The educational program
Kinologia and felinology
The educational program "Kinologia and felinology" provides for the preparation of veterinary doctors to work in veterinary clinics serving small pets at kennel club.
After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Kinologia and felinology" students must:
To know and understand:
- Classification of diseases of farm animals;
- Specificity, etiology and symptomatology of food-producing animals;
- Modern methods of lifetime and posthumous diagnosis and differential diagnosis of farm animals;
- New effective methods of prevention and treatment of food-producing animals;
- The basis of technology and hygiene in the production of livestock products, poultry and fish farming;
Be able to:
- To carry out the treatment and prevention of disease-producing animals;
- To carry out veterinary-sanitary inspection of animal and vegetable origin;
- To conduct postmortem and draw conclusions about the cause of death of the animal, birds and fish;
- Draw up a report autopsy;
- To carry out educational work with the owners of the animals;
Have skills:
- Clinical examination of productive animals, diagnosis, therapeutic procedures;
- Treatment and prevention of diseases of animals, birds and fish;
- A plan of treatment and prevention of productive animals;
- Transport, reception and delivery of slaughtered animals and birds prepare them for slaughter;
- Research and quality control of drugs and biologicals;
- Of veterinary-sanitary examination of poultry products, fish and animal origin.
Catalog of disciplines of the educational program
Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrekvizitov, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.
Basic disciplines
Религиоведение / Дінтану/ religious studies- 1 credit
Plural religious studies
Prerequisites: Philosophy, Sociology.
Course Outline: The concept of religion, the emergence and establishment of ancient religious beliefs, traditional religion in the modern world, new religious movements, legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on religion. Tolerance. Prevention of religious extremism. "Kazakhstan - a country of religious tolerance."
Postrekvizity: cultural studies, psychology.
Types of classroom teaching: practical.
Program Manager: Fedorov, ML
Психология конкурентоспособной личности / Бәсекеге кабілтетті тұлға психологиясы / Psychology of competitive personality - 1 credit
Prerequisites: Philosophy, Sociology.
Course Outline: special requirements for individual professionals. Conscious choice in favor of positive personal change; innovative approaches to problem solving, technology building plans of personal growth, productivity, work, career, management skills, effective communication, self-regulation.
Postrekvizity: cultural studies, psychology.
Types of classroom teaching: practical.
Program Manager: Elchischeva OV
Деловой этикет/ Іскерлік салтым / Вusiness etiquette - 1 credit
Prerequisites: philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology.
Course Outline: Types of eloquence. Business and social interaction. Rhetoric and verbal behavior. Speech etiquette. Of speech in professional activities. Strategy, tactics and techniques of dispute. Types of argument and structure of evidence. Tricks to the dispute and business communication. Non-verbal means of communication.
Types of classroom teaching: practical.
Program Manager: Kungurova OG
Делопроизводство на казахском языке / Қазақ тілінде іс құжатын жүргізу / Paper work in the Kazakh language /- 1 credit
Prerequisites: Kazakh tili
Contents: Kіrіspe. Resmi іs қaғazdarynyң ataulary. / Introduction. Name of official documents. Өmіrbayan. Tүyіndeme. / Autobiography. Summary. Өtіnіsh. / Declaration. Bұyryқ. / Order. Mіnezdeme. / Features. Қolhat. / Receipt. Senіmhat. / Power of Attorney. Kelіsіmshart. / Treaty. Yenbek kelіsіmі. / Labour Agreement. Anyқtama. / FAQ. Bұryshtama. / Resolution. Құttyқtau huts. / Congratulatory letters. Қyzmettіk Khattar. / Utilities letters.
Types of classroom teaching: praktikalyқ
Program managers: Irgizbaeva, KB, Esetaeva AM, Kөlbaeva MM
Этология / Этология/ Еtologija - 3 credits
Prerequisites: genetics, ecology and sustainable development.
Course Outline: Fundamentals of ethology. Physiology of the central nervous system. Types of Higher Nervous Activity animals. Fundamentals and classification of behavior. The social behavior of animals. Herd (group) behavior. Sexual behavior. Allelomimetic behavior. Exploratory behavior. Imitative behavior. Behavior related to self-preservation. Eating behavior. Patronizing behavior.
Postrekvizity: domestic non-communicable diseases with a clinical diagnosis and radiology, veterinary surgery, parasitology and parasitic diseases.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory.
Program Manager: AA Tegza (Department of Veterinary Medicine)
Механизация в ветеринарии / Ветеринариядағы механизация/ Mechanization in Veterinary Medicine- 3 Credits
Prerequisites: biological physics, chemistry fizkolloydnaya
Course Outline: Types and characteristics of livestock farms. Technological lines in animal husbandry and veterinarian requirements for them. The mechanization of preparation and distribution of feed. The mechanization of farm water supplies and pastures. The mechanization of milking cows and primary processing of milk. Milking machines. The mechanization of harvesting and utilization of manure. Mechanization of cutting and sheep dipping bath. The mechanization of animal health measures. Mobile veterinary and sanitary units. Aerosol Technology.
Postrekvizity: Epizootology, parasitology, basic veterinary affairs.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory.
Program Manager: Sapa VA (Department of Veterinary Medicine)
Ветеринарная пропедевтика / Мал дәрігерлік балау әдістеріне, түсініктемелер мен дойындау (доярлау) / Veterinary propaedeutics- 3 Credits
Prerequisites: The morphology of the animals with the Latin terminology, microbiology and virology.
Course Outline: History and establishment of Veterinary propaedeutics, the method of clinical diagnosis, the basics sindromatiki common methods of diagnosis, clinical prognosis of the disease, safe methods and techniques of fixation treatment of animals, methods of clinical research
Postrekvizity: Internal non-communicable diseases with a clinical diagnosis.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory.
Program Manager: Kulakov LS (Department of Veterinary Medicine).
Кинология и фелинология /Кинология және фелинология / Kinologia and felinology - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: animal morphology and physiology of animals.
Course Outline: Individual develop ¬ ment of animals. Exterior, interior, constitution. The concept of the breed. Breeding techniques. Preparation of animals for participation in exhibitions.
Postrekvizity: Internal non-communicable diseases with a clinical diagnosis, pathological anatomy, veterinary surgical ¬ ergy.
Types of classroom teaching: Laboratory practical.
Program Manager: Selunskaya LS
Акушерские и гинекологические болезни кошек и собак / Иттермен мысықтардың акушерлік және гинекологиялық аурулары / Obstetrics and Gynecology diseases of cats and dogs - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: anatomy, genetics, physiology, biological chemistry, biophysics, veterinary obstetrics, gynecology and animal biotechnology.
Course Outline: Anatomy and physiology of female genitals. Insemination and fertilization. Pregnancy. Childbirth. Pathology of pregnancy. Pathology of pregnancy. Pathology of birth. Rodorazreshayuschih operation. Pathology of the postpartum period. Gynecological disease. Diseases of the cervix, uterus and yaytseprovodov.Besplodie maloplodie females. Methods of stimulation of the sexual function of females.
Postrekvizity: therapy with a clinical diagnosis, pathological anatomy, surgery and other disciplines that determine the level of training specialist.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory.
Program Manager: Selunskaya LS (Department of Veterinary Medicine).
Патологическая анатомия кошек и собак/ Иттермен мысықтардың патологиялық анатомиясы / Pathological anatomy of small animals- 3 Credits
Prerequisites: biology, biochemistry, morphology of animals with the Latin veterinary terminology, animal physiology, microbiology and virology.
Course Outline: Listeriosis, leptospirosis. Streptococcal lymphadenitis kolibaktoerioz, tetanus, atypical mycobacterial granuloma, tularemia, melioidosis. Nocardiosis and actinomycosis dermatofilez, mycoplasma infection, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis, pitioz. Candidiasis. Malassezioz. Distemper, bordetellez, adenoviroz, koronovirusny enteritis, rotavirus enteritis, Campylobacter, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, papilomotoz Viral leukemia, immune deficiency virus cats, progressive chronic polyarthritis. Panleukopenia, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, kalitsiviroz, chlamydia, koronovirusny enteritis, rotavirus enteritis, kriptokokoz.
Postrekvizity: epizootiology and infectious diseases.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory.
Program Manager: AA Tegza (Department of Veterinary Medicine).
Хирургические болезни кошек и собак / Ит мысықтардың хирургиялық аурулары / Surgical diseases of cats and dogs - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: Latin morphology of animals with veterinary terminology veterinary surgery.
Course Outline: Surgical infection. Exposed mechanical damage. Diseases of the head. Diseases of the eye. Diseases of the skin. Bone disease. Joint disease. Neoplasms.
Postrekvizity: Practical Surgery, a practical therapy.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory.
Program Manager: MT Baykenov
Внутренние незаразные болезни кошек и собак/ Ит және мысықтардың жұқпалы емесе ішкі аурулары / Domestic non-communicable diseases of cats and dogs - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: histology, physiology, pharmacology, biological chemistry.
Course Outline: Discipline is studying animal care and first aid in case of accidents, the clinical study of dogs and cats, heart disease, respiratory diseases, digestive tube and the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment regimens for diseases of the liver, urinary system, nervous and endocrine systems. Poisoning.
Postrekvizity: domestic non-communicable diseases with a clinical diagnosis.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory.
Program Manager: Kulakov LS
Паразитарные болезни кошек и собак/ Иттермен мысықтардың паразитарлық және инвазиялық аурулары / Parasitology and parasitic diseases of cats and dogs- 3 Credits
Prerequisites: animal pathology, pharmacology with toxicology.
Course Outline: The discipline studies of parasites, their morphology, biology and diseases caused by various parasites, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and control measures.
Postrekvizity: parasitology, toxicology.
Types of classroom teaching: practical, laboratory.
Program Manager: Suleimanova KU
Инфекционные болезни кошек и собак / Ит және мысықтардың инфекциялық аурулары / Infectious diseases of cats and dogs - 3 Credits
Prerequisites: Pharmacology with Toxicology, pathological physiology.
Course Outline: Small Animals, especially dogs and cats have always had great importance in human life. Along with the growth and breeding of dogs and cats in various industries and in the home increases the risk of spread of disease, including many common diseases with / animals and humans (rabies, brucellosis, leptospirosis, tuberculosis, chlamydia, etc.). Infectious diseases of cats and dogs as the science of infectious diseases of dogs and cats, methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention measures and the eradication of them, maybe one of the reasons for the wide spread of these diseases and transfer them to a / c animals and humans. Go to related disciplines are also the organization of veterinary affairs, health and safety, microbiology, virology, etc. epizootology
Postrekvizity: microbiology and virology, epizootiology and infectious diseases.
Types of classroom teaching: practical and laboratory classes.
Program Manager: Baikadamova GA