Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational Program

Trade management





After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Trade Management" students must:







know and understand:


• the content and features of trade management;

• methods to ensure sound economic management in the field of commercial activities;

• laws of functioning of trade and commercial organizations;

• basic and special methods of economic analysis in the field of professional activity;

• essence of socio-economic phenomena;

• general principles of planning, organization and management control in the trade;


be able to:


• analyze and implement the basic functions of management;

• make effective management decisions, taking into account the specifics, engineering, technology and organization of production;

• assess the market situation in accordance with the changing market conditions;

• formulate and solve problems arising in the course of commercial activities that require in-depth professional knowledge;

• apply methods of economic analysis of information allowing us to investigate, analyze and predict phenomena in the field of commercial management;


have the skills to:


• receiving, processing and transmitting information using modern technical means;

• research activities ;

• the establishment of interpersonal relationships and the use of various methods of motivation ;

• control over the activities of the trade organization;


be competent:


• in the management of organizations , departments , projects and networks;

• the use of modern management techniques to the strategic objectives ;

• preparation of analytical materials on the socio- economic processes and phenomena , to identify trends in the socio- economic performance of sales organizations.



Catalog of disciplines educational program


Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.




Корпоративное управление / Корпоративное управление / Corporate management – 3 Credits 

Prerequisites: strategic management.

Course Outline: The Corporation as an effective form of integration into the market economy. Concept and types of corporations, their classification. Corporation in the international economic system. Corporate associations and problems of monopolization. Features of the organization management of the corporation. Corporate conflicts. Corporate governance process integration enterprises.

Corporate strategy: the concept development stages , species.

Types of classes: practical lessons

Program Manager: G.M. Dyuzelbaeva

Цены и ценообразование / Баға және баға орнату / Pricis and pricing - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: basics of economics (economic theory).

Course Outline: Theoretical basis of pricing. Pricing process. Pricing methods. Marketing aspects of pricing. Pricing strategy and tactics.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program Manager: N.A. Baranov

Торговый менеджмент / Сауда менеджменті / Trading management - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: basics of economics (economic theory), management.

Course Outline : The concept of trade management. Management system of trading activity. Planning activities Trade Organization. Organization processes in trade organizations. Manage trade process and work organization in warehouses. Motivation of staff Trade Organization. Personnel management company trade. Control in the management of the organization trades . Business communication process and communication. Governance and leadership. Economic bases of trade management.

Types of classes: practical lessons

Program Manager: G.M. Dyuzelbaeva

Коммуникационный менеджмент / Коммуникациялық менеджмент / Communications management – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: marketing, management.

Course Description: Theoretical Foundations and modern concepts of marketing communications. Channels of marketing communications. Advertising: nature and types. Organization of promotional activities. Planning and control of advertising. Sales promotion. Communication with the public.

Types of classes: practical lessons.

Program Manager: Obraz A.A.

Управление затратами /Шығындарды басқару / Cost management– 3 Credits

Prerequisites: basics of economics ( economic theory ) , management.

Course Outline: The role and importance of cost management in market conditions. Grouping costs and their contents. Planning ( budgeting) costs. Calculation of production cost. Cost of production. Cost-benefit analysis when deciding on investments. Basic principles of calculating the costs of circulation. Cost control. Transfer prices.

Types of classes: practical lessons

Program Manager: Mishulina O.V.