Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


The republican competition for the best term paper (project) will take place from September 13 till October 17, 2016. The organizer of the competition is a scientific, productive and educational center «GENOFOND EVRAZII».  The participants of the competition can be the student of secondary and higher education institutions of all education forms. The age of participants is not important. Only the individual author can take part in the competition. Competition papers will be accepted until 15 October, 2016.   On October 25, 2016, the contest committee will reward winners by the diplomas of I, II, III degree. It should be noted that contestants, who won’t take a place, will receive certificates of participation. Teachers, who prepared the winner of I degree, will receive diploma for the winner training.   More information KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina  
On September 19, 2016, the public hearing on the implementation of the project «Holding of complex of actions aimed at the development of local government» took place at «Civil Alliance of Kostanay region» PF «Green» commissioned by the Department of internal policy of akimat of Kostanay region. Leaders of public opinion, education institutions on local government training, deputies of Youth maslikhat of Kostanay, apartment owners' cooperative, mass media were participants of this action. Working group for holding of complex of information actions, aimed at the awareness-raising of region citizens about legislative frameworks of local government, including rights of citizens on administration of the territory, was labeled at the public hearing.   Head teacher of management and business administration department of A.Baitursynov KSU G.E.Yessimkhan made a report.The subject of the report addressed the issues of training and development of local government personnel.
Everyone can render a selfless assistance those who really need it.  Every person should make good deeds and good things at least once in the lifetime. Any life situation can become the reason of need in something. One of such situations did not leave indifferent students of KSU. When they knew from newspaper «Kostanaiskiye Novosti», that Valentina Sergeyevna Nikulina needs a help, our students with organizer Kamil Kuanyshevich had gathered and had gone to the elderly woman for 100 kilometres with firewood and walking-stick. 1st and 3rd year students of Economics Faculty of KSU, Maryam Volynets and Abai Balmash helped to Valentina Sergeyevna. Students consider that people need not to think in such situations, they need to take active part. Be it financial help or labor. They helped to unload and put firewood for Valentina Sergeyevna. She wasn’t keeping her tears of joy when students presented walking-stick and promised to send food. Participants of this action think that young people should make more good deeds not just in words, but to make something in order to make people happy. Active participation in the charity events makes life of senior citizens brighter and better. KSU students have a lot of plans connected with charity. They created «Let’s help together Kostanay» community in Vkontakte. Now they are looking for active, responsive and hard-working volunteers. Anyone can join and help to people.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina 
International cooperation is an integral part of activity of Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay State University and important instrument in ensuring of the education quality and it conformity to the world standards. KSU cooperates with leading world Higher Education Institutions, takes part in realization of international programs. International cooperation with one of the best-known university of Poland - University of Lodz, confirms this fact. There was the partnership on the academic mobility with assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2013. Annually, KSU sends approximately 10 and more students in the University of Lodz up to 5 month of staying. In 2015, the bilateral agreement has been concluded within Europe program of ERASMUS + «International Credit Mobility (ICM) – projects on mobility for students and personnel of higher education institutions». It became possible to study abroad for our students. Heads of University of Lodz note that students of Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay State University are very talented and purposeful.   The rector of University of Lodz, professor  Vlodzhimezh Nykel sent a grateful letter for the effective partnership between Universities to the rector of Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay State University. KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina.
A a unique digital product – an Application “Kazakhstan Land of the Great Steppe” has been presented at the A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. (Presentation of Digital Application at the Law Faculty) (The holding of Round Table on Economics Faculty) (Presentation of Digital Application at the Economics Faculty) (Presentation of Application at the Agriculture and Biology Department) The application is a real digital encyclopedia about Kazakhstan, which includes a lot of set of themes. The application consists of 10 sections. There are geography, history, society, culture, state,international relations, economy, tourism, Astana and EXPO - 2017.   The application includes:   68 chapters, which have own  photo gallery. In total of more than 370 photos are in photo galleries; 24 videos; 12 objects of  3D-format 20 panoramic photos (photos of 360 degree views); 12 interactive 3D-graphics; 4 interactive 3D-maps.    The application will become an irreplaceable assistant for foreign citizen, who is going to visit Kazakhstan, and also for larger number of individuals - tourists, students, researchers, journalists and representatives of the business community.   You can download the extended version  of the application as a file  and install it on the personal computer. Mobile device versions are available in App Store and Play Market.
On September 17, 2016, «total dictation» took place at A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University on the basis of Language and Literature’s Theory Department. This action was devoted to the Languages Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Employees of Kostanay region akimat, journalists, students of KSU were participants of the dictation. Total number was 30 participants. The purpose of the dictation is a giving of an opportunity to check knowledge of language of the person and to promote interest to the increasing of literacy. Experts (teachers of Language and Literature’s Theory Department: A.T.Dossova, A.S. Orazbayeva, Sh.I.Tulegenova) checked the dictation and faced with the fact, that participants made orthographic mistakes, and also faults on punctuation at the direct speech and homogeneous parts of the sentence were in the dictation.   In general, participants wrote a dictation well. Results are following: 1 place -  Gulnur Abdurassilova; 2 place - Marzhan Alpys; 3 place - Akmaral Erpolat, Kunzhamal Kenzheakhmetova. There are students of our University.   Congratulations to winners!   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina