Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On October 5, 2016, the round table on topic «Innovations in automotive industry» took place at the Engineering Technical Faculty of Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay State University. The professor of Seoul National University, head of mechanical engineering department Kyongsu Yi took part in the round table, and also academic teaching staff of mechanical engineering; electricity energetics and physics; machines, tractors and vehicles; software departments. The professor Kyongsu Yi told about Seoul National University, Engineering College and about laboratory of transportation vehicle dynamics. Also videos about researches of laboratory of transportation vehicle dynamics were viewed during the work of round table.
On October 6, 2016, the round table took place at the Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty. It is not a coincidence, that the topic of planned action «Organization of practice-oriented classes» wasselected and directed at popularization of State programme of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The round table was held with the participation of academic teaching staff of faculty, representatives of registration department, KSU curriculum and instruction department, lead specialists from enterprises and final-year students, master students and postdoctoral students. The programme included the following subjects: The question about training of skilled workers at the Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty, which presented by the Vice-rector for scientific work and external affairs Zh.B.Zharlygassov and dean of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty A.Zh.Issabayev.  The question about connection of science with production, which introduced the general director «Turar» LLP K.B.Ospanov and academic adviser «Turar» LLP, candidate of agricultural sciences M.Zh.Zhussupov, main specialist of educational and methodical management K.Ye.Orynbayeva. The professor of Veterenary and Livestock Technology department B.M.Muslimov and professor of Veterinary Medicine department V.I.Piontkovskiy summarized the discussion of the round table. The moderator of round table was head of Veterinary Medicine department,  phD M.Zh.Aubakirov. Participants of the round table: -academic teaching staff; - 3-4 year students; -master students; - postdoctoral students. Opening speech of KSU Vice-rector for scientific work and external affairs - Zh.B.Zharlygassov Statement of the general director «Turar» LLP K.B.Ospanov   Participants and listeners of round table intensely discussed touched topics. The particular interest was expressed in the question of mastering of practical skills of professional work, new technologies of feed measuring quality, reproduction technology of herd of cattle by students, master students, and postdoctoral students of VLTF. Some proposals for improving the quality of educational process were introduced at the end of discussion. Students need to master methods of work on new equipment and to take an interest in education and practical work.  The meeting with management of «Turar» LLP was organized for these reasons. The main result of the round table was that the contract of collaborative cooperation of University and enterprise about practice-oriented classes holding will be signed. Making the decisions of the round table In general, we consider that the purpose of the round table was achieved, parties reached an agreement about mutually beneficial partnership and further work, directed at education quality improving.
On October 6, 2016, the teacher day was celebrated at Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanay State University. The KSU rector Khussain Valiyev congratulated teachers, who worked many years, with professional day. Gifts and encouragement were for teachers in this day! The teachers were awarded: by Certificate of Merit of Kostanay region akimat for merits in development of education and science, high achievements in training of specialists, considerable advances in organization and improvement of academic and educational process, and also for active social activity. There were: head of foreign philology department, candidate of Philological Sciences Saule Zhabayeva, candidate of Historical Sciences Serikzhan Ismailov, head of etymological museum named after A.I.Protsenko Tatyana Marinenko. by Certificate of Merit of Kostanay region akim: candidate of Veterinary Sciences, acting as deputy  dean of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty Assylbek Batyrbekov, candidate of Philological Sciences Aitbibi Orazbayeva. by Certificate of Merit of Kostanay region Maslikhat: head teacher of Technical Service Department Gennadiy Savelyev, candidate of Veterinary Sciences Vladimir Sapa. by Rector Certificate of Merit: head teacher of Veterinary Sanitation Department Anar Yeleussizova, head teacher of Processing and Standardization Technologies Department Nurbol Yerish, head teacher of Information System Department Talgat Zhuaspayev, head teacher of Finance and Banking Department Gulzhanat Kaiyrbayeva, head teacher of Philosophy Department Zauresh Nazarbekovna, head teacher of Foreign Philology Department Oksana Nazarenko, head teacher of Economics Department Seitkaliy Turezhanon. by Rector letter of gratitude: head teacher of Software Department Olga Bizhanova, head teacher of Veterinary Medicine Zhursin Syzdykov, head teacher of Languages and Literature’s Theory  Department Zeinat Tasmagambetova.   Head teacher of Theory and History of State and Law Department Gulmira Akhmetkali was awarded by the Diploma of «Kostanay regional organization of Kazakhstan industrial trade union of education and science workers»social organization for high level of professionalism and active participation in Union activity. Turning to the colleagues, rector noted that KSU has always been directing at formation of the personality and training of highly qualified specialists. Thanks to painstaking work, professionalism and pedagogical excellence, students receive really qualitative knowledge and find the foundations, on which build their professional and personal development. The KSU rector Khussain Valiyev expressed sincere words for notable work and love to the profession. He wished everybody strong health, welfare of the family and success in all creative desires. The programme of celebrations in honor of Teacher Day was continued by the concert. Teachers thanked head of «Oner» studio Assiya Berkenova for unusual organization of Teacher Day, wonderful congratulations and amazing concert, which painted this holiday by bright colours.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina
Teacher Day is one of the most favorite professional holidays. In this day teachers receive congratulations from their pupils, who give flowers and gifts to them, make concerts, paint colourful wall newspapers and make traditionally self-government day in many higher education institutions. Students of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty congratulated their dear teachers. And from early morning, students were greeting teachers with flowers. In honour of Teacher Day, songs were playing during breaks. The tea-party was held at end of the day, where colleagues congratulated each other with this day. Students of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty congratulate all teachers of KSU with the holiday and wish them healthy, prosperity, happiness, incessant search for truth and knowledge, good relationship in the collective and inquisitive students!
On October 4, the youth initiative development center together with the higher student council organized «Elections in deans of students - 2016». This huge event brought together a lot of voters from among students. Each faculty represented several candidates, who prepared long and hard, made election campaigning in order to achieve their objective - to become student’s dean. Candidates were elected only from the list of the best and active students. Independent observers and students from «Jurisprudence» specialty have observed the electoral process. Elections were on the high level and results have ready.   Results of vote count «Elections in deans of students - 2016» of A.Baitursynov KSU   № Candidate full name Faculty Votes 1 A.Bazarbayeva ETF 22 M.Orazbekova ETF - 2 V.Kasyanova VLTF 8 D.Tokha VLTF 6 3 E.Karashin EF 26 B.Amanzholov EF 2 4 A.Shaikyn ABF 22 B.Amanzhol ABF 18 5 A.Kaliyeva ITF 9 M.Yeskendirova ITF 8 6 S.Chelyubayeva LF 17 A.Zinnatulina LF 8 7 E.Kizyayeva HSSF 13 P.Zhumabek HSSF - M.Zholdassov HSSF 12 
The debate tournament, devoted to 25 anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, with the support of «Green» alliance of Kostanay region took place at A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. Representatives of Kostanay State University, Kostanay Social Technical University, and Chelyabinsk State University participated in the action.  Topics of discussion were very interesting and relevant. The teams showed a great game. Readers of reports met with thunderous ovation. Alena Tulekova was recognized «Best judge» at the end of the game. The best speaker became the CSU representative Anatoliy Lyan. The first place took KSU representatives «Golos Boga» - Stanislav Pechnikov and Azamat Kamza. The second place took «Bez raznitsy» team - Altyn Bolatova and Anatoliy Lyan. The third place took debaters from «Besstydniki» team - Aleksandra Vildanova and Iskander Ismaganbetov. This debate tournament showed once again well-grounded and eloquence of KSU debaters of «Akhmet Urpaktary» club. We congratulate them with it and wish further success! Winners of tournament were awarded by Diplomas and gifts.