Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


The round table on the topic «Regional mass media in conditions of multimedia technology» with participation of editors of city and regional mass media and heads of management of internal policy of akimat of Kostanay region took place at the conference hall of A.Baitursynov KSU. The main speaker was a Russian scientist I.M.Dzyaloshinskiy, doctor of philological sciences, professor of National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow).  He drew attention of audience on the issue «Journalism in the system of social institutes». Also students of «Journalism» speciality of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University took part in the work of the round table. They asked the questions, which interested them.
The creative evening, dedicated to the completing education of 4 year students of «Psychology», passed in the assembly hall of the main building of KSU. The students and teachers of psychology and pedagogy department summed up the results of the education in the University during the concert. The dean of humanities and social sciences faculty S.Zh.Berdenova and head of psychology and pedagogy department S.T.Zhumarova handed grateful letters and honorary certificates to the students, who proved their active work during the study. The adviser and curator of the group O.V.Elchisheva handed «psychological» certificates to all students and noted individual characteristics of each student. The students expressed their gratefulness to all teachers of department. Also transfer of symbolic «Key of knowledge to psychology» was held by the head of group of 4 course S.Tkeneva to the head of group of 3 course A.Kolpakova with good wishes. The concert was full of creative performances both graduates and students of younger groups of speciality, and also invited guests from other faculties. The event passed in friendly and warm atmosphere and unified students and teachers of psychology and pedagogy department.
On December 7, 2016, the students of «Finance and banking» department visited the Adaptation Centre for mothers with children of Kostanay within the realization of «KSU - territory of good deeds» programme and on the eve of celebration of 25 years of Independence Day of the country. The students prepared the bags with sweets, fruits and toys for small habitants of the centre, also they organized musical programme with the dance and games. During the time when the students communicated with children, they tried to cheer they up, to play with them, to provide the care and give positive emotions. The charity event has been important not only for children and mothers, but also for students. Such event gives an opportunity to feel useful for society, to show own civil liability and realize fully meaning of the words «Big country - big family».
XI Innovative Congress passed in the Palace of Peace and Accord. This year congress focuses on four important areas for the Republic of Kazakhstan: energy, new materials, information and communication technology (automation, robotics, digitalization), deep processing in the agricultural sector. Congress was organized by «National Agency for Technological Development» (NATD) with the support of the Ministry for Investment and Development. The Congress brought together international and Kazakh experts, government representatives and local executive authorities, heads of national holdings and national companies, development institutions, research institutes and key participants of the national innovation system. Of the 300 participants in the list of finalists for the National Innovation Competition included 30, Daniyar Mukhtarov - 2nd year student majoring «Computer Engineering and Software», A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. Daniyar’s presentation was rated by the highest commission, he was awarded a diploma and a memorable gift - a cell phone. We are proud of Daniyar and wish success!
The mathematics is one of most difficult and at the same time the most popular subject: solution of the list of problem from the course of geometry, algebra, number theory and others requires deep knowledge, non-standard logical thinking from the students, and also inventiveness. On November 24, 2016, mathematics department of information technology faculty held the first tour of the Olympiad on mathematics among 1-2 year students, dedicated to 25 years of the Independence of Kazakhstan in order to support the talented youth. 25 students took part in the Olympiad. On December 6, 2016, the results of the Olympiad were known. The students of non-mathematics specialities, especially, «Information systems» and «Computers and Software», who took the second places, impressed by their results. In the tough struggle for victory, the winners of Olympiad became: 1 place - Anna Kolesnikova, 2 year student of «Mathematics» speciality; 2 place - Anastasiya Yevlentyeva, 2 year student of «Computers and Software»; 3 place - Togzhan Ginolla, 2 year student of «Mathematics» speciality of Kazakh division and Meruyert Tangerbergenova of «Information systems» speciality. The faculty dean Nurlan Amirovich Medetov congratulated all participants of Olympiad and handed the diplomas and memorable prizes to the winners. The team for the further participation in the international intellectual competition will be established from among the winners.  Also participants of Olympiad received certificates. The organizers thank all participants and wish new victories!
Within the framework of the «25 years of Independence - 25 Charity affairs of KSU» campaign, the students of «Informatics» department of information technology faculty of KSU with the support of trade union committee visited SI «Kostanay special boarding-school № 3 for the children with specific education needs» of education department of Kostanay region. The main purpose of charity event was to give happiness to the children, to lend a helping hand, to present warmth of the heart. Students organized the concert, held stimulating games, giving happiness to children. At the end of event, prizes and gifts were handed to the children. The director of organization Serik Islyamovich Daniyarov expressed gratitude and wished success in education to the students.
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