Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


The open curatorial hour on topic «Non-traditional religion movements in Kazakhstan» was held by the psychology and pedagogy department of KSU. The teacher Zh.Zh.Romasheva was the moderator of action. Within the curatorial hour such questions as the culture and religion, destructive religious associations, methods of involving in the destructive religious movements, religious extremism and terrorism were considered. The invited guests were on this action: D.A.Dissyukov - specialist of analysis and monitoring department of «Centre of research religious problems» of Kostanay; Yu.Ya.Bondarenko - associate professor of philosophy department; Zh.A.Shaukenov - director of «Centre of problems of interethnic and interfaith consent» of Kostanay and also 3 year students of speciality «Psychology». D.A.Dissyukov went first. He told about activity of destructive religious associations and its methods of recruitment in the accessible and interesting formats for students, providing examples from our daily life. The video «Influence of the destructive religious associations on the person» was demonstrated after his speech. Yu.Ya.Bondarenko explained the problem of relationship between culture and religion. Zh.A.Shaukenov spoke about modern religious situation in Kazakhstan and about the origins of religious extremism and terrorism. Students took active part in discussion, asked the interesting questions and expressed own views. After that the anonymous survey on the topic «Can you fall under someone’s influence?» was held. At the end of event, students received sheets in the form of rays of the sun, on which they wrote recommendations about action, which need to do, in order not to become victim of destructive religious associations. They stuck rays to the sun, which was illustrated on the whatman. Also all participants received booklets «Religion and tolerance».
The lecture on the topic «Be careful: tuberculosis doesn’t rest» took place at the 2nd building of KSU with the purpose of the propaganda of healthy lifestyle and disease prevention among students. The lecture was read by the specialist of Kostanay Region Centre of formation problems of healthy lifestyle Sholpan Shaimardanovna Suleimenova. About 105 students of 1 and 2 year of economic faculty listened to the lecture. Students knew more about tuberculosis and how it spreads, about first symptoms and methods of treatment of this disease. They showed great interest and took active part in discussion of the theme. They were interested in the diagnosis and prevention of tuberculosis. Youth were called for the responsible relation to their health and timely passing of the annually fluorographic and X-ray examination.
  The two-day training Researcher Connecton upgrade the qualifications of researchers took place at the main building of KSU within the Intergovernmental Kazakhstan-British program «Newton - Al - Farabi». Researcher Connect is a series of interactive educational courses for researchers, who are at any stage of research activity and work in any academic area. These courses directed on professional development with the focus on improvement of communication skills in the international context. The training was held by the invited specialist and Vice-President of Kazakh Academy of Information and Business, business-trainer of KIMEP and MMD Global Consulting, associated professor of Kazakh - American University Elmira Ibrayeva. 14 representatives of University and research institutions of Kostanay, Kostanay region and Chelyabinsk State University took part in the work of training. The participants increased knowledge and skills of academic letter, which they will use in their future research activity. The participants of training can increase quality of researches of own establishment, and also rating and reputation in international research community. At the end of training, the participants received diplomas, which affirmed active participation in the seminar.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina
On November 30, 2016, the training on the topic «Prevention of HIV infection» took place at 309 room of building № 2 on the eve of World AIDS Day and for the purpose of propaganda of a healthy lifestyle among student youth. The training was held by the specialist of Kostanay regional centre of problem formation of healthy lifestyle Sholpan Shaimardanovna Suleimenova. The training was held for academic teaching staff and 3 year students of all speciality of economic faculty. In total were more than 40 people. During the meeting, the audience became aware of the symptoms of disease, HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission. Also participants became familiar with the statistics of disease development in the world and in our region. The students expressed big interest and took active part in discussion. The booklets were given to the participants of training.
Health Day of economic faculty, dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, took place at the gym hall of A.Baitursynov KSU. The importance of the action was that teachers together with students took part in all sport events. On this day, the academic teaching staff and students of economic faculty competed in the game «Joyful starts» and in such sports, as volleyball, draughts, darts and tug-of-war. The winners were determined during the event. «Most joyful team» became the team of academic teaching staff and students from finance and banking department, «Most friendly team» - the team of academic teaching staff and students from management and business administration department, «Most active team» - the team of accounting and audit department, «Most funny team» - the team of economic department. The owner of the cup and title «Most athletic department of economic faculty - 2016» became the team of academic teaching staff and students from management and business administration department. EF staff expressed gratitude to all teachers and students for participation, to physical and sport training department for organization and holding, to chairman of trade union committee N.B.Mamiyev for sponsorship. The diploma and remuneration were awarded to the winners of event at the end. «Health Day» of economic faculty presented the bright emotions, positive and unforgettable impressions to the participants of sport event.
On November 25, 2016, as part of the charitable action «25 Good deeds», students and workers of our University had an opportunity to help on a voluntary basis to people, who are in need of the blood and it components, and also took part in Donor Day. The permanent donors of our Higher Education Institution wait and prepare to the Donor day, and they also actively interested in the date of regular arrival of mobile health-care services of blood establishments. Because blood is needed constantly.   Before blood giving, the doctors of regional blood centre previously informed the students and workers of KSU about preparation to blood giving, advices about nutrition and recommendations connected with well-being. The chairman of trade union committee Nurlan Bekentayevich Mamiyev on behalf of University management expressed his gratitude to participants. He noted that he was glad because more than 200 students and teachers supported the important event. After blood giving, the participants of action received rest days.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina