Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On November 22, 2016, the game of Club of the Funny and Inventive was held on rector cup among faculties in the assembly hall of 2 building of KSU. 9 teams participated in the game. There were Algabas (EF), Shapalak (ABF), Adilet (LF), Zhatakhana (Student house №1), Eligant (ETF), VETFAK (VLTF), Ademi (HSSF), KSU MAN (Student house №2), Izbassarlar (ITF). The assembly hall didn't have any available seats. The «Algabas» team of economic faculty opened the game. The audience has been waiting for ambitious and high-potential team: «KSU MAN», which met all expectations and received storm of applause. The jury discussed and then called the winner, who got into the semifinal. There were KSU MAN, Ademi, Zhatakhana, Adilet, Izbassarlar, VETFAK, Algabas. The cup of Club of the Funny and Inventive was awarded to «KSU MAN» team. The best actress became the student of HSSF Rakhym Zhazira. The best actor became the student of ABF Beissenbek Meirambek. The best musician became Rakhym Zhazira.   All teams of KSU confirmed the status and showed strong play. The participants demonstrated an adequate standard of humour and acting skills. Audience and jury had fun. The action passed on the high emotional level.   KSU press-secretary: Alla Chechetkina
On November 19, 2016, ceremonial sport festival - «Health Day», dedicated to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place at Humanities and Social Science Faculty of KSU. The programme included «Joyful starts», volleyball, draughts, Ping-Pong and darts. Peculiarities of tournament were in collaborative competition of teachers and students on one sport fields. It is a great opportunity for everybody to become closer to each other and fix team spirit in the collective. Also competitions became unforgettable holiday of sport for the faculty, and participants received only pleasant impression. The collective of HSSF thanked all teachers and students for the participation, department of Physical and Sport Training for the organization and holding of the competitions, trade committee for the sponsorship and support. In the end of competitions, winners were awarded by diplomas and monetary remuneration.
On November 18, 2016, teachers and students of pedagogy and psychology department of KSU took part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference «Development of social and stable, innovative environment of sustainable pedagogical education» of N.F.Katanov Khakassia State University. Online section on the theme «Scientific discussion: questions of pedagogy and psychology» was held in the laboratory of innovative educational technologies. Moderators of online-section were Yaparova Olga Georgiyevna - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor of department of psychological and pedagogical education of Institute of sustainable pedagogical education of N.F.Katanov KhSU (Abakan) and Regel Olga Vladimirovna - magister of pedagogical science, head teacher of psychology and pedagogy department of A.Baitursynov KSU (Kostanay). Also issues of psychology of personality in the education conditions: problems and perspectives of development were discussed. C.P.S. N.N.Niyazbayeva and magister of social sciences Zh.Zh.Romasheva presented the reports on current issues of pedagogy and psychology. The colleagues from Khakassia State University shared experience and told about scientific approach to the development of project activity and about importance of psychological comfort. The participants of the action participated in discussion of raised questions with big interest. On such actions the scientific experience is exchanged, colleagues actively present new methodologies and technologies, which promote to the increasing of professional competence not only for teachers, and for students. 
The delegation of University of Burgundy arrived in KSU within the framework of the State Programme. From 14 to 18 November, French scientists took part in University actions. Rector of University met with scientists and noted the importance of delegation arrival. The foreign delegation was composed of doctor of science, professor, vice-rector for educational and research activity - Frederic Debeaufort; doctor of science, professor, research group on study of microbiological processes in the food - Gaelle Roudaut; doctor of science, professor, dean of mechanical engineering faculty - Luis Le Moyne; doctor of science, professor, head of research group on electrically driven automobiles of mechanical engineering faculty - Sidi - Mohammed Senouci; doctor of science, professor, head of research group «Strength and Composite structures of materials» of mechanical engineering faculty - Shahram Aivaz Zaden. The visit purpose of foreign guests is a creation of dialog between Kostanay and foreign experts, establishing of extensive exchange of experience, introduction to regional Higher Education Institution and discussing of issues of further cooperation in the field of education. In particular, it is a question of experience exchange of teaching techniques, realization of SPIID programme, coordination of different scientific researches and implementation of collaborative scientific, research programmes, organization of cooperative seminars, conferences and symposiums. The French scientists visited museum of regional studies and A.Baitursynov museum, got acquainted with academic teaching staff, learnt more about departments, laboratories, and also about landmarks of Kostanay. On November 14, round table with academic teaching staff of KSU was held in the conference hall of main building. Informational educational presentation about KSU was presented for foreign scientists. The evening of variety and jazz music with participation of municipal jazz orchestra «Big Band» under the leadership of Honoured Artist of RK A.Yevsyukov and artists of Philharmonic. On November 16, delegation visited food enterprise «Kostanayskiy melkombinat» JSC and mechanical engineering enterprise «Saryarka AvtooProm» LLP. The vice-rector for scientific work and external affairs of KSU Zh.B.Zharlygassov and head of external affairs department Ye.M.Kandalina summed up the results of the visit, and noted that gathered experience of collaboration represents a potential for widening and deepening this cooperation.    KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina
On November 17, 2016, the International Students Day was celebrated in KSU. The holiday associates with big celebration and bright parties, which are held by students in order to remember unforgettable memories about funny student years. Our students held Understudy Day in this day. The university activists independently organized the expanded session of rectorate and discussed pressing problems. The vice-rector for scientific work and external affairs of KSU Zh.B.Zharlygassov congratulated students and recommended to spend quality time in university, namely by the classes attending and participation in social life. Zh.B.Zharlygassov said that students of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University had more opportunities of receiving quality education and one of the opportunities was an academic mobility. He noted that some years ago only a few students could to leave Kazakhstan, but now students easily could go to HEIs of Czech Republic, Poland and other foreign educational institutions. He emphasized that students should spent more time learning not only Kazakh and Russian languages, but also English. Students prepared presentations and performed with reports. The participants noted much positive and interesting for themselves. KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina
The debate tournament, dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was held in Kokshetau. Team from Astana, Almaty, Karaganda, including Kostanay and other cities took part in the competition. 24 teams were in total. Following the results of the contest, «Amankeldi tarlandary» team from Kostanay region received the main prize. The first speaker of the team was 2 year student of Humanities and Social Science Faculty of «Journalism» speciality Nurislam Zhumakenov, who received the main prize. We congratulate Nurislam with victory!