Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Pig farming, innovative technology in pig



Studying subjects of this educational program will provide the knowledge to improve and strengthen the competitiveness of pork, evaluation methods of breeding qualities of pigs in pig breeding business, new ways of assessing feed and feeding pigs. Disciplines represented in this program will help undergraduates to improve their knowledge, which then serve as the foundation for scientific work in the pig industry.





After studying the  subjects of the educational program "Pig, innovative technology in pig" undergraduates must:


Know and understand:

  • classification of the feed, the essence of a comprehensive assessment of their nutritional value, using normalized feeding of individual species, groups of animals, develop rations;
  • zootechnical requirements for feed, air environment, conduct animal husbandry;
  • methods of artificial insemination of animals;
  • the organization, planning, management of the system of agricultural production;
  • ways of increasing productivity by animal species;
  • technology of animal products and raw materials;
  • characteristics of the technology of reproduction, rearing and exploitation of animals;
  • processing of meat and meat products;
  • equipment for processing of livestock products;
  • exterior and interior features, the definition of age-labeling types of livestock and poultry;
  • the basic principles of plant breeding and biotechnology of farm animals;


Be able to:


  • use in livestock production equipment, machines and installations for the preparation of feed, drinking, equipment, primary processing and meat processing. 
  • provide accounting of livestock products in small, medium and large farms; 
  • manage the production of high quality products at cost reduction, to provide feeding, keeping and breeding of all species in an intensive and advanced technologies; 
  • select a progressive and efficient production technology and processing of livestock products; 
  • use rationally natural resources and organize activities for the protection of the environment; 
  • develop and organize the implementation of the plan of breeding; 
  • evaluate the quality of feed; 
  • bonitirovat animals and birds; 



  • microkopying technique;
  • production technology, processing of meat;
  • technology of harvesting and storage of feeds;
  • reproductive ways sows and boars;
  • the skills of the organization fattening, slaughter of animals;
  • technology of raw materials and primary processing of animal products, determine their quality;
  • progressive and cost-effective technologies for the production and processing of livestock products;


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program


Catalog of disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, and information about the leaders of the program.


Profile disciplines

Features of growing and fattening pigs - 3 credits

Prerequisites:  Morphology of animals, animal physiology, feeding farm animals, breeding and selection of farm animals.

Course Outline: Biological characteristics of pigs. Growing piglets. Weaned piglets and growing pigs. Growing gilts. The main factors that determine the effectiveness of fattening. Types of fattening. Meat fattening pigs. Fattening pigs in large complexes. Features of fattening pigs using food waste.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager:  Muslimov B.M.


Increasing the competitiveness of livestock products and raw materials – 3 credits

Prerequisites:  Breeding and selection of agricultural animals, morphology, physiology of agricultural animals, animal nutrition, zoohygiene, cattle breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming.

Course Outline: Technology of milk and milk products. Milk, as polydisperse system. Biochemical changes in milk processing. Technology of production of drinking milk and dairy products, butter, cheese and etc. Determining carcass quality.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Shaikamal G.I.


Selection of pigs - 3 credits

Prerequisites:   morphology of animals, animal physiology, genetics with biometrics, breeding and selection of farm animals.

Course Outline: State of the industry. The species composition. Stages of improvement and the creation of pig breeds. Modern aspects of the creation of specialized genotypes of pigs. Modern concepts in pig breeding. The main breeding and genetic principles and methods of improving pigs. Features of breeding pigs on reproductive qualities. Breeding for improvement of precocity and meat quality of pigs. Breeding techniques of  improving the quality of pork.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager:  Muslimov B.M.


Breeding business  in  pigs -3 credits

Prerequisites:   morphology of animals, animal physiology, genetics with biometrics, breeding and selection of farm animals.

Course Outline: Breeds of  pigs. The objectives and the organizational principles of breeding. Methods in pig breeding. The doctrine of the selection and recruitment in pig. Selection, species selection. Methods of breeding pigs. Planning and information support breeding. Basis of preparation of plans of breeding work with the herd and breed. The development of breeding programs. Zoo technical accounting in pigs and Valuation of pigs. Herd management in the breeds and commercial farms. State studbooks. Automated control systems in pig breeding.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager:  Muslimov B.M.


Ways and methods of increasing productive qualities of pigs - 3 credits

Prerequisites: Pig breeding, Features of rearing and fattening pigs

Course Outline: Reproductive capacity of sows and boars. Milk productivity of pigs. Milk composition and role of colostrum. Meat of pigs. Formation of meat productivity. Fattening pigs, feeding species. The forms of organization of pork production in Kazakhstan. Technology of production of pork.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager:  Muslimov B.M.