the main information about faculty. In reply, Professor Pierre Sans has held the presentation about ENVT. This followed discussions of opportunities for cooperation development between Higher education institutions, both in academic, and in scientific spheres.       Also Veterinary clinic of KSU, Knowledge Center and Regional veterinary laboratory have been shown to guests.