Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Modern etiquette is a special code of good manners and rules of behavior. On October 26, 2016, the training seminar «Golden rules in etiquette» took place at «Bilim Ortalygy» SL. The 1st year students demonstrated their knowledge of etiquette in the seminar. There were rules of acquaintance and greeting each other, behavior in the theatre, shops, public transport, and rules of official visits and reception of visitors, table setting and behavior at mealtime. The associate professor of Languages and Literature’s Theory department A.T.Dossova took active part in the training seminar. The reading room was filled by students and it shows that they interests in this subject. Young people understand that etiquette knowledge is one of the components of successful career.
The regional sport contest was held among workers of education and science of Kostanay region, dedicated to 25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The competition included two types of sport: Cross country running and intellectual games. The purpose of the action is a health promotion, propaganda and popularization of track-and-field among workers of education, organizing of active rest, identifying of the strongest athletes and teams. The workers of education system and chairman of union organization of higher education institution, colleges of regions and Kostanay took part in the competition. The results of A.Baitursynov  KSU team: professor Yuriy Bondarenko took 1st place (checkers), maintenance assistant Nikita Tkachenko - 1st place (track-and-field  athletics), head trainer of polyathlon Yuliya Zelenskaya - 1st place (track-and-field  athletics), teacher of Physical and sport education department Arman Kakashev - 1st place (togyzkumalak), head teacher of Mechanical engineering department Farid Tulubayev - 2nd place (chess), chairman of trade union committee Nurlan Mamiyev - 3rd (commander’s run), laboratory assistant of ITF Samal Mausymbayeva - 3rd place (togyzkumalak), teacher of EF Zhuldyz Tolegen, teacher of VLTF Inna Brel-Kissilyova and head of technology of livestock products department Gulshat Shaikamal showed good results. KSU team took 1st place in the overall standing. It is an indicator of high relation of University leaders to promoting of physical education and sport in labour collectives and also health care, fortitude. The winners were awarded by the diplomas of Education Department and regional committee of trade union committee, and also by valuable prizes. KSU sport team is ready to continue honing sport skills and successfully implement it in new victory and athletic performance.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina
On October 21, 2016, «Social ideas and projects fair» contest of regional Civic Forum was held within the framework of the state grant of Centre for the Support of Civil Initiatives and Ministry of religious affairs and civil society.   The project of 4 year student of the speciality «Journalism» Zhanbolat Kenzhegul was presented on the contest. The teacher S.T.Seitova was the supervisor of the Zhanbolat’s project. The project was recognized as one of the best project in «Zhastar birlastigi» nomination and became the contest winner. The state grant was allocated for the project implementation.
Since ancient times, Kazakhstan is famous for talented people. One of them is the 3 year student of humanities and social sciences faculty of A.Baitursynov KSU Nursultan Kassym, who masters by music art from the age of 12. Kazakh national instrument dombyra is an inalienable part of his life. The gifted student of University took part not only in local competitions, but also in regional and republican competitions. Every time he enslaves hearts of listeners by his talent and takes prize places. The regional festival of national ensembles «Gassyrlar pernessi» of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held last week in honour of 25 year celebration of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The instrumental ensembles from Altynsarin, Amangeldy, Fedorov region and Arkalyk showed own mastery. Also performers from Mendykara region and Kostanay performed terme in front of an audience. Nursultan Kassym played the «Toibastar» song of Kashagana Kurzhimanova on dombyra. He received the souvenir as the best performer. Nursultan told that his main purpose is to raise national culture and glorify Kostanay region and Kostanay State University.    KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina
On October 21, 2016, the A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University’s students of Kazakh-language section of «Journalism» specialty became participants of republican webinar on the topic: «Information journalism». The webinar was organized by the representation of Internews Network and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of the project of support access to information with participation of «Aituga onay» talk show host Beisen Kuranbek. The issues, such as «Theme identifying of information material, interview», «How to find a Hero?», were discussed on the webinar. Special group of specialists, which accepted questions, worked simultaneously for connection between audience and trainer. The connection with the webinar was from 212 auditorium of humanities and social sciences faculty. The famous journalist shared his advices and noted that the journalist profession needs a permanent studying. And also person, who wants to become a real journalist, should choose it from the beginning of profession choosing. The webinar was useful for young and future journalists. The participants of webinar received answers to interesting questions in half an hour.  
The meeting with the prizer of republican competition of young poets, journalists, «Shabyt» prize winners, leader of «Or torgaiym» expedition Abylay Maydanov took place at A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. The meeting was organized by the Biology and Chemistry Department of Agriculture and Biology Faculty. «Uly Dala» quartet of Kostanay Regional Philharmonic named after E.Umurzakov was a part of invited guests. The literary evening was opened by watching video about work and achievements of young poet. A.Maudanov told about interesting stories from his life, drew the attention on book reading necessity and advised works of M.Shakhanova and T.Abdikova during the performance. A.Maudanov’s poetry is filled with love to the native land, glorifying nature of Torgay steppe, outskirts of the city Kostanay and it’s landmarks. Satirics took important place among poet’s poems. A.Maudanov wrote the lyrics on «Totydaiyn» song, which is being sung by the famous singer Toregali Torali. This popular song was played by students at the meeting, and also «Torgaisha seni suiyemin» and «Kuz suretteri» poems were read. Associate professor of Agronomy Department of Agriculture and Biology Faculty Amanzhol Zulkarnayuly personally congratulated A.Maudanov with the achievements and wished progress in creativity. At the end of the meeting, 3 year students of «Biology» specialty sang the song «Tugan zher».