Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Scientific -educational and administrative activities



Studying the disciplines of this program   involves the formation of knowledge and skills of future professionals on the basics of scientific-educational research and the basics of  administrative - management activities. Training is conducted on the following general professional and special disciplines: methodology of social cognition, management in education, the theoretical foundations of scientific management, logic of con and humanitarian - historical disciplines. 




After the end of the study the subjects of the educational program "Scientific - educational and administrative activities," students must:

know and understand:

  • basics of fundamental sciences in the framework of the specialty; 
  • modern philosophical problems of social sciences and humanities; 
  • management theory and management in the field of education; 
  • new innovative and methodical technologies and active teaching methods; 
  • requirements for the presentation and preparation of scientific results; 
  • active and passive vocabulary of one or more foreign languages ​​required for the presentation of scientific material; 
  • annotation and summarization of scientific articles; 
  • psychology and pedagogy of communication with students; 
  • search path, and the exchange of scientific information; 

Be able to:

  • integrate the teaching and cognitive, research, professional and creative self-study in the scientific and educational activities; 
  • realize and implement their professional activities; 
  • make professional decisions and  assess the results; 
  • creative self-realization,  choose the right strategy and tactics in professional activities; rebuild the career; 
  • see the strategic direction and the integrity of professional activities; 
  • improve pedagogical creativity, pedagogical skills; 
  • analyze the educational situation, make informed decisions, anticipate their social consequences; 
  • logically argue the scientific conclusions, summarize the resulting material, write articles and abstracts, reports, business letters; 


  • skills to expand the knowledge through information and educational technologies; 
  • methods of logical and critical thinking; 
  • methods of persuasion and argumentation; 
  • technology of the  solutions of constructive scientific and methodological problems; 
  • skills of organization and management of educational processes in high school; 
  • general methodology of scientific and project activities; 
  • professional communication skills and cross cultural communication; 
  • methods of the implementation of analytical and system operations for collecting historical materials; 
  • historiographical methods, sources studies analysis and application of mathematical methods in the study.



Catalog of the disciplines of the educational program


The Catalog of the disciplines of the educational program contains the description of each discipline separately, indicating prerequisites and post-requisites, the number of credits, occupations, information about the managers of the program.


Basic disciplines

Logic of Social Management -2 credits
Prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology.
The course outline: Management as a concept. Features  of  management of social  processes and logic. The ratio of  natural  and  conscious  in  the social management. The  object  and  subject of social management. The  logic  of  management of general and specific social processes. Social  management and interaction of logic, pedagogy and psychology.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Koldybayev SA

Methodology  of  Social  Cognition  - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Theory of the historical process and historical cognition.
The course outline: Features of social cognition. The difference of the  social cognition from the cognition in natural sciences. The study of the neo-Kantian heritage in relation to the specifics of social cognition. The  analysis of the views and doctrines of Dilthey V. Elucidation of the principles of social cognition. Analysis of the  explanation, interpretation, understanding as specific means of social cognition.
Post-requisites: The logic of social management. Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Koldybayev SA


Problems of historical demography  - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Sociology.
The course outline: The concept and content of demography.  Population   and  demography. The  stages   of  historical  demography. Demographic development in the CIS and  foreign countries. Bebibum  and  the overpopulation  problem  on  the  Earth. Urbanization   and   population  density  in different countries. Population   prospects. Concept and  content of demographics,  population and demography. Stages  of  historical  demography, the  development of the demographic situation in Kazakhstan, history and problems. Famine  and   collectivization, the demographic consequences. The development of the demography theory in the works by Tatimov M "Problems of urbanization and population density" , “Demographic prospects in Kazakhstan. "
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Ismailov S.

New approaches to the fundamental problems of the World history - 2 credits
Prerequisites: World History.
The course outline: State - legal processes in the world history. The development of European society from  the  Renaissance  to  the  Reformation. Positivism  and the  development of  materialism   during the second  half of the XIX century. Cultural-historic  methodology  of the civilization  analysis .  Historical  synthesis and "new social history." The world outlook  problems of the  world history in  the contemporary time.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Loygky D.

Economic-cultural types - 3 credits
Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan.
The course outline: The role of the climatic factors in shaping  the economic-cultural  types. Economic and  cultural  classification.  Theoretical  study  of  the dynamics of economic and cultural life of Kazakhs. Practical farming conditions of Kazakhs. Types  and   economy.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager:  Aitmukhambetov A.

Renaissance  as  an  intellectual  formation  - 3 credits
Prerequisites: History of the World Civilizations.
The course outline: Periodization of the Renaissance. The Italian Renaissance: Montesquieu, L. Da Vinci. The Renaissance in France: Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau. The main contribution of the epoch of Renaissance  figures  to  the development  of the world culture and scientific thought.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Loygky D.

Theoretical - methodological problems of sources studies and historiography  - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Sources studies and historiography.
The  course  outline: Scientific concepts.  Categories  and  principles. Positivist  methodology  of  history. Basic  methodological  concepts  in  modern historical research. Alternatively  and  regularity.  Modern problems  of  studying  historical  science. The source analysis  and  synthesis. Principles  of  historical cognition. Basic  methods  of  historical research.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager:  Koldybayeva S.

Periodization of history (World and our country)  - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Modern theoretical and methodological approaches to the topical  problems of national history.
The course outline: Problems of periodization of historical science. New  methodological  approaches  in the  study of  historical  phenomena. Changing  the  criteria for evaluation of  historical events. The need  to  rethink  the  global  problem of periodization of historical science. Factors  influencing  the formation  of  the scientific outlook of researchers. Kazakhstan's  independence  and  local problems  in  the context of the  world historical process.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager:  Koldybayeva S.