Educational program
Food safety
This program is designed to meet the requirements of potential employers who need professionals to work in the laboratories of veterinary-sanitary examination of foods.
After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Food Safety" students must:
To know and understand:
- legal regulation of veterinary affairs, the structure of the veterinary services in the country and functions of the state veterinary organization, modern methods of decontamination of biological waste, waste water and livestock processing plants;
- concentration and exposure used dezinfiktantov at infection sites veterinary-sanitary control agents of various infectious diseases;
- modes of thermal treatment (high and low temperature) for infectious, parasitic diseases, the rules of the sampling sites Veterinary Surveillance for microbiological quality control sanitization;
- Key indicators of state standards to determine the quality and market value of the finished range of meat, poultry, fish, meat, beekeeping and certificates for products of plant origin, structure and service rules for the control of exports and imports of animals (incl. laboratory, decorative ), raw food products during their transportation;
- rules on veterinary care of animals for slaughter, organization and methodology of post-slaughter veterinary and sanitary inspection bodies and animal carcasses with the evaluation of veterinary-sanitary conditions, prevention of food poisoning, terms of use and decontamination of meat slaughtered animals, due to changes in the meat due to their wrong storage and transportation.
Be able to:
- Maintain a veterinary office management, conduct general animal health measures and veterinary-sanitary examination bodies and animal carcasses, meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fish and seafood, eggs and egg products, honey;
- Maintain sanitary inspection of plant products, methods of storage, transportation of products and raw materials of animal origin;
- conduct a clinical examination, preparation of slaughtered animals, birds for slaughter;
- apply their knowledge to solve specific scientific, practical, information retrieval and methodological problems;
- use of modern methods of research products.
To own:
- methods of sampling water, soil, feed and other objects of veterinary sanitary inspection of raw materials and finished products of different ranges for microbiological, process control including and coming on imports;
- methods of monitoring compliance with the formulation and manufacturing process conditions of animal products of veterinary-sanitary examination of carcasses and organs of animals, birds in a meat processing plant and laboratory vetsanekspertizy markets for export and import shipments;
- methods of organoleptic, microbiological, physical, chemical, histological and other studies of meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fish and seafood, eggs, honey, herbal products and raw materials of animal origin.
Catalog of disciplines of the educational program
Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrekvizitov, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program
Specialization subjects
Религиоведение/Дінтану/ Religious - 1 credit
Prerequisites: study of the subject "religion" implies knowledge of the history of Kazakhstan, philosophy, natural history, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics.
Course Outline: Religion as a subject and an object of religious studies course. The emergence of religion. The structure and content of religion as a phenomenon. Specificity of the religious system of the ancient East and the Ancient World. Tengrianism as an early form of religious consciousness. Buddhism. Christianity, its origins and essence. The sacred book of the Christians. Main Currents in Christianity. Islam. The Quran, Sunnah, Shariah. The main flow. Religious phenomenon in the modern world, and Kazakhstan. The course of discipline "religion" gives a systematic understanding of the content and the role of religion in society, the world's faiths.
Postrekvizity: Knowledge of "religion" allows you to master the course of political science, sociology, psychology, Kazakh and Russian literature, the history of the ancient world.
Types of classroom teaching: seminars, PSAS
Program Manager: Shaimerden GI Bondarenko YY
Web-технологии / Web-технологиялар / Web-technology- 3 Credits
Prerequisites: Computer Science
Course Outline: Leading the trend of the modern society is informatization of all areas of society and industry. In the information society changed the requirements for the employee. The basic requirements for an employee to become the ability to gather, evaluate and use information to organize available resources to address the challenges faced by the employee, the ability to quickly navigate the ever-widening world of information technology and to apply them in practice. At the heart of the course is setup on the formation of students' basic notions and concepts of multimedia technologies, and develop skills to apply them to solve life's problems. This course focuses on the mastery of specific skills learners use different editors for processing audio and video, animated effects and the treatment of various graphical objects, creating multimedia presentations.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, seminar (labor.).
Program Manager: VB Sinitsyna
Аналитическая и физколлоидная химия/ Аналитическая и физколлоидная химия / Analytical and physical colloid сhemistry – - 3 credits
Prerequisites: To study the course, students need knowledge school chemistry, physics and mathematics.
Course Outline: This discipline forms the professional knowledge and skills for the development of the specialty. This course includes topics: Introduction. Theoretical Foundations of Chemistry. Subject matter and methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Gravimetric analysis. Titration. Methods of acid-base titration. Methods redox titration. Potentiometry. Physico-chemical methods of analysis. Photochemical reactions. Surface phenomena Chromatography. Colloidal systems. Vysomolekulyarnye compound.
Postrekvizity: Knowledge of the discipline gives students the opportunity to gain some complex chemistry knowledge necessary for successful study of the subsequent disciplines "Biochemistry of Animals", "Animal Physiology", "pharmacology, toxicology and poison control." "Basics of standardization and certification of agricultural products", "Pathology of Animals", "Feeding the animals."
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory, PSAS
Program Manager: Ergalieva AH
Гистология с основами цитологии и эмбириологии /Гистология цитология және эмбриология негіздерімен/ Histology with cytology and embriology- 3 Credits
Prerequisites: Biology
Brief description of the discipline: Structure of tissue cells, the concept of tissue, epithelial tissue, cancer, musculoskeletal trophic tissue, blood, lymph, connectors tissue, cartilage and bone tissue, muscle tissue: smooth muscle, striated skeletal muscle, heart muscle (myocardium ), the nervous tissue.
Postrekvizity discipline: Pathology of animals
Types of classroom teaching: practical
Program Manager: AA Krutalevich
Деловой этикет/Іскерлік этикет / Вusiness Etiquette-1 credit
Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology
Course Description: The discipline of "Business Etiquette" is the Far East, a component of choice. This discipline forms the professional knowledge and skills for the development of the specialty. The course is a scientific, theoretical and practical foundations of the discipline of "Business Etiquette". Its scope - the widest messages and studies that shed light on the characteristics of communication in the business world. The main emphasis is on the analysis of the main provisions and their implementation in practice, on the basis of research methods and projection. We consider the position of the outstanding scientists of the past, as well as the concept of contemporary theorists and practitioners. Teaching the course "Business Etiquette" should be done in accordance with the requirements of current research in this area.
Types of classroom teaching: a practical
Program Manager: AA Bayahmetova
Психология конкурентоспособной личности/Бәсекеге кабілтетті тұлға психологиясы/ Psychology of competitive persona -1 credit
Prerequisites: In order to develop the discipline necessary to know the students the basics of their profession, be a graduate student.
Course Outline: In the face of intense socio - economic transformation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the special requirements for individual professionals. During training, the discipline students will learn to make an informed choice in favor of positive personal change; innovative approaches to solving problems, to learn the techniques of building plans, personal growth, productivity, work, career, get management skills, effective communication, self-regulation.
Postrekvizity: Mastering psychology course competitive personality is essential in the preparation of highly qualified specialists in their field. This discipline further contributes to the successful implementation of the graduates of the university as a competitive person and their professional growth.
Types of classroom teaching: practical
Program Manager: Elchischeva OV
Делопроизводство на казахском языке /Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу/Office-work in the kazakh language - 1 credit
Prerequisites: Kazakh.
Course Outline: The classification of documents. Autobiography. Summary. Characteristics. Statements. Orders. Contract. The employment contract. Help. Telephone messages. Classifieds. Visa. The receipt. The power of attorney. Explanatory note.
Employment Type: Case
Program Manager: AT Dosov
Ветеринарная генетика/ Ветеринариялық генетика/ Veterinary genetics - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: biology, chemistry, morphology of animals
Course Outline: The main stages of development, methods and significance of genetics. Mutational variability. Patterns of inheritance of traits in sexual reproduction. Chromosomal mutation. Chromosome theory of heredity. Inheritance of sex-linked. Biometric methods in genetic research. Indicators feature a variety of aggregates. Measuring the relationship between attributes. Cytological and biochemical basis of heredity. Structure and biosynthesis of DNA and RNA molecules. Patterns of inheritance of traits in sexual reproduction. Inheritance of sex and chromosome theory of heredity. Gene regulation and development of the organism. Genetic abnormalities in with / farm animals.
Postrekvizity: Mastering the course "Veterinary Genetics" to further contribute to the successful development of the core disciplines of physiology with / farm animals.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory
Program Manager: Papusha NV
Профилактика травматизма животных/Малдардың травматизмің алдын алу шаралары/ Preventive maintenance travmatics of animals-2 credits
Prerequisites: The primary veterinary care
Course Outline: Types of injuries: mechanical, chemical, physical, biological, nervous stress, traumatic factors endogenous and exogenous, types of injuries: industrial, feed, operational, transport, horse-racing, sex, a set of preventive measures.
Types of classroom teaching: practical
Program Manager: MT Baykenov
Инновационные технологии в лабораторной практике/Зертханалық тәжірибеде қолданылатын инновациялық технологиялар/Innovative technologies in the laboratory- 3 credits
Prerequisites: Microbiology and Virology, laboratory work
Course Outline: methods of separation, filtration, centrifugation, chromatography, electrophoresis, photoelectrocolorimeters, spectrophotometry, spectroscopy, DNA extraction, PCR, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, quality control and mathematical processing of the results.
Program Manager: BA Osipova
Организация ветеринарного дела / Ветеринариялық істі ұйымдастыру / The organization of veterinary bisness - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: epizootology with veterinary sanitation
Course Outline: Monitoring the activities of individuals and entities to implement the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) in the veterinary field, the distribution and control of the storage, transportation (shipping) and use the purchased within the budget programs of veterinary drugs, including Republican margin, the implementation of and veterinary control measures to protect the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan against the introduction and spread of contagious diseases and exotic animals from other states, maintenance of veterinary records and reports and present them in the order established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of animal health, the organization of veterinary measures and monitoring their implementation, consideration cases of administrative violations in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Program Manager: Dosmukhambetov AZ
Дезинфекционное дело /Залалсыздандыру ісі /Disinfection work–3 Credits
Prerequisites: Microbiology and Virology
Course Outline: The classification of infectious diseases, the concept of disinfection, types of pest control, rodent control and deodorization at facilities PMM, wastewater treatment methods. Postrekvizity: technology, hygiene, sanitation and veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and dairy products.
Types of classroom teaching: practical
Program Manager: AN Batyrbekov
Ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза кормов /Азықтың ветеринариялы-санитариялық сараптамасы/Veterinary-sanitary examination of feed - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: Veterinary-sanitary examination of plant growing, fish farming and beekeeping
Course outline: the value of nutrients in metabolic processes, classification of feed, forage, silage, haylage, Root crops, hay, straw, feed, feed waste at recycling plant materials, animal waste processing of raw materials, their chemical composition and nutritional value, identification and examination , receiving, sampling and test methods, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory
Program Manager: Aisin MJ
Ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза пищевых продуктов на рынках /Базардағы азықтық өнімдерді ветеринарлы-санитариялық сараптау/Veterinary-sanitary examination of food products in the markets - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: Veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and poultry Course Outline: chemical and biological composition of milk, milk organoleptic assessment, veterinary and sanitary examination of milk for fraud, veterinary and sanitary inspection of meat for different types of damage and the study of carcasses and organs for invasive disease; learning standards for meat.
Types of classroom teaching: practical
Program Manager: Isabaev AZ
Международные правовые основы ветеринарно-санитарной экспертизы пищевой продукции/Тамақ өнімдерінің ветеринариялық-санитариялық сараптауның халықаралық құқықтық негіздері/International legal framework veterinary-sanitary examination food- 3 Credits
Prerequisites: food hygiene
Course Outline: international law, legislation of Kazakhstan, regulations on food safety.
Types of classroom teaching: practical
Program Manager: Isabaev AZ
Контроль и оценка качества сырья пищевых продуктов /Тамақ өнімінің шикізат сапасын бақылау және бағалау/Monitoring and evaluating the quality of raw foods - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: Veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and poultry products
Course Outline: assessment of the quality of raw materials (determination of dry matter, moisture, mineral content, chloride, acidity) requirements for raw materials, production process control by stage processing.
Types of classroom teaching: practical
Program Manager: Brel IM
Безопасность труда на объектах государственного ветеринарно - санитар-ного контроля/Мемлекеттік ветеринарлы-санитарлық бақылау объектіле-рінде еңбектін қауіпсіздігі /Occupational safety at the facilities state vet san. сontrol- 3 credits
Prerequisites: laboratory work
Course Outline: The order of the healthy (non-infected) animals; work rules in the vivarium for infected animals, health and safety regulations t safety in the laboratory by divisions (a division of bacteriological diagnostic unit for the diagnosis of viral diseases, serology department, veterinary and sanitary inspection ), the rules of the autoclave; work rules in the Radiology department, fire safety measures.
Types of classroom teaching: practical
Program Manager: AN Batyrbekov