Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Grain processing




Studying of disciplines of this program will allow to receive knowledge of technological cars and the equipment for the following processing of grain: cleaning, calibration, hydroheat treatment, removal of covers. Undergraduates will be prepared for the solution of the following tasks: design of standard technological processes of production of preparations, details, assemblies of knots and cars; production management at the level of production sites; operation and repair of processing equipment, metal-cutting and technological tool; designing of difficult support of shaft, systems of greasing of cars and mechanisms; the analysis of reliability and durability of designed cars.




When studying an educational program "Grain processing" the undergraduate has to:


 To know and understand:

  • international and domestic standards, resolutions, orders of higher and other domestic organizations,
  • the methodical standard and leading materials concerning performed work;
  • current state and prospects of technical and technological development of technological cars and equipment and branches consumers, features of activity of establishment, organization, enterprise and allied industries;
  • the purposes and the tasks facing the expert in technological cars and the equipment in the field of development and deployment of the latest high technologies of production;
  • the main demands made to technical documentation, materials and products;
  • bases of the labor legislation;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, questions of ecological safety of technological processes;
  • methods of carrying out an expert assessment in the field of health and safety and environment protection;
  • standards in the field of ISO-9000, 14000 series quality management, etc.;
  • achievements of science and technology, best domestic and foreign practices in area of technological cars and equipment;


To be able:

  • to formulate and solve the problems arising during professional activity and demanding profound professional knowledge;
  • to represent results of the done work in the form of reports, papers, articles issued according to available requirements, with attraction of modern editing tools and the press;


To own:

  • foreign languages in the volume necessary for implementation of professional, research, activity;
  • ability of work on personal computers;
  • questions of the organization, planning, carrying out all types of professional activity;
  • all aspects of professional activity.


Educational program’s disciplines catalogue  


Educational program’s disciplines catalogue contains description of every discipline separately with indication of the prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about program managers.  


/ Технологиялық машиналардың жасауының мәселелерi / - 2 кредита  Technological machines’ creation problems

Prerequisites: technological machines’ realiability

Brief course content:

Main provisions and dependencies of reliability.

States and events of reliability.

Product properties: faultlessness, aging quality, fitness to the repairs, keeping quality.

Reliability indexes.

Technological machines’ and equipment’s reliability foundation.

Machine’s reliability as a system.

Machine’s reliability calculation basis using the methods of mathematical statistics.

The reliability of standard parts and machine’s units and technological equipment.

Technological machines and equipment reliability’s problems.

Main methods and ways of machines reliability’s increasing.

Postrequisites: technical activities.

Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical exercises.

Program manager: Moiseenko O.V.


/ Технологиялық машиналардың параметрлерін бақылау, өлшей құралы және әдістері – 2 кредита  Methods and means for technological machines’ parameters control and measuring– 2 credits
Prerequisites: standardizing, metrology and certification. 

Brief course content: The influence of technological machines on the performance of machines’ technological complexes, technological machines’ methods of selection and optimization, means of measuring and controlling parameters.

Types of classroom occupation: lectures, practical exercises.

Program manager: Astafyev V.L

Технологиялықмашиналарқұрастыру және жобалаукезіндегіжаңа технологиялардықолдану /  – 2 кредита New technologies’ application in technological machines design and construction – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Technological machines’ CAD system (computer-aided design system).

Brief course content: Mathematical and software support, parameters and characteristics, taking into account the peculiarities of the goals of the engineering design and construction. The discipline reviews the CAD system’s principles, the main problems, which are handled by KOMPAS – 3D-7V, geometrical objects and general editing techniques in KOMPAS – 3D-7V system. Text editor. Creating and editing tables. Library. Measuring. General principles of modeling. Modeling techniques. Specifications. ADEM. System’s description. Module ADEM CAD – designing, engineering. Exact construction. Elements creation in ADEM system. Construction of structural elements.

Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical exercises (seminars), laboratory studies.

Program manager: Benyukh O.A.

 / Ауыл – шаруашылықтағы технологиялық және техникалық сервис / Technological and technical service of agricultural - 2 кредита

Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, theoretical and applied mechanics.

Brief course content: Organizational and economic support of the formation and functioning of the service in agriculture. Business-plan’s formation methods. Machine-technological stations (MTS), their tasks and functions. Substantiation and selection of machines and equipment. Production operation and development of recommendations on the efficient use of agricultural machinery. Maintenance organisation, operating repair and agricultural machinery storage.
Types of classroom occupations: lectures, practical exercises.

Program manager: Nurushev S.Z.


 / АҚЖЖ элементтерімен құрастыру негізі / Designing bases with the SAD - 3 credits

Prerequisites:  SAD of technological cars.

Brief course content:  Mathematical and the software, parameters and characteristics with the maximum accounting of features of problems of engineering design and designing.  The discipline reviews:  the SAD’s principles, the main objectives solved by the KOMPAS – 3D-7V, geometrical objects and the general receptions of editing in KOMPAS – 3D-7V system.  Text editor.  Tables’ creating and editing.  Library.  Measuring.  Modeling general principles.  Modeling techniques.  Specifications.  ADEM.  System description.  The ADEM CAD module – design, designing.  Exact constructions.  Creation of elements in ADEM system. System of active monitoring of documentation.  Construction of structural elements.

Types of classroom occupations:  lectures, practical training.

Program manager: Benyukh O.A.


  Бидай өндеу үшін технологиялық машиналар және жабдықтар теориясы мен есептеу негізі / Bases of the theory and calculation of technological cars and the equipment for grain processing – 2 кредита
Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, theoretical and applied mechanics.

Brief course content: Fundamental theories for equipment and equipment research.  Principles of a choice of a method of calculation of technological cars.  Application modern theories to calculation.

Types of classroom occupations:  lectures, practical training.

Program manager: Rumyantsev A.A.


 Бидай өндеудің технологиялық машиналар және жабдықтардың даму бағытының перспективтік бағыттары / – 1 кредит The perspective directions of development of technological cars and the equipment of grain proceesing – 1 credit  

Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, descriptive geometry, engineering graphics, technology of constructional materials, theoretical and applied mechanics.

Brief course content: The directions of development of technological cars and units at the present stage. Ways of improvement of a design and operation of processing equipment. Equipment for farms and individual farmsteads. Processing equipment of the best farms of area and Republic of Kazakhstan.

Types of classroom occupations:  lectures, practical training.

Head of the program: Rumyantsev A.A.


 Өндірістік процестің логистикасы /

Logistics of productions  - 2 credits

Prerequisites: mathematics, physics.

Brief course content:  Logistics of production technological processes conception and evolution.  Logistic strategy in the field of material stream formation.  Discrete and continuous streams. Management of material resources, production and distribution.  System of warehousing and production warehouse processing.  Stockpile management in logistic system of technological processes.  Logistic information systems.  System with feedback.  Definition of a point of profitability for the enterprise.  Determination of optimum output, warehousing and consumption.

Types of classroom occupations:  lectures, practical training.

Program manager: Rumyantsev A.A.