Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational Program

Electronic media



Disciplines study this program promotes the acquisition of knowledge on the electronic media as a system of mass communication, understanding of the functioning of electronic media, the definition of the position of electronic media in the media, including online journalism.






Graduate student acquires the skills of creative and editorial work in television, radio, audiovisual creation of journalistic texts, developing web editions, exploring the specific properties of the media management of electronic media. Explore the prospects of TV technology, 3D television, the use of new information technologies in the practice of TV, Internet and RVs, in particular non-linear text. Particular attention is paid to the management of electronic media and the effective use of electronic media in PR campaigns.


Master's degree at the end of university can work in TV, radio and Internet media, to be the manager of various substructures, actively carry out research and teaching activities.


Catalog of disciplines educational program

Catalog of disciplines educational program describes the contents of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrekvizitov, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.


Basic disciplines

Информационное общество и электронные СМИ / Ақпараттық қоғам және электронды БАҚ / Information society and electronic media – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Introduction to Journalism

Course Outline: The increasing computerization of society using telephone, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media. Creating a global information space. Access to global information resources and their needs for information products and services.

Postrekvizity: modern scientific concept of mass communication.

Types of classroom lectures, practical, studio

Program managers: Makanov JC



Техника и технология электронных СМИ / Электронды БАҚ-тың техникасы мен технологиясы / Techniques and technology of electronic media - 2 Credits

Prerequisites: TV journalism, publication of newspapers , magazines, TV and radio programs , the creation of documentaries.

Course Outline : Study technical base and television and radio production techniques and mass copying of information products. History of the radio. Hardware and software . History of the television . Prospects television tehnologiy.3D TV. Hardware and software . Technology . Activities .

Postrekvizity : Media Economics

Types of classes : lectures, practical , studio

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM

Электронные СМИ как инструмент PR / Электронды БАҚ PR құралы ретінде /Electronic media as a tool of PR - 2 Credits

Prerequisites: Internet journalism .

Course Outline : PR- media potential when used in political campaigns . Determination of the specific use of electronic media in PR. Specificity of the electronic media. Techniques for working with electronic media . Giving information character news. Basic principles of relations with the electronic media . Ways to control the electronic media . Effective use of electronic media in PR campaigns.

Postrekvizity : media economics.

Types of classes : lectures, practical studio .

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM

Современные научные концепции массовой коммуникации / Қазіргі бұқаралық коммуникацияның ғылыми тұжырымдамалары/ Modern scientific concepts of mass communication -3 Credits

Prerequisites: media economics and modern media system .

Course Outline : Mass media and their impact, role in socialization. The effects of mass communication. Media and information needs of the audience . Manipulation in the media . Impact of mass communication on the consciousness and behavior of the audience . Study the impacts of mass communication.

Postrekvizity : Fundamentals of editorial activity in the print media .

Types of classroom lectures, practical laboratory .

Program Manager: Xarchenko C. B.


Инфографика в электронных СМИ / Электронды БАҚ-тағы инфографика / Infographics in electronic media - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: media design .

Course Outline : info graphics as a new trend in journalism. Causes . Stages of development . Design . Info graphic print and electronic media . Basic principles and techniques of information graphics in electronic media. Recommendations for the creation of information graphics in electronic media. Analysis examples info graphics in the central and regional electronic media.

Postrekvizity : problems of specialization in the electronic media .

Types of classroom lectures , hands-on , studio

Program Manager: Kungurova OG       

Mедиаэконолмика и современная медиасистема/ Медиаэкономика және қазіргі медиажүйе / Mediaeconomicsandthemodernmediasystem. - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: Political and economic aspects of the formation media of Kazakhstan.

Course Outline : Basic concepts media economics.i . Key concepts media economics.. Media dual - market goods and services. Geographic market media. Competition in the market of media content. Media competition in the market of free time. Media competition in the advertising market . Types of advertising media . Media planning . The structure of the media market . Types of market structures in the media industry . Costs in the media industry . Modern marketing strategies of media firms . Supply and demand media economics. . The paradox of diversity in the media. Economic media policy of foreign countries. Economic features of the electronic media. Online information industry in developed countries.

Postrekvizity : Technique and technology of electronic media.

Types of classes : lectures, practical , studio

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM

Основы редакционной деятельности в электронных СМИ / Электронды БАҚ-тағы редакциялық қызметтің негізі / Principles of editorial activity in electronic media - 2 Credits

Prerequisites: Management and Marketing journalism.

Course Outline : Goals and objectives of management. Editorial office management. The size and composition of the editorial staff . The structure of the editorial staff . System management editors. Management and organization of the editorial board. Journalist on the editorial team. Requirements journalist. Business plan in the system of editorial planning. Purpose , subject and types of business plan. Structure of the business plan. Opportunities to strengthen the financial base of the media

Postrekvizity : media economics.

Types of classes : lectures, practical studio .

Program Manager: Zhusupova AM