Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational Program

Print media




Disciplines study this program promotes the acquisition of knowledge about the development of the print media, the formation of new trends in the activities of newspapers and magazines, acquiring practical experience editing journalistic texts, the main organization of creative and editorial activities in the implementation of functional and professional requirements of the journalist in progress editorial assignment.






A significant part of academic disciplines focused on the acquisition of practical skills to create newspaper and magazine reports and their advancement in the information media market.

Graduate student learns the essence of the editorial staff as a functional group, which clearly correlated status, roles and norms of journalistic practice.

Master's degree at the end of training can work in the media, actively carry out research and teaching activities



Catalog of disciplines educational program

Catalog of disciplines educational program describes the contents of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrekvizitov, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.


Basic disciplines

Информационное общество и печатные СМИ / Ақпараттық қоғам және баспа бұқаралық ақпарат құралы / Information society and printed media – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: keeping in journalism.

Course Outline : Information Society - a theoretical concept of postindustrial society. Information and knowledge in a single information space. The main products manufactured by the Information Society - information and knowledge. Growing role of information , knowledge, and information technology in society. Increase in the number of people employed information technology, communications and production of information products and services . Growth of their share in the gross domestic product. The role of print media in the information society .

Postrekvizity: modern media system.

Types of classes: lectures, practical, studio

Program Manager: Kungurova OG



Риторика. Деловое общение. / Риторика. Іскерлік қарым-қатынас /Rhetoric. Business Communication- 2 Credits

Prerequisites: convergent journalism.

Course Outline: The rhetorical culture in professional activities of journalists. Of speech and its role in business communication. Speech etiquette. Diction, especially when her work on radio and TV. Articulation: its features and methods of mining. Psychological aspects of verbal communication. Rhetorical devices. Verbal speech. Expertise conversation and controversy. Kinds of arguments and evidence structure. Nonverbal means of communication. Business written speech.

Postrekvizity: art journalism.

Types of classroom lectures, hands-on, studio

Program Manager: Kungurova OG

Конвергентная журналистика/ Конвергентті БАҚ-тың технологиясы/Technology of converged media - 2 Credits 

Prerequisites: convergent journalism.

Course Outline: Paradigm development media theory in HH1 century. Essential changes in sovremennoymediasfere. Internet media content. Newsroom in modern media. Transformation of journalistic text under the Internet environment. New media communication. Development of information technologies and their impact on traditional and new QMS. Videotext. Digital broadcasting. Interactive Media.

Types of classroom lectures, hands-on, studio

Program Manager: Kungurova OG

Инфографика в печатных СМИ / Баспа бұқаралық ақпарат құралындағы / Infographics in print media - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: media design, convergent journalism.

Course Outline: Infographics as a new trend in journalism. Causes. Stages of development. Design. Basic principles and techniques of infographics in print media. Recommendations for the creation of information graphics. Analysis of examples of infographics in the central print media of Kazakhstan, regional publications.

Types of classroom lectures, hands-on, studio

Program Manager: Kungurova OG

Медиаэкономика и современная медиасистема/ Медиаэкономика және қазіргі медиажүйе / Mediaeconomics and the modern mediasystem- 3 Credits

Prerequisites: publication of newspapers , magazines, TV and radio programs .

Course Outline : The structure of modern media system. The concept of information in the theories of modern society. Information rich media markets . Theoretical approach to the study of media. Media in the modern economy . Post-industrial society and modern media economy . Concept of media economy. Media economy as the development of political economy and sociology of media. Media market .

Postrekvizity : Fundamentals of editorial activity in the print media .

Types of classroom lectures , hands-on , laboratory

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM

Основы редакционной деятельности в печатных СМИ / Баспа бұқаралық ақпарат құралындағы редакциялық қызметтің негізі /Principles of editorial activity in print media- 3 Credits

Prerequisites: management and marketing media.

Course Outline: The role of editors in the optimization of the editorial staff. Subjects of editorial activity. Editorial policy and its role in determining the nature, position media, activities of the editorial staff. Management Acting Chief Editor. Problems editorial property. Financial basis for the print media. Brand newspapers as a communication component editorial policy.

Postrekvizity: modern media system.

Types of classroom lectures, hands-on, laboratory

Program Manager: Xarchenko C.B.

Современные научные концепции массовой коммуникации / Қазіргі бұқаралық коммуникацияның ғылыми тұжырымдамалары/ Modern scientific concepts of mass communication -3 Credits

Prerequisites: media economics and modern media system.

Course Outline: Mass media and their impact, role in socialization. The effects of mass communication. Media and information needs of the audience. Manipulation in the media. Impact of mass communication on the consciousness and behavior of the audience. Study the impacts of mass communication.

Postrekvizity: Fundamentals of editorial activity in the print media.

Types of classroom lectures, practical laboratory.

Program Manager: Xarchenko C. B.