Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Pedagogics and psychology in the management of organization




Studying of disciplines of this educational program will allow receiving the system of knowledge and skills in the management of the organization and achievement of professional skill, to develop skills of professional consultation and diagnostics.




After the end of studying of disciplines of an educational program "Pedagogics and psychology in management of the organization" undergraduates have to:


Know and understand:


• psychology of the management;

• features of interpersonal communication, social psychology of groups;

• self-presentation’s bases;

• professional deformations and destructions of the personality and ways of their prevention;

• tactics of the behavior in conflict situations;

• psychology of the personal growth;

• forms and work methods with dependent and so dependent;

• ways of the  development of the resistance to the stress of the personality;

• tasks of psychological service in an education system;

• contents and forms of work of the school psychologist.


Be  able:


• to make competent administrative decisions;

• to carry out selection, arrangement and certification of heads and the personnel in an education system;

• to realize the personal potential;

• to organize psychological service in education;

• to estimate personal conditions of employees and to apply effective ways of their correction;

• to project social and psychological conditions of joint activity, to qualify various effects of interpersonal interaction and to carry out correction of the undesirable phenomena in the relations between participants of educational process;

• to apply the main technicians of an assessment of quality of education;

• to render psychological assistance of optimization of the pedagogical process




• the ways and methods of carrying out scientific research;

• scientific conceptual framework;

• receptions and principles of profsssionalny activity;

• skills of creation of the conditions promoting motivational readiness of all subjects of educational process to productive activity;

• skills of education of the competitive personality;

• knowledge, skills of rendering a psychological assistance to people of different age;

• techniques of correction of dependences;

• technologies of management of social processes in the educational environment.


  • The catalog of disciplines of an educational program


The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the instruction pre-properties and post-requisites, the quantity of the credits, types of occupations, information about heads of the program.


Basic disciplines


Психология управления/ Басқару психологиясы/ Management psychology- 2 credits

Pre-properties: philosophy, sociology, general psychology.

Course summary: The general idea about management psychology. Psychology of the subject of an administrative activity. Psychological components of control systems. The psychological criteria of an effective management. The conflict as the environment and the control facility

Post-requisites: After listening of this course the undergraduate seizes knowledge in the field of psychology of administrative activity, psychological aspects of adoption of administrative decisions and administrative interaction, selection, arrangement and certification of heads and the personnel. Thus, the knowledge gained within this course, provides higher level of theoretical, scientific and practical training of the undergraduate as expert.

Types of classroom occupations:  practical.

The head of the program: Sargsyan L.V.


Акмеология образования / Білім акмеологиясы / Psychology of Education – 3 credits

Pre-properties: "Pedagogic", "Philosophy", "The general psychology", "Development psychology", "Pedagogical psychology", "Social psychology", "Innovative technologies in education", "Bases of pedagogical management".

Maintenance of a course: the subject of akmeology, its place in the system of sciences. The development of the individual, personal and subject activity characteristics of the person in their interrelation. The achievement of the tops of professionalism in the course of creative activity. The communicative competence of the expert.

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

The head of the program: Niyazbayeva N. N.


Организация и планирование научных исследований/ Ғылыми зерттеуді жоспарлау және ұйымдастыру/ Organization and planning of scientific research -2 credits

Pre-properties: History and philosophy of the science, general psychology, general pedagogic.

Maintenance of a course: The characteristic of the main directions of scientific researches in a system of professional education. The scientific research: its essence and features. The concept of scientific research. The object and means of research. The characteristic of scientific research. Methods of scientific research. Types of the experiment. Rules of the bibliographic description of the sources of information. The choice of a subject. Scheduling. The subject and research problem. The object and the subject of research. The scheduling of work. The structure and maintenance of stages of research process. The concept of research process. The registration of scientific works. The technique of preparation of the master thesis.

Types of classroom occupations:  practical.

The head of the program: Kim N. P.


Психокоррекция социальных эпидемий/ Әлеуметтік әпидемияның  психиқалық түзетуі/ Psychocorrection of social epidtmics

Pre-properties: psychology of the person (the general psychology), development psychology, education psychology, methodological fundamentals of psychology

Maintenance of a course: Reasons of emergence of accidents and the crisis phenomena. The classification of accidents. The classification of methods of psychocorrectional work. The debriefing as the main method of prevention of PTSF. The dependence of social tension on social safety. Types and application of individual psychocorrection of PTSF. The influence of the social conflicts on the social safety

Types of classroom occupations:  practical

The head of the program: Sarksyan L.V.


Психология личностного развития/ Тұлға дамуының психологиясы/ Psychology of personal development- 3 credits

Pre-properties: psychology, psychology of the personality.

Course summary: The main methods of research of the personality in age psychology. Theories of children's development. The mental development of the personality. The crisis periods in the development. Psychology of the personal growth.

Post-requisites: The development of a course promotes formation at undergraduates of knowledge, the skills necessary in their practical activities with people of different age.

Types of classroom occupations:  practical.

The head of the program: Parkhomenko I.A.


Профессиональная диагностика и консультирование / Кәсіби диегностика және кеңес беру / Professional diagnosis and counseling 

Pre-properties: for the discipline development undergraduates have to know fundamentals of age and social psychology, fundamentals of psychodiagnostics and a psycho consultation.

Maintenance of a course: Purposes, means and forms of the professional consultation. Principles of the professional consultation. Stages of the professional consultation. Concepts of a profession, a specialty and a position. The professiogramma. Factors of the success of the professional activity, professionally important qualities of the person and professional suitability. The personnel management, assistance to the career and the psychological support of experts.

Post-requisites: after discipline development undergraduates will seize the knowledge combining the high theoretical level with abilities to analyze and put into practice a range psychodiagnostic and psychoconsulting technique, applied in the organizations and establishments during the work with shots and the personnel.

Types of classroom occupations:  practical

The head of the program: Parkhomenko I.A. 


Психологическая служба в организации / Ұйымдағы психологиялық қызмет/ Psychological service institutions - 3 credits 

Pre-properties: psychology, pedagogic.

Maintenance of a course: The structure of the psychological service in the organization. Tasks of the psychological service in the organization. The qualification requirements, rights and duties of the practical psychologist. The ethical code of the practical psychologist. The contents and forms of work of the school psychologist. The contents and forms of work of the psychologist in specialized secondary and higher educational institutions.

Post-requisites: The development of a course promotes the successful development of the professional activity and the formation of practical skills of the organization of the psychological service in education.

Types of classroom occupations:  practical.

The head of the program: Parkhomenko I.A.