Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


«Autumn’s drive - 2016» international festival assembled representatives of Funny and Inventive Club of different cities in Troitsk. According to the results, «Dendi» team from KSU took pride second place among 22. We congratulate them with victory, thank for bright and amazing performance, and wish further success and achievements!
On October 18, 2016, the round table on the topic: «Inter-religious consent - basis of independence » took place at the main building of A.Baitursynov KSU. It was organized by the Problems Study of Inter-ethnic and Inter-religious Consent’s Centre at the University. Representatives of academic and artistic intellectuals, traditional clergy, ethno-cultural association, academic teaching staff, mass media, and students of University were invited on the action. Speakers of the round table were vice-rector for academic affairs and educational work A.Absadykov, main specialists of the Religion Affairs Department of Kostanay region’s akimat N.Abishev, naib-imam of «Maral Ishan» mosque Bakytzhan Ikramuly, and priest of Kostanay and Rudny diocese, archpriest Father Vitaliy. Students made reports. The 2nd year student of «Journalism» specialty Aisulu Zimina made a speech on topic «Inter-religious consent - basis of national consent in Kazakhstan», the 4th year student of «Biotechnology» specialty Dariya Shilova - on the topic «Ways of spirituality knowledge», the 1st year student of «Translation Study» specialty Assemgul Ayapova - on the topic «Model of inter-religious consent in RK».     Participants of the round table noted that our consistent policy was recognized in the international community. It is directed on tolerance providing, inter-ethnic and inter-religious consent of representatives of all nationality, living in our country and representing one people of Kazakhstan. Nation, which actively builds competitive modern and secular State. 
The head of Youth Initiative Development Center B.N.Kaliyev and main specialist of this center M.M.Tolesh agitated 11th grade pupils of  S. Maulenov gymnasium-school with the purpose of  drawing attention of school leavers to the «KSU is my choice» project. They told about contest conditions to the pupils. The term of application submission was extended until November 15. It was noted that all videos, corresponding to the conditions will be loaded on Youtube channel of KSU Press-Service. Contest conditions: 1. Obligatory presence of an intro at the beginning of the video. 2. Video duration should be 3-5 minute. 3. In the content of the videos, the following information should be: entrance reason in A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University; entrance reason at the chosen specialty by the applicant and prospects of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University’s diploma; «KSU is my choice» phrase should be present at least two times. 4. The official logo of A.Baitursynov KSU should be at the bottom left of video, the size has to be visible and with transparency of 50%. 5. The video format: FULL HD, image size: minimally 720p. Form of application Contest conditions
«Dombyra-Duman» Republican Festival took place at Kostanay in honour of celebration of 45 years of Kostanay academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Sh. Kabylbayev. The young dombrists from astana, Almaty, Karaganda, Aktobe took part on the festival. The programme consisted from 2 nominations: kyui and national song. 2-year student of humanities and social sciences faculty of Kostanay State University Nursultan Kassym took 2nd place. Also 2-year student of humanities and social sciences faculty of KSU Yersultan Zhaksybay and 4-year student of economics faculty of KSU were awarded by the honorary certificate of the festival.
The meeting with the Grand Imam of «Maral Ishan» mosque of Kostanay Region B.N.Tazhimbetov on the topic «Modern conditions and current problems of Islamic Religion» took place at Students’ House № 2 of A.Baitursynov KSU. The leader of Religion Affairs Department of Kostanay region N.K. Nugurbekov took part in the discussion and also specialist of Youth Policy Department of Kostanay akimat A.Karatayeva, vice-rector for academic affairs and educational work A.A.Absadykov, director of KSU Religion Researches Centre Zh.A.Shauenov and main specialist of Youth Initiative Development Centre M.M.Tolesh. The topical issues of religion were discussed during the action. Bakhytbek Nurgabyluly told about main constants of Islam, methodology of identifying destructive religion movements and proper sources of information for spiritual development.  
The dance competition of flash mobs among youth of region took place at the centre of Kostanay. The Department of the Ministry of Public Services of RK in Kostanay region organized the action together with Education Department, Youth Policy Department of Kostanay Akimat.   11 teams from among active youth of HEIs, colleges, youth social associations and initiative groups took part in the competition. The «Badrissafa» dance group of A.Baitursynov KSU took 2nd place and it is a very good result. KSU students are planning to take active part in such actions.