Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


The open curatorial hour «Who is who?» took place at the Journalism and Communication Management Department. Curator S.N.Mashkova met first year students in the improvised sitting room and has acquainted with teachers, who will teach them all four years. The conversation between teachers and students was in an informal setting and in a warm atmosphere. Students asked their questions, told about themselves, sang songs, read poems. It was a meeting of acquaintance of older generation with big life experience and younger generation, who entering an independent new life.
«Cup of EF freshmen - 2016» intellectual game, devoted to the Language Day of people of the Republic of Kazakhstan, took place on Economics Faculty. Teams of Economics, Accounting and audit, Finance, Government and local management specialties participated in the game. The game was consisted of three rounds, in which students could show their knowledge, ability to work in team and creativity. According to the results, the «Optimisty» team of Accounting and audit specialty won the game. Nurumbek Yessetov of Government and local management specialty was named the best player. All participants of game were awarded by certificates of merit and prizes from «Sparta» intellectual club.  
«Poetry reading», devoted to the Language Day of Kazakhstan among students of «Agronomy» specialty, took place at Agriculture and Biology Faculty. The first year students with state language of education participated actively in the action. They read poems, played the dombra and performed songs. Winners of the competition: 1 place - Olzhas Shomen and Symbat Orynbayeva (1 year students); 2 place - Oleg Kurinnoy (2 year students); 3 place - Karina Aktayeva (3 year students). Diplomas and valuable prizes were handed to the winners and all participants. The competition pointed that students showed great interest, willingness to demonstrate themselves and skills of the oral monological speech.   Competition winners of the 1 place: Olzhas Shomen and Symbat Orynbayeva Competition winner of the 2 place: Oleg Kurinnoy The Chairman of the Jury L.G.Orlova handed prize to 3 year students Karina Aktayeva Participants, organizer of competition, curators of 1,2 and 3 year students: E.M.Yekaterinskaya, D.S. Kultayeva, N.I.Shilova and B.M.Yeleuov.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina 
From 26 to 27 September 2016, two-day seminar of advanced training on the topic: «Management and administration of research projects» took place at A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University with the support of Professional Development and Engagement Centre within «Newton-Al-Farabi» Intergovernmental Kazakhstan and British Programme. Amos Fatokun (University of Bradford) and Tara Mitchell (international trainer, British Council) were invited as trainers of seminars. Participants of seminars were teachers and leaders of KSU: Yelena Kandalina, Nagima Manasbayeva, Gulnara Yunussova, Gulmira Abileva, Anara Mendybayeva, Aikumis Abdibekova, Yevgeniy Zolotukhin, Pavel Shevchenko, Akmaral Yeralina and Maksat Amantayev from Kazakh research institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture. Participants increased their knowledge and communication skills, which they will use further in the research activity. As the result, scientists can increase quality of researches of their organization, and also rating and reputation in the international research community. In general, seminar had been a very successful. Participants were satisfied by organization and conducting of the action. Such trainings give a chance to meet with colleagues of foreign universities for young scientists and doctors, and also to exchange by valuable experience, increase own professional development. At the end of seminar, certificates were handed to participants.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina
At the beginning of September 2016, IX General Assembly of International conference of Asian political parties (ICAPP) took place in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). The KSU professor of history department Dmitriy Maksimovich Legkiy took part in the work of the conference. D.M.Legkiy holds the course - «Modern integration processes and international regional organizations» for students of «Regional studies» specialty and therefore participation in the work of such organization as ICAPP allowed personally to ensure and understand peculiarities of international organization activity.  During own performance of plenary meeting, D.M.Legkiy thanked organizers of IX General Assembly of International conference of Asian political parties for the invitation on such important political forum and welcomed the participants. The theme of presentation was very sensitive - «Integration of Asian community as the alternative of Euro-Atlantic integration». This theme attracted interest of delegations members of Asian political parties, and also representatives of Western media. As the result of IX General Assembly, representatives of Asian political parties adopted the Kuala Lumpur Declaration of ICAPP. The participants agreed about need for common action on strategic issues of international security development, and first of all, fight against international terrorism. In addition, everybody was unanimous in the implementation of real economic integration, in cooperation measures for the reduction of poverty, climate change and ecological balance of Asian countries. At the end of conference, all participants were awarded by certificates. The participation of our professor in such important international forum found a strong response not only at the conference participants, but also keen interest at journalists of our students. On September 15,2016, there was an interview of D.M.Legkiy about foreign business trip at «Kostanayskie novosti» newspaper.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina 
Within the program implementation of personnel training for SPIID, the famous professor of information and communication sciences of Burgundy University (France) Daniel Reychvarg visited A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. From 19 to 22 September 2016, the professor was conducting advisory service in the building №2. Main themes of lecture were: Social responsibility of scientists, engineers, technicians; Scientific and technological models of existence of cultural facilities; Cultural model of existence of scientific and technological facilities; Situation of communication and interaction. The media and the public.   Daniel Reychvarg noted that in parallel with conducting advisory service; his one of the tasks is assessment and improvement of educational programs on food safety and mechanical engineering. Professor told about further inter-university plans. The student exchange on academic mobility and organization of seminars, lectures on food safety and engineering professions is planning in the future. The advisory services of professor met with strong interest according to number of questions, which were asked by students after lecture. At the end participants wished further interesting and creative meetings to each other.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina