Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program.

Agricultural mechanical engineering 



Studying of disciplines of this program will allow to develop designs of machines and the equipment for agricultural mechanical engineering with use of systems of the automated design; to choose and count the capital and service equipment taking into account the solution of tasks power - and resource-saving; to choose and prove effective methods of the organization of production; to use technological maintenance of operating production; technical designing of electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic means of automatic control on the basis of standard decisions; to choose the basic principles and test methods, to analyze and process results of researches and measurements; to make reviews of scientific and technical literature in the field of the professional activity and to carry out patent search.



When studying an educational program "Agricultural mechanical engineering" the undergraduate has to

 To know and understand:

  • international and domestic standards, resolutions, orders, orders of higher and other domestic organizations. the methodical, standard and leading materials concerning performed work;
  • current state and prospects of technical development of technological machines and equipment and branches, features of activity of establishment, organization, enterprise and allied industries;
  • the purposes and tasks, improvement of technological machines and the equipment on branches in the field of development and deployment of the latest high technologies of production and production;
  • methods of research of technological machines;
  • the main demands made to technical documentation, materials and products;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, questions of ecological safety of technological processes; - methods of carrying out an expert assessment in the field of health and safety and environment protection;
  • standards in the field of ISO-9000, 14000 series quality management, etc.;
  • achievements of science and technology, best domestic and foreign practices in area of technological cars and equipment.
  • new technologies of training;
  • educational and methodical documentation of disciplines and specialties;
  • technique of carrying out all types of studies and independent work of the being trained.


To be able:

  • to formulate and solve the problems arising during research and pedagogical activity and demanding profound professional knowledge;
  • to choose necessary methods of research, to modify existing and to develop new methods, proceeding from problems of concrete research;
  • to process the received experimental results, to analyze and comprehend them taking into account available literary data;
  • to conduct bibliographic work with attraction of modern information technologies;
  • to represent results of the done work in the form of reports, papers, articles issued according to available requirements, with attraction of modern editing tools and the press;
  • to make educational and methodical complexes of disciplines;
  • it is rational to organize carrying out all types of studies.


To own:

  • pedagogical activity;
  • planning and carrying out scientific researches;
  • usings foreign languages in the volume necessary for implementation of research and pedagogical activity;
  • questions of the organization, planning, carrying out all types of scientific and pedagogical activity.



Catalogue of disciplines of an educational program

The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the instruction prerequisites and postrequisites, quantity of the credits, types of occupations, information on heads of the program.



Main subjects


Technology of agricultural mechanical engineering - 2 credits

Prerequisites:  mathematics, physics, theoretical and applied mechanics.

Course summary:  Development of technological process of assembly of machines, methods, control devices of quality of cars, features of achievement of the demanded accuracy of standard knots, automatic assembly, production of beds, frames, eaves, shaft, flanges, running screws, details of tooth gearings, conic cogwheels, worm gears, production of levers, forks of rods, their control:  automation of processes by means of robots and other methods.

Types of classroom occupations:  lectures, practical training.

Heads of the program:  Astafyev V. L.


Methods and tools for the measurement and control of parameters of technological machines – 2 credits


Prerequisites:  Standardization, metrology and certification.

Course summary:  Influence of technological machines on indicators of work of technological complexes of cars, methods of a choice and optimization of parameters of technological machnes, gage and control of parameters.

Types of classroom occupations:  lectures, practical training.

Head of the program: Astafyev V. L.



 / Технологиялық машиналарды тандаудың ғылыми себептері / Scientific substantiation of a choice of technological cars – 2 кредита (2 credits).


Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, theoretical and applied mechanics.

Brief course summary: Strategy of development of a machine-building complex of Kazakhstan, influence of technological cars on indicators of work of technological complexes of cars, methods of a choice and optimization of parameters of technological cars.

Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical training.

Head of the program: Astafyev V. L.

 /Жаңа машиналар және ауылшаруашылық машина құрастыру саласындағы жабдықтар / New cars and the equipment of agricultural mechanical engineering – 1 кредит (1 credit).


Prerequisites: Reliability of technological cars, Gidropneumatic cars and drives.

Brief course summary: Introduction. Basic provisions. New cars and equipment. Independent casual events. Random variables and distribution of probabilities. Numerical characteristics of distribution of probabilities. Main concepts of reliability of equipment. Quantitative characteristics of reliability of restored products.

Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical training.

Head of the program: Moiseenko O. V.


 / Технологиялық машиналар және жабдықтар сенімділіктің проблемалары / Problems of reliability of technological cars and the equipment - 2 кредита (2 credits).


Prerequisites: reliability of technological cars.

Brief course summary: Basic provisions and dependences of reliability. Condition and reliability events. Properties of products: non-failure operation; durability; maintainability; keeping. Reliability indicators. Bases of reliability of technological cars and equipment. Reliability of the car as systems. Bases of calculation of reliability of the car by means of methods of mathematical statistics. Reliability of standard details and knots of technological cars and equipment. Problems of reliability of technological cars and equipment. Main methods and ways increase of reliability of cars.

Post-requisites: technical activity.

Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical training.

Head of the program: Moiseenko O. V.


 / Ауылшаруашылық машинақұру сынау техникасы / The test technics of agricultural mechanical engineering – 2 кредита (2 credits).

Prerequisites:  mathematics, physics, theoretical and applied mechanics.

Brief course summary: Equipment: types, structure, the connection schemes, separate knots and the designs developed and produced by the researcher. Production, as place of future operation of the car. Features and the characteristic of working conditions, in relation to the testing car. Versions of tests of technical systems. The main indicators registered at tests.

Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical training.

Head of the program: Derepaskin A.I.


/ Инженерлік жобалау / Engineering designing - 3 кредита (3 credits).


Prerequisites: mathematics, informatics, physics

Brief course summary: General information about design, mathematical modeling as a design method, computing experiment both its planning and processing, systems of the automated design, feature of design of agricultural objects.

Head of the program: Benyukh O. A.


 / Өндірістік процестің логистикасы / Logistics of productions – 2 кредита (2 credits).


Prerequisites: mathematics, physics.

Brief course summary: Concept, concept and evolution of logistics of production technological processes. Logistic strategy in the field of formation of a material stream. Discrete and continuous streams Management of material resources, production and distribution. System of warehousing and warehouse processing of production. Stockpile management in logistic system of technological processes. Logistic information systems. System with feedback. Definition of a point of profitability for the enterprise. Determination of optimum output, warehousing and consumption.

Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical training.

Head of the program: Rumyantsev A.A.