Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Sheep breeding, technology of production of sheep breeding products



Studying the subjects of this educational program will provide the knowledge to improve the production of wool, felting products, high-quality fur coats and fur materials, increase the competitiveness of livestock products and raw materials, methods of evaluation of breeding qualities, breeding in sheep, new methods of assessment of feed and feeding sheep. 





Profile disciplines


Breeding business in sheep breeding - 3 credits

Prerequisites: sheep keeping, technology of wool production, lamb and sheepskin, breeding and selection of farm animals.

Course Outline:   Breeding sheep resources in Kazakhstan. Population-genetic basis of selection. Methods of breeding sheep. Pure breeding. Inbreeding. Methods of crossing. Hybridization. Screening and selection. The evaluation criteria of selection achievements.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Naimanov D.K..


Increasing the competitiveness of livestock products and raw materials – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Breeding and selection of agricultural animals, morphology, physiology of agricultural animals, animal nutrition, zoohygiene, cattle breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming.

Course Outline:   Technology of milk and milk products. Milk, as polydisperse system. Biochemical changes in milk processing. Technology of production of drinking milk and dairy products, butter, cheese and etc. Determining carcass quality.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Shaikamal G.I.


 Priority directions of development of branch of sheep breeding - 3 credits

 Prerequisites: sheep keeping, technology of wool production, lamb and sheepskin, breeding and selection of farm animals.

Course Outline:   The current state of sheep farming in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The origin of the sheep. Biological features of the sheep. Classification of sheep. Types of direction of sheep devepopment. Foreign breeds of sheep that are of interest for Kazakhstan at the present stage.

 Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Naimanov D.K..


 Methods of increasing the efficiency and quality of sheep wool - 3 credits

Prerequisites: sheep keeping, technology of wool production, lamb and sheepskin, breeding and selection of farm animals.

Course Outline: State of dynamics of wool production in Kazakhstan and in the world. Indicators of meat and milk production of sheep and methods of their  assessment. Raising meat and wool productivity of sheep. Factors affecting wool  and  meat production. Ways of improving the quality of sheepskin reducing wastage.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Naimanov D.K..


Innovative production technologies of wool, astrakhan fur and mutton - 3 credits

Prerequisites: sheep keeping, technology of wool production, lamb and sheepskin, breeding and selection of farm animals.

Course Outline: The structure of the skin, the development of wool follicles and fibers. Types of wool fibers. Groups and types of wool. Physico-chemical and technological properties of wool. Evaluation of the properties of wool. Chemical composition and cooking lamb. Classification and basic properties of wool fibers and karakul pelts. Receiving and initial processing of raw astrakhan.

 Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Naimanov D.K.. 



Catalog of disciplines of the educational program

Catalog of disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, and information about the leaders of the program.



Profile disciplines


Breeding business in sheep breeding - 3 кредита

Prerequisites: sheep keeping, technology of wool production, lamb and sheepskin, breeding and selection of farm animals.

Course Outline: Breeding sheep resources in Kazakhstan. Population-genetic basis of selection. Methods of breeding sheep. Pure breeding. Inbreeding. Methods of crossing. Hybridization. Screening and selection. The evaluation of criteria of selection achievements.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Naimanov D.K..


Increasing the competitiveness of livestock products and raw materials – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Breeding and selection of agricultural animals, morphology, physiology of agricultural animals, animal nutrition, zoohygiene, cattle breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming.

Course Outline: Technology of milk and milk products. Milk, as polydisperse system. Biochemical changes in milk processing. Technology of production of drinking milk and dairy products, butter, cheese and etc. Determining carcass quality.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Shaikamal G.I.


Priority directions of the development of sheep breeding - 3 credits

 Prerequisites: sheep keeping, technology of wool production, lamb and sheepskin, breeding and selection of farm animals.

Course Outline: The current state of sheep farming in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The origin of the sheep. Biological features of  sheep. Classification of sheep. Types of direction of development of sheep. Foreign breeds of sheep that are of interest for Kazakhstan at the present stage.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Naimanov D.K..


Methods of increasing efficiency and quality of sheep wool - 3 credits

Prerequisites: sheep breeding, technology of  production of wool, lamb and sheepskin, breeding in sheep,

Course Outline: State of wool production dynamics in Kazakhstan and in the world. Indicators of meat and milk production of sheep and assessment methods. Raising meat and wool productivity of sheep. Factors affecting sheep wool and  meat productivity. Ways of improving the quality of sheepskin and astrakhan and reducing wastage.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Naimanov D.K..


Innovative production technologies of wool, astrakhan fur and mutton - 3 credits

Prerequisites: sheep breeding, technology of  production of wool, lamb and sheepskin, breeding in sheep,

Course Outline: The structure of the skin, the development of wool follicles and fibers. Types of wool fibers. Groups and types of wool. Physico-chemical and technological properties of wool. Evaluation of the properties of wool. Chemical composition and cooking features of lamb. Classification and basic properties of wool fibers and karakul pelts. Receiving and initial processing of raw astrakhan.

Types of classes:, practical, laboratory classes

Program manager: Naimanov D.K..