Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On November 15, 2016, the Financier Day was celebrated according to the tradition at the economic faculty. Academic teaching staff of Finance and Banking Department and students of Finance speciality celebrated the professional holiday - Financier Day. Also this holiday is connected with the introduction of national currency - tenge  in circulation. The competition among groups of department on the best wall newspaper was announced on the eve of holiday. As part of the celebration of Financier Day, the students of all courses of Finance speciality under the leadership of teacher A.S.Salkina, who responsible for educational work of department, were organized holiday actions, which included: congratulations of Academic teaching staff and concert programme. Students wished each other to become first-class, competitive and conscientious specialists just like teachers of University.
On November 10, 2016, scientific practical seminar on the topic: «Modern laboratory instruments for science and food industry» took place at conference hall of KSU. The organizers of the action and moderators of discussion were representatives of «DistriTech» company: «Anton-Paar» (Austria), Serik Akhmetov and Dietmar Kroger. About 40 representatives of different organizations of Kostanay region were on the meeting and also scientific workers of Kostanay State University. The purpose of the seminar is a presentation of new decisions in the world of analytical and measuring laboratory instruments. Participants had an opportunity to learn theoretically new laboratory instruments, and also ask questions directly to representatives of the company. «Anton-Paar» Company (Austria) is one of the biggest manufacturers of high precision equipment for laboratories and control of product quality on industrial lines. The company operates 95 years. The representative of the company in Kazakhstan Dietmar Kroger said that he had been working 15 years in Kazakhstan and visited it in 2000 for the first time. He noted that a lot of things had changed during this period, especially economic situation in the country, and the purpose of the company was not only to sell instruments, devices, but also supported connection with clients. The representative of the «DistriTech» company Serik Akhmetov told to seminar participants about laboratory equipment delivery for Higher Education Institutions and about new modern instruments. The emphasis in the presentation was placed on the quality of equipment, which was provided. The participants exchanged experiences and shared opinion at the end of the seminar.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina 
From October 3 to November 8, 2016, the laboratory assistants of practical psychology laboratory at the psychology and pedagogic department Zh.Zh.Romasheva and G.Kh.Ibrayeva held trainings on the topic: «Adaptation of first year students». 720 students from all faculties took active part in this educational action. Such form of work is one of more effective form of work with the students. Group form of the training allows easily enough modeling process of interpersonal interaction, practicing different situations taking into account individual development level of communicative activity of each student. Students made all exercises and were satisfied by received results. There were lively trainings, students took active part in the work and knew a lot about each other. They shared positive impression at the end of every training. Also students knew about activity of practical psychology laboratory. The organizers of the trainings recommend holding more frequently such actions of educational measures to deputy deans for educational work, curators and advisors.
The competition of intellectual and innovative projects «Serpin Start-Up» was held among owners of grants of social project «Mangilik El Zhastary - Industriyaga» - «Serpin -2050» in A.Baitursynov KSU. The competition was proceeded in two stages. The contest chairman G.Berkenova gave details about purposes and objectives of the action to the participants, about criteria of business- projects assessing and report rules. The expert commission took the decision to award by: the diploma of the 1st place: project «Insektitsidti darilik preparattardy zhassau». The project owner: Moldir Tlemis - 2nd year student of speciality «Veterinary Medicine». The research advisor: Aubakirov Marat Zhaksylykovich; the diploma of the 2nd place: project «Zhanuarlar olikterin tekhnikalyk zhoyudyn kazirgi kesdegi adisteri». The project owner: Aidana Akim - 2nd year student of speciality «Veterinary Medicine». The research advisor: Zhabykpayeva Aigul Gabyssovna; the diploma of the 3rd place: project «Kazakstandyk bilim beru robototechikassy». The project owner: Yersayat Sadyk, Gaukhar Torebek - 2nd year student of speciality «Computer and Software». The research advisor: Bermagambetov Askar Kainallayevich. The comments were made to the projects, which didn’t pass the final, and also recommendations were given: to make analysis of the market, to calculate and demonstrate recoupment mechanisms of the project and profits, to specify technological part of projects and provide calculations of project profitability.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina  
Celebration Concert of talented youth of University called «Onerlinin orissi ken» took place at the assembly hall of 2 building of A.Baitursynov KSU.  The purpose of the action is a creation of conditions for creative self-realization of youth and development of creativity. Students, who study on «Serpin - 2050» programme and also students of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty, Agriculture and Biology,  Engineering Technical and Information Technology Faculty performed at the concert. Students of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty Nazken Islambek and Gulfairuz Bakytzhan performed first with the Uzbek dance. Saltanat Kapparova and Assem Yermekbay danced modern «Hip-hop». Moldir Tlemis sang the song «Ana-ake». Student of Engineering Technical Faculty Meyirbek Mukhanmediyarov performed terme «Kyzym-au, sagan aitamyn». He sang sincerely that nobody was left emotionless. Student of Agriculture and Biology Faculty Assanali Abdrazan, who study on «Serpin - 2050» programme, performed the song «Kazakh zhastary». Audience had a lot of fun from his song. Students not only sang and danced, but also showed mastery of performance of Kazakh kyuis on the dombra. The results were summed up in the end of the concert and the best participants received diplomas and memorable prizes. The head of «Oner» studio invited all talented students in the studio for development of creative abilities. Concerts will continue with the purpose of talented youth support of our University. The concert passed at the highest level.   KSU press-secretary: Alla Chechetkina 
The official meeting for educational process and organizational matters of military department (MD) took place at Kostanay State University.  KSU rector Khussain Valiyev, rector’s advisor Mikhail Dauyenov, head of military department Bulat Tokin, heads of University, personal officer personnel and students of military department were presented at the meeting. The rector Kh. Valiyev congratulated all 149 students, who passed hard military election, and noted that military department opening is a big confidence and happy occasion for our University. The rector said that students would study tactics, receive marksmanship and technical training. According to the rector, 12 girls-students of University expressed the wish to study at military department. The rector’s advisor, Major General Mikhail Dauyenov also congratulated the students. He said to students that they would be future officers of Armed Forces of RK and Motherland defenders; they were ancestors’ descendants of Great Kazakh Steppe, who have defended and created Kazakh nationhood, students have had everything they need for successful study in order to meet the requirements and firmly endure toughness and difficulties of the military study, to learn how subordinated to the commanders, to execute regulations of Armed Forces in full obedience and proudly wear a military uniform. Mikhail Dauyenov noted that they would be not only civil students, but students of military department and also the hope of their parents, authority of the faculty and pride of the University. The head of military department, colonel Bulat Tokin clearly and emotionally told about the education advantages on military department, peculiarities of recruitment, development tendencies of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students expressed a keen interest to the topic, actively asked questions connected with education on military department. The head of planning management and academic matters department of KSU Arman Ismailov also gave a presentation to students.  He said that education on military department is a voluntary and independent decision of the students. Also he noted that it is a large workloads, because except studying on the military department, students shouldn’t forget about main study in University, and also students will have responsibility for the participation in University and faculty events on educational, sport and scientific directions. As a result of the meeting, students obtained conclusive information about studying on the military department and service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The colonel B.Tokin thanked the KSU rector Kh.Valiyev for the implementation of the plans and opening the military department in A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University.     KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina