Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational prorgam

Veterinary and sanitary safety of livestock enterprises





Disciplines of this educational program allow you to master modern theoretical knowledge and practical skills to provide veterinary and sanitary safety of livestock enterprises in the prevention of diseases.




After the completion of the educational program of the educational program graduates should:


know and understand:


• modern issues in the field of veterinary and sanitary safety of livestock enterprises;

• modern achievements and development trend of veterinary medicine, biology, medicine, biotechnology and breeding;

• modern veterinary, medical and biotechnology research methods.


be able to:


• use knowledge of the fundamental sciences to solve specific problems for animal health security of economic entities;

• use modern laboratory and biotechnology equipment;

• use knowledge of psychology and pedagogy in practice.




• update system knowledge in the course of professional activities that provide an active search for and use new information.

• innovative teaching methods.


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program


Catalog of disciplines contains a description of each discipline indicating prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, lesson types, information about the program supervisors.




Теория и методы эксперимента /Эксперименттің әдісі мен теориясы /Theory and methods of the experiment – 3 кредита

Prerequisites: Microbiology and Virology.

Course Outline: The main areas of scientific experiment. Methods of biochemical, microbiological studies. Methods of Veterinary Sanitation and mathematical analysis of the results of experiments.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Supervisor: B.A. Osipova


Санитарная безопасность продуктов питания /Тамақ өнімнің санитарлық қауыпсіздігі/Sanitary safety of food - 2 кредита

Prerequisites: Theory and experiment methods

Course Outline: indicators of sanitary quality of milk and dairy products. Basic sanitary characteristics of meat, meat products and convenience foods. Health indicators of sausages, canned.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Supervisor: Tuyakova R.K.


Ветеринарная санитария животноводческих предприятий /Малшаруашылық кәсіпорының ветеринариялық санитариясы/ Animal Health livestock enterprises - 3 кредита

Prerequisites: veterinary hygiene

Course Outline: general preventive measures in livestock enterprises. Methods for integrated climate control of enterprises. Veterinary sanitary requirements for keeping and feeding the animals.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Supervisor: Gershun V.I.


Ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза продуктов растениеводства при воздействии вредных экологических факторов/ Зиянды экологиялық факторлардың әсерінен өсімдік өнімін ветеринариялық-санитариялық сараптау / Veterinary sanitary examination of products a plant at influence of the harmful ecological factors – 3 кредита

Prerequisites: toxicology and toxicological analysis, microbiology

Course Outline: The main environmental factors affecting the quality of crop products. Methods for the determination of nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, etc. in food crop production. Methods of disinfecting products when exposed to harmful environmental factors and their sanitary assessment.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Supervisor: A.N. Batyrbekov


Ветеринарно - санитарная оценка мясо-молочной продукции /Ет-сүт өнімін ветеринариялық-санитариялық бағалау/ Veterinary sanitary estimation of meat-dairy products - 3 кредита

Prerequisites: Microbiology of food

Course outline: the main purpose of veterinary-sanitary expertise. Prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases among humans and animals through food, feed and industrial products of animal origin. The procedure for conducting health assessments of meat and dairy products.

Types of classes: practical.

Program Supervisor: Issabayev A.Zh.