Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On the eve of 25 years of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the meeting with employers took place at the information system faculty of the students of «Computers and Software» speciality. The educational projects competition on the practice in the area of «Web Design» was held between 2 year students of «Computers and Software» and «Information System» specialities. The main purpose of the competition of educational projects was directed on the experience exchange of education methods in the field of education, modern skills of web-technology use for the creation of new web-sites and web-technologies. The head specialist on the information technologies of education department of Kostanay akimat Askar Yelekeev and director of enterprise «EsbolStudio» Esbol Zhatkanov handed the certificates to students, who took part in the projects competitions. The head of software department O.S.Salykova handed the letters of gratify to the invited employers.
In accordance with the work plan of department of career guidance and professional development on 2016-2017 educational years and departure calendar in the confirmed works for career guidance holding, the head specialist of career guidance and professional development’s department N.I.Kabdrakhmetov, specialist of career guidance and professional development’s department N.V.Kovaleva, head teacher of accounting and audit department of economic faculty G.B.Zhussupova and student of economic faculty of «Finance» speciality Aslan Mukhambetov together with education department of Lisakovsk akimat held the meeting with graduates of schools and technical college of Lisakovsk. The meeting was organized in accordance of Events’ plan, dedicated to 25 star days of Lisakovsk akimat within the 25 anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the state municipal public enterprise «Urban Centre of Culture and Sport» within the State institution «Lisakovsk City Department of Culture» of Lisakovsk akimat. 128 graduates of secondary school ( SS №1, gymnasium school, SS №3, SS №4, lyceum school, SS №6, Oktyabrsk SS) and 21 graduates of technical college of Lisakovsk participated in the career guidance work.  
Independence Day - one of the most important holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This significant date is a fruit of labour and hope of all Kazakh people. Kazakh nation aspired to the independence for many centuries. The merit of many generations are in the achieving the independence. As our President N.A.Nazarbayev said, «Independence is a great unity of our nation, its unique history, culture, state language and respect to the ethnic languages of all Kazakhstan people». The different events in honour of this holiday were held in the Kostanay State University.  One such event was a concert, which was held by the students of information technology faculty of «Mathematics» speciality. The students organized the little concert on the topic «Tauelsizdik shezheressi» under the direction of the head teacher of mathematics department Gulnar Zhalgassovna Berdenova. They danced folk dances, read poems about events of 1986, which reached the soul, and also told about great personalities of Kazakhstan, who contributed to the achieving of the Independence. To hold such events are very important for student’s youth, because they are the future and should know how hard was given the Independence for us. If they don’t know the past, they won’t understand the true meaning of the present and purpose of the future.
The meeting of KSU students with doctor of economics sciences, professor S.Zhiyentayev took place at the scientific library «Bilim ortalygy», which was dedicated to the Independence Day and national idea «Mangilik el». On the meeting were vice-rector for academic affairs and educational work A.A.Absadyk, and also head of Media studio A.K.Shayakhmet. Sansyzbai Mukhametgaliyevich told about process of establishment through the perspective of own feelings, excitement and views. Not everything was easy. Kazakhstan faced a number of difficulties - economic crisis, social tension, decrease of living standards of population, unemployment, ecological problems and crime situation. Nobody knew about Kazakhstan in the Western Europe and in the other continents. But situation was completely changed thanks to our President’s well-directed external and internal policy. The modern Kazakhstan is an independent, sovereign, democratic state with the stable economy and safe plans on the future. The main purpose of youth in the strengthening of the Independence is a good study, love for the Motherland, dedicated work for the benefit of State’s prosperity. The action was ended by the charity event of S.M.Zhiyentayev, all participants of action received the books from the personal library of professor. The large amounts of books with the autograph of the esteemed professor were given to the students. The meeting passed successfully. Such events with the professorship of University are planned for the future.
Today, EXPO-2017 is one of the major themes of all country. All mass media speak about importance and role of this exhibition. International exhibition is one of key projects of Kazakhstan. As we know, tickets on the International exhibition are on sale, but also people can be on EXPO-2017 as volunteers. 2 year student of information technology faculty of «Mathematics» speciality Dinara Umirtayeva have such opportunity.  In order to be among 100 volunteers of EXPO-2017, who will go in behalf of Kostanay region, the students should pass the serious selection, where they need to fill the form, to pass the interview and answer on the main question: «Why will I want to go to EXPO?». As the result, 120 volunteers were chosen. But it wasn’t the end of events. During 2 months, the volunteers had to attend the educational courses, to show own abilities and talents.  They played the game on the topic «Achievements of the independent Kazakhstan», participated in the all forums of youth of Kostanay region, made the videos, sang the songs on English, wrote the essay and many other. Only students, who completed all tasks, received the certificates with the signature of national committee «Astana EXPO - 2017». Dinara is one among them. We wish her success and victory!
Seminar - competition, dedicated to 175th anniversary from the birth date of Y.Altynsarin took place at economics faculty of Kostanay State University. The purpose of action was the promotion of love, respect to the Kazakh language by the younger generation, opportunity to feel the greatness of this language. The participants of the competition competed in the Y.Altynsarin’s poems reading. The jury assessed the performance by following parametrs: reading mastering of piece of art, well-bred speech, stage picture, artistry of execution, depth of performance in imaginative system and sense structure of the text. The winners of competition were awarded by the special diplomas, certificates and letters of merit for the active participation.
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