Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On October 12, 2016, the meeting of 4- year students of «Computers and Software» specialty and representatives of «PARUS-KAZ» company took place at the software department with the purpose of facilitating the employment of students and their social and psychological adaptation to the conditions of labour market. «PARUS-KAZ» company is one of the most large developers of the automate information and analytical system for government institutions and commercial organizations. Representative expressed the interest in students’ employment, told about peculiarities of their organization, about requirements conditions, work related to specialty and answered questions of future graduates.
On October 12, 2016, open curatorial hour of teacher of Psychology and Pedagogy Department O.Yelchishcheva, devoted to World Mental Health Day, took place at Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Kostanay State University. The purpose of action is to give information about mental health, about expansion of depression, schizophrenia, psychosocial disabilities to students, and also about approaches and practices of it strengthening, prevention and treatment.    The psychologist of psychological and narcological clinic G.A.Bissembayeva, psychologist of the first local hospital of Kostanay O.N.Simanchuk, who are graduates of  Psychology and Pedagogy Department in 2014, were invited on curatorial hour, and also students from all specialties of faculty. The psychologists G.A.Bissembayeva and O.N.Simanchuk read reports on the topic «About prevention of abuses - narcotics, alcohol and tobacco smoking», «About stress prevention». Students of all specialties «Psychology» prepared interesting, informative, thematic presentations about human mental and psychological health. They gave detailed information about the support necessity of healthy lifestyles and positive attitude towards the environment. The given information will help to maintain mental and psychological health to listeners and prevention of abuses, stress, and development of psychosomatic illness. 
In the framework of World Sight Day and on the eve of the Health Day, the seminar «Sight role in human life» took place at Kostanay State University on October 12, 2016. Seminar was organized by economics department of Kostanay State University with the support of trustee of largest and local, pharmaceutical company, leaders of Kazakhstan market «Chimpahrm» JSC. Ophthalmologist of urban polyclinic №3 of Kostanay Vyacheslav Viktorovich Dubinin gave a lecture to students and academic teaching staff. The academic teaching staff of economics department, students of economics, engineering technical, and veterinary and livestock technology faculty with a total number more than 80 people took part in the action. During the seminar listeners knew about risk factor and prevention measures and treatment of acute chronic diseases of eyes. Students were showing a great interest and took active part in the discussion of the topic. Besides, everybody, who wanted to check eyes with use of modern electronic Sivtsev-Golovin table, had an opportunity to receive free consultation of the ophthalmologist. Also company-sponsor gave the information souvenirs to participants.  
On October 11, 2016, training on the topic «Legal security of journalists in Internet» among students of «Journalism» specialty took place at the main building of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. The organizer was «Legal Media Centre» social fund, which protects rights of journalists. The director of fund Diana Okremova and expert in the field of national and international media-right Gulmira Birzhanova held the training. The action aim to teach the journalists about the legal literacy in the Internet, share with the national and international experience of Internet legislation, ethical standards of work in Internet, protection of personal data, and also private life in virtual space. According to words of trainers, not all changes in Kazakh legislation are good for journalists; some changes caused concerns, because are formulated not exactly. The participants studied examples from international experience; also they took part in the practical exercise, thinking about situations in the professional sphere. Every person can ask the question and receive the proper answer at the end of training.
From 19 to 23 September, 2016, group of representatives took part in the seminar-training at Czech University of Life Science within Erasmus + programme of «Competence of Central Asian Universities in the field of Agrarian policy on protection of environment and land-use, ECAP». Lectures were held on the topics: Management of land, soil and water resources; Development and implementation of environmental policy; Planning of land-use and agriculture: Experience and issues of Austria; Remote sensing and GIS as an instrument for sustainable management of land resources; EU and new developments in the field of agricultural policy; Environment protection within one agricultural policy of EU.   Steering committee meeting of ECAP project was also held on the plan of seminar. Prague tours were organized for participants of the training, and also they visited the brewery and got to know production technology of Czech beer. The certificates were handed to participants at the end of seminar. The next seminar will be organized in February, 2017.
Within the intergovernmental Kazakh - British programme «Newton-Al-Farabi», Professional Development and Cooperation Centre, created on the basis of Akhmet Baitursynov KSU, provided training on preparation of proposals and fundraising for research projects. The purpose of the training was researchers’ skills improvement on submission of applications for financing of their research projects, and also interaction improvement with local and international partners. One-day training took place at the main building of University. 19 representatives of University took part in the training. There were master students, predoctoral students, teachers, specialists of International Office. The result of the action is that the scientists, who took part in training, can increase knowledge and skills, which they will use in the further research activity, and can improve research quality of the University, and also rating and reputation in international research community. The certificates were handed to participants at the end of training.