Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Veterinary and sanitary safety of food products





The study of the subject of this education program will allow to master modern theoretical knowledge and practical skills to control safety of dairy and meat products, and crop production.





After the end of studying subjects of the educational program " Veterinary and sanitary safety of food products " specialists should:


  • modern food safety problems;
  • modern methods of veterinary-sanitary inspection of products;
  • modern veterinary, medical and biotechnology research methods;
  • Design and operation of modern laboratory and production equipment used in veterinary medicine, biotechnology and animal husbandry.

Be able to do:

  • use knowledge fundamental sciences to solve specific practical problems in the field of food security;
  • use modern laboratory and biotechnological equipment in the work.


  • update system of knowledge in the course of professional activities that provide an active search  and using new information.
  • innovative teaching methods.




Catalog of disciplines of the educational program

Catalog of disciplines of educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, and information about the leaders of the program.



Major disciplines


Теория и методы эксперимента /Эксперименттің әдісі мен теориясы /Theory and methods of the experiment – 3 кредита

Prerequisites: Microbiology and Virology.

Course Outline: The main areas of scientific experiment. Methods of biochemical and microbiological studies. Methods of Veterinary Sanitation and mathematical results analysis of the experiments.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Manager: BA Osipova


Микробиология продуктов питания/Тамақ өнімдерінің микробиологиясы /Food microbiology - 2 кредита

Prerequisites: Microbiology and Virology

Course Outline: microbiological evaluation of milk and dairy products the health sanitation. Microbiology of meat and meat products. Microbiology of sausage, canned products and intermediates.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Manager: Tuyakova RK

Гигиена и санитария объектов мясо - молочной продукции /Ет-сүт өнімдері объектілеріндегі гигиена мен санитария/ Hygiene and sanitary of objects of meat-dairy production - 3 кредита

Prerequisites: Veterinary hygiene

Course Outline: hygiene of dairy products. Hygiene of meat products. Sanitation of the dairy industry. Sanitation of the meat industry.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Manager: AN Batyrbekov

Ветеринарно-санитарная оценка сырья животного происхождения /Мал тектес шикізатын ветеринариялық-санитариялық бағалау / Veterinary sanitary estimation of raw material of an animal origin - 3 кредита

Prerequisites: Microbiology of food

Course Outline: pre-slaughter inspection of animals. Characteristics of animal raw materials. Veterinary-sanitary examination leaver. Veterinary-sanitary examination of intestinal products. Animal health assessment skins.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Manager: Isabaev AZ

Ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза продуктов рыбоводства при паразитарных болезнях /Паразитті ауру кезінде балық өнімдерін ветеринариялық-санитариялық сараптау/ Veterinary sanitary examination of products of fishes at parasitic illnesses - 3 кредита


Prerequisites: Parasitology

Course Outline: Basic helminthoses of fishes. Mycotic diseases of fish. Animal health assessment of the quality of fish in parasitic diseases of fish. Methods of research on parasitic diseases of fish and fish ways neutralization with them. Major fish gelmintozy Northern region of Kazakhstan.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Manager: AN Batyrbekov