Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Pedagogics and psychology in an education system


Studying of disciplines of this educational program will allow receiving the system of knowledge in the sphere of pedagogic and education psychology, management of the organizations of education and educational systems, formation of psychological service, to develop professional and personal competences of the teacher.






After the end of studying of disciplines of an educational program "Pedagogics and psychology in an education system" undergraduates have to:


Know and understand:


• achievements of world system of the higher education;

• psychological regularities and mechanisms of interpersonal interaction in the conditions of professional activity;

• regularities of the social and psychological phenomena and processes;

• forms of the organization and improvement and self-development implementation on the basis of a reflection of the activity.


Be able:


• to show social activity in all spheres of activity;

• to find non-standard solutions of vital problems;

• to build interaction and educational process taking into account a zone of the next development;

• to carry out psychology and pedagogical diagnostics and design of pedagogical situations;

• to choose optimum forms, methods, tutorials;

• to study and save up professional experience.




• skills of use of scientifically reasonable methods and technologies in psychology and pedagogical activity;

• modern scientifically reasonable technologies of the organization of collecting professionally important information, data processing and their interpretation;

• modern technologies of design and the organization of scientific research in the professional activity;

• innovative technologies: creative interactive technologies;

• teaching technique in higher education institution of disciplines of the pedagogical and psychological direction.


  • The catalog of disciplines of an educational program


The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the instruction pre-properties and post-requisites, quantity of the credits, types of occupations, information about  heads of the program.


Basic disciplines


Инновационные образовательные технологии/ Инновациялық білім беру технологиялар/ Inovation educational technology – 3 credits

Pre-properties: History and science philosophy, general psychology, general pedagogic, history of pedagogical thought and education, pedagogical communication.

Maintenance of a course: Classification of educational technologies, technique of design of innovative educational technology, assessment of efficiency of educational technologies. Post-requisites: technique of teaching of pedagogical disciplines, technique of teaching of psychological disciplines.

Types of the classroom occupations: practical.

The head of the program: Bortko T.G.


Методика преподавания педагогических дисциплин в ВУЗе/ Жоғары оқу орындарында педагогиқалық пәндердің әдістемесі/ The technique of teaching of pedagogical disciplines in a higher education institution- 3 credits 

Pre-properties: Pedagogic, innovative educational technologies 

Maintenance of a course: Specific features of educational process in a higher education institution. Introduction of the credit system of training in a higher education institution. The social function of training in a higher education institution. Didactics of the higher school. Forms of the organization of educational process at the higher school. The development of a lecture form in the system of a high school training. The role and the lecture place in a higher education institution. The structure of a lecture and assessment of its quality development of a lecture form in a system of a high school training. 

Types of the classroom occupations:  practical. 

The head of the program: Kim N. P. 


Основы педагогического менеджмента/ Педагогикалық менеджментің негіздері/ Bases of pedagogical management - 2 credits

Pre-properties: Pedagogic, psychology, management psychology 

Maintenance of a course: Theoretic-methodology bases of pedagogical management. The management science and the pedagogical process. Pedagogical management as a special type of an administrative activity. The modern approaches to the management of pedagogical process. The goal-setting in the pedagogical management. Management of the head. The teacher as a manager. Control in pedagogical management. Pedagogical equipment and skill of pedagogical interaction. 

Types of classroom occupations: the practical 

The head of the program: Berkenova G. S. 


Организация и планирование научных исследований/ Ғылыми зерттеуді жоспарлау және ұйымдастыру/ Organization and planning of scientific research -2 credits

Pre-properties: History and science philosophy, general psychology, general pedagogic.

Maintenance of a course: The characteristic of the main directions of scientific researches in the system of the professional education. The scientific research: its essence and features. The concept of the scientific research. The object and means of research. The characteristic of scientific research. The methods of scientific research. The types of the experiment. Rules of the bibliographic description of sources of information. The choice of the subject. Scheduling. The subject and research problem. The object and the subject of the research. Work scheduling. The structure and the maintenance of stages of the research process. The concept of the research process. The registration of scientific works. The technique of preparation of the master thesis.

Types of classroom occupations:  practical.

The head of the program: Kim N. P.


Методика преподавания психологических дисциплин в ВУЗе/ Жоғары оқу орындарында психологиялық пәндердің әдістемесі/ The technique of teaching of psychological disciplines in a higher education institution -3 credits

Pre-properties: General psychology, age psychology, pedagogical psychology, psychology history.

Maintenance of a course: Problems of teaching and principles of creation of a course of psychology. Features of an educational activity, as a leading activity of the being trained. The concept "an educational" activity, "a training", "a technology of training". Forms of the organization of an educational process in a higher education institution. The accounting of age features and individual distinctions being trained in the teaching and educational process. Methodical features of teaching of theoretical psychology. Methodical features of teaching of applied psychology.

Types of classroom occupations:  practical.

The head of the program: Klimenko A.I.


Основы педагогического мастерства/ Педагогиқалық шеберліктің негіздері/ The basis of pedagogical skills– 3 credits

Pre-properties: History and philosophy of the science, general psychology, general pedagogic, history of the pedagogical thought and education, pedagogical communication.

Maintenance of a course: Pedagogical skill, its general characteristic, essence, structure, types. The general characteristic of the pedagogical activity. The identity of the teacher. The technique of the speech, breath, a voice, diction. Practical exercises and tasks for development of skills of introspection of the pedagogical activity.

Types of classroom occupations:  practical.

The head of the program: Bortko T.G.


Акмеология образования / Білім акмеологиясы / Psychology of Education – 3 credits

Pre-properties: "Pedagogic", "Philosophy", "The general psychology", "Development psychology", "Pedagogical psychology", "Social psychology", "Innovative technologies in education", "Bases of pedagogical management".

Maintenance of a course: the subject of akmeology, its place in the system of sciences. The development of the individual, personal and subject activity characteristics of the person in their interrelation. The achievement of the tops of professionalism in the course of creative activity. The communicative competence of the expert.

Types of classroom occupations: practical.

The head of the program: Niyazbayeva N. N.