Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Criminal and legal activity




Studying of disciplines of this educational program will allow to receive system of knowledge in the sphere of the criminal, criminal procedure, executive legislation.





After the end of studying of disciplines of an educational program "Criminal and legal activity" undergraduates have to:


To know:


  • state, regularities and tendencies of development of the criminal criminal procedure law, its historical and social conditionally;
  • influence of international law and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on improvement of the criminal legislation and practice of its application;
  • value of the constitutional regulations on the rights and personal freedoms for definition of prospects of development of the criminal criminal procedure law of Kazakhstan;
  • the main problems of regulation in the sphere of the criminal, procedural and executive legislation at the present stage;
  • conditionality of solutions of the Constitutional and Supreme vessels RK the European standards in the field of human rights;
  • the reasons of theoretical disagreements in improvement questions in the field of the criminal legislation.


To be able:


  • is well-founded to study and critically to analyze scientific literature;
  • to apply the gained theoretical and legal knowledge during performance of procedural actions;
  • to generalize, analyze and explain standards of the criminal and criminal procedure legislation taking into account the principles of international law, decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court of RK;
  • logically and theoretically to prove and defend the legal position, is reasoned to disprove arguments of opponents on actual problems of the criminal and criminal procedure legislation;
  • on the basis of the gained knowledge to find ways of permission of problem situations;
  • additional arguments for decision justification, regulations and the published decisions of the Supreme Court of RK


To own:


  • system, structural, historical, sociological analysis of standards of the criminal legislation;
  • the analysis and an assessment of validity of concepts of development of the criminal and criminal procedure legislation discussed in the theory;
  • analysis and assessment of a condition of law-enforcement practice;
  • search of ways of permission of the difficult situations caused by shortcomings of legal regulation;
  • development of the offers directed on improvement of standards of the criminal legislation and practice of its application;
  • the reasoned explanation of controversial questions in the sphere of criminally legal activity, receptions of belief of the opponent and active hearing.




Catalog of disciplines of an educational program


The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the instruction pre-requisites and post-requisites, quantity of the credits, types of occupations, information on heads of the program.


Basic disciplines

Іскерлік қазақ тілі/ 

Business Kazakh language - 2 credits

Pre-requisites: Kazakh language

Course summary: The standard of speech at business meetings. RK holidays. Official congratulations in a state language. Businessman. Profession of the businessman. Working hours. In business trip. In hotel. Public service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Office letters. Formal reception in the Kazakh language. Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Dosova A.T.

/ Конструктивтік қарым-қатынас психологиясы/ 

Constructive dialogue psychology - 2 credits

Pre-requisites: philosophy, sociology, general psychology.

Course summary: Concept of constructive communication. Interpersonal communication. Features of human communication. Communicative competence. Knowledge and understanding people of each other in the course of communication. Interaction in the course of communication. Characteristic of the social and psychological conflict. 

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Parkhomenko I.A.


/Заңгерлiк практикадағы интернет-технологияны қолданудың ерекшелiктерi/ 

Distinctions of application of Internet technologies in the practice of law – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: Informatics

Maintenance of a course: Acquaintance about the Internet - sites. Internet actions. Work with search engines. Thematic search in a network. Work with the electronic means useful to the lawyer: thematic sites and blogs, online magazines. Participation in videoconferences, online seminars, participation and conducting online consultations. Browsers. Characteristic and opportunities. Acquaintance to services on creation of sites. Hosting. Domain name. Creation of a portfolio, personal site, Online store, guest books. Support, advance and site optimization. Creation of flash-presentation of the company. Freelance – earnings on the Internet. Account. Account creation. e-book creation (electronic books), dictionaries and electronic library. Studying of programs for creation of being self-unpacked photo albums, slideshow, clips, electronic cards and magazines, Internet galleries, digital catalogs, booklets, brochures, covers for disks. Acquaintance to useful programs for lawyers. Portals and forums for lawyers.  

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

Head of the program: Ismailov A.O. 

/ Философия құқығы/ 

Legal philosophy - 2 credits

Pre-requisites: courses of literature, history, fundamentals of social science received at high school, and also philosophy, the state and right theory in higher education institution. 

Course summary:  The discipline opens world outlook sense and a right role, is a methodological basis of all complex of sciences about the right.  The legal philosophy develops in integrative process of interaction of philosophical, legal and socio-humanistic sciences.  The legal philosophy has to open essence of the right, answer a question:  That there is a right as that.  

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Koldybayev S. A.

/ Ғылыми зерттеулер методологиясы/ 

Methodology of scientific researches– 2 credits

Pre-requisites: Philosophy, History, Sociology

Maintenance of a course: Education in Kazakhstan: tendencies and prospects. Features of high school training. Features of oratory. Technique of carrying out lecture occupations. Technique of carrying out a practical training. Problem training in higher education institution. Features of teaching of legal disciplines on credit system. Use in teaching of legal disciplines of electronic tutorials. 

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Shunayeva S. M.

/ Қазақша ауызша және жазбаша тіл практикасы/ 

The Practise of oral and written speech of Kazakh language – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: kazakh language.

Course summary: Basic word stock on professional lexicon, assimilation of a scientific, household lexical stock, fixing of an oral and written form of the speech of the Kazakh language. 

Type of occupations: practical

Head of the program: Kayypbayeva A.K.

/ Мамандалынған кәсіби шетел тілі/ 

Special professionally foreign language – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: Professional foreign language.

Course summary: Special legal texts. Legal language. Conversation and the argument in the legal sphere. Legal documentation in English. Communicative skills and abilities in a foreign language in practice of work of the lawyer. 

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Nikoforova E.Sh.

/ Құқықтық пәндерді оқыту әдістемесі/ 

Methods of Teaching of Legal Disciplines – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: right bases, philosophy.

Maintenance of a course: Education in Kazakhstan: tendencies and prospects. Features of high school training. Features of oratory. Technique of carrying out lecture occupations. Technique of carrying out a practical training. Features of teaching of legal disciplines on credit system. Use in teaching of legal disciplines of innovative tutorials. 

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Kim N. P.


Main subjects

/Құқықтың жалпы теориясының қазіргі мәселелері/ 

Modern problems of General Theory of Law – 2 credits.

Pre-requisites: Problems of the theory of the state and right, civil law of RK, criminal law of RK, Administrative law of RK, International private law. 

Maintenance of a course: The training course "Modern problems of the general theory of the right" is urged to highlight questions of problem character in the sphere of the general theory of the right concerning which still there are disputes among scientists-lawyers. For example, concerning such categories as "a procedural form", "constitutional and legal responsibility", "the law in force in the Republic of Kazakhstan", etc. isn't present full unity of opinions among scientists-lawyers. Besides, there are disputes concerning, whether bodies of judicial authority as law-making bodies in the roman-German legal family and, in particular, in legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also concerning a ratio of national and international law can act.

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

Head of the program: Ukin S. K.

/ Азаматтық - іс жүргізу заңнамасын колданудың теориясы және практикасы / 

Theory and Practice of Civil and Civil Procedural Legislation Execution – 2 credits

Pre-requisites: State and right theory, Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Civil law of RK, Civil procedural law of RK, Administrative law of RK.

Maintenance of a course: The structure of a course and its contents allow to consider on occupations problems of the theory and practice of application of the civil and civil and procedural legislation, the reason of their emergence and a way of the possible decision in law-making and law-enforcement activity. The subject, methods, functions and concept of the civil legislation, its main beginnings a ratio of the civil legislation and its allied industries, their mutual influence in regulation of the public relations are considered. The program covers questions of profound studying of activity of non-state vessels and a basis of the international civil process. 

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Bayzakova G. M.

/ Қылмыстарды квалификациялық мәселелері/ 

Problems of Crime Qualification – 3 credits

Pre-requisites:  Criminal law of RK.

Maintenance of a course: Concept of a stage of qualification of crimes. Scientific bases of qualification of crimes, stages of qualification of crimes the Main problems arising at qualification of crimes and a way of their decisions. 

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

Head of the program: Hakimova G. E.

/ Қылмыстықжазаныңорындалуы /

Execution of criminal penalties– 3 credits

Pre-requisites: Criminal law of RK, Criminal and executive right of RK.

Maintenance of a course: Execution of the punishments which haven't been connected with isolation condemned from society. Execution of the punishment in the form of a penalty. Execution of the punishment in the form of attraction to public works. Execution of the punishment in the form of corrective works. Execution of punishments in the form of deprivation of the right to hold a certain position or to be engaged in a certain activity. Execution of additional punishments. Execution of punishments in the form of arrest. Execution of punishments in the form of imprisonment. Execution of the punishment in the form of restriction on military service. Execution of punishments in the form of the death penalty. Actual problems of execution of criminal penalties and way of their decision. Improvement of the criminal and executive legislation.

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

Head of the program: Turlubekov B. S.

/ Қылмыстық экстремизмнің түррлері: қылмыстыққұқықтық және криминологиялық мәні,қарсы түрудың мәселелері/

Criminal extremism types: criminal and law, and criminological aspects, contradiction problems - 3 credits

Pre-requisites:  Criminal law of RK, criminal procedure right of RK, criminology, administrative law

Maintenance of a course: General idea about a problem of criminal extremism. Development of criteria of classification of the crimes interfaced to extremism. The description of the main campaigns to the solution of problems of violent extremism. The analysis of judicial and investigative practice of application of the criminal and legal ban establishing responsibility for separate types of extremism. Studying of types of extremism: antistate, religious, youth groups and national. The analysis of the legislation regulating criminal liability for commission of crimes because of race, racial and religious hatred. Definition of concept of extremism, formation of concept of the crime connected with extremist activity. Analysis of objective and subjective signs of crimes.

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

Head of the program: Turlubekov B. S.

/ Есіртккізаттардызаңсызайналымыменқылмыстыққұқықтықкүресу/ Criminal Law Regulations again stIl legal Drug Traffic– 3 credits

Pre-requisitesConstitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan;  Criminal law;  Administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan;  Criminal procedural law.

Maintenance of a course: The law department is guided by training of highly qualified specialists for legal practice. Experience of teaching "Illicit trafficking in drugs" showed that the approach directed on studying Illicit trafficking in drugs as complex legal discipline, was correct. Studying Illicit trafficking in drugs only within criminal trial that took place earlier, doesn't provide its full assimilation. In our opinion, knowledge Illicit trafficking in drugs important for customs control, and also practical activities of the lawyer.

Types of classroom occupations: practical

Head of the program: Turlubekov B. S.