Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program





The study of the disciplines of this program involves training of specialists on general and special subjects such as records management and archives in the structure of the information society, the theory and methodology of archival work. The program forms the skills of  technetronic documentation, knowledge of modern information technologies, besides  the specialist gets a comprehensive humanitarian education. 





After the end of the study the subjects of the educational program "Archiving", students must:

know and understand:

  • basics of fundamental sciences in the framework of the specialty; 
  • modern philosophical problems of social sciences and humanities; 
  • management theory and management in the field of education; 
  • new innovative and methodical technologies and active teaching methods; 
  • requirements for the presentation and preparation of scientific results; 
  • active and passive vocabulary of one or more foreign languages ​​required for the presentation of scientific material, annotating and referencing scientific papers; 
  • psychology and pedagogy of communication with students; 
  • search path, and the exchange of scientific information; 

be able to:

  • integrate the teaching and cognitive, research, professional and creative self-study in the scientific and educational activities; 
  • realize and implement the professional activities; 
  • make professional decisions and  assess the results; 
  • creative self-realization,  choose the right strategy and tactics in professional activities; rebuild the career; 
  • see the strategic direction and integrity of professional activity; 
  • improve pedagogical creativity, pedagogical skills; 
  • analyze the educational situation, make informed decisions, anticipate their social consequences; 
  • logically argue the scientific conclusions , summarize the resulting material, write articles and abstracts, reports, business letters; 


  • skills to expand  knowledge through information and educational technologies; 
  • methods of logical and critical thinking; 
  • methods of persuasion and argumentation; 
  • technology of  solutions of constructive, scientific and methodological problems; 
  • skills of organization and management of educational processes in high school; 
  • general methodology of scientific project activities; 
  • professional communication skills and cross cultural communication; 
  • methods of the implementation of analytical  , system operations for collecting historical materials; 
  • historiographical methods, sources studies  analysis and application of mathematical methods in the study.


Catalog of the disciplines of  the  educational program


The catalog of the disciplines of  the  educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and post-requisites, the number of credits, occupations, the information about the managers of the program.


Basic disciplines

Logic of Social Management -2 credits
Prerequisites: Pedagogy, psychology.
The course outline: Management as a concept. Features  of  management of social  processes and logic. The ratio of  natural  and  conscious  in  the social  management. The  object  and  subject of social management. The  logic  of  management of general and specific social processes. Social  management and interaction of logic, pedagogy and psychology.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Koldybayev SA

Methodology  of  Social  Cognition  - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Theory of the historical process and historical cognition.
The course outline: Features of social cognition. The difference of the  social cognition from the cognition in natural sciences. The study of the neo-Kantian heritage in relation to the specifics of social cognition. The  analysis of the views and doctrines of Dilthey V. Elucidation of the principles of social cognition. Analysis of the  explanation, interpretation, understanding as specific means of social cognition.
Post-requisites: The logic of social management.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Koldybayev SA


History of the historical thought in the twentieth century -3 credits
Prerequisites: Kazakhstan  historiography,  historiography  of  foreign  countries.
The course outline: Post-Marxist, Russian historical thought. Historical thought  after  the World War II. Modernization  of   the theoretical and  methodological foundations of  Western historiography. Historical  and   theoretical views of  M. Weber. The beginning of the general crisis  of   historical  science. War, Revolution and Russian historical  and  philosophical thought. Cultural - historical  concept   by  Y.Heyzingi.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Turezhanova SA

New  approaches  to  the fundamental  problems of the World history - 2 credits
Prerequisites: World History.
The course outline: State- legal processes in the world history. The development  of  European society from the Renaissance to the Reformation. Positivism  and materialism   in  the development of the 2nd  half  of  the  XIX century. Cultural - historic  methodology  of  the civilization analysis . Historical  synthesis   and "new social history." World  outlook   problems of world history  of the contemporary time.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Loygky DM.

Problems of socio-economic and cultural development of the Kazakh population on the territory of   Russian Federation (on the example of the Southern Urals in 1917-1940.).  - 3 credits
Prerequisites: History of Kazakhstan.
The course outline: The concept and essence of the terms "diaspora", "irredenta." The main problems  of  historiography in the process of studying the history of the Kazakh population in Russian  Federation. The  problems  of  administrative-territorial  delimitation of Kazakh  ASSR and the Russian Federation in 1920-1930-ies. The  problem   of  determining   the  status of Orenburg  as  the capital of  Kazakh ASSR.  Famine  of  the  1920s.  and  its  impact on the demographic  situation  in the  South Urals. Participation  of  the  Kazakh population  in agricultural development in the South Urals.  Kazakhs  contribution  to  the  development  of  the Southern Urals region's  industry. The  development  of  education in the Southern Urals on the example of schools for the Kazakh population. The development  of  mass  media  in  the South Urals. Development of health services in the South Urals. The problems of  studying the demographic situation of  the  Kazakh  population in  the  southern  Urals  in 1920-1930-ies.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Ismailov S.

Archives in the structure of the information society  - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Philosophy, sociology.
The course outline: Definition  of  the  information society. Archives as  a  construct  of historiography. The role of archives in the development  of  the information society. Archives  in the  structure of information and journalistic activities. Archives as  a  documentary basis for the publications on historical themes and issues of socio-political development of the country. Archives  as  a source of  information and documentary component of the social mood of the society. Video and photo files  as a specific material  for TV message. Specificity  of photographic  archives in mass media .
Types of classes: lectures, practical
Program Manager: Makanov JC

Theory  and  methods  of  archiving  - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Records management.
The course outline: Archival science as an academic discipline. Archiving in a  pre-revolutionary  Kazakhstan. The archives of Kazakhstan in the first years of Soviet power (1918-1922). The archives of Kazakhstan in 1922-1936 . The archives of Kazakhstan in 1936-1945 . The archives of Kazakhstan in 1946- 1991 . The Central State Archives of films, documentaries, photographs and sound recordings of the Republic. The formation of the archival service in the Republic  of Kazakhstan.  International    cooperation . Archival   Service  of  the Republic of Kazakhstan.  Legal  bases  of  the archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Acquisition  of   the  archives. Preparation and procedure  for  transferring  documents  into the  archives. Basic rules  for  the documents in the archives. Expert evaluation  of  documents. Accounting  documents  in the archives. Scientific - reference  archival  unit.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program Manager: Loygky D.

Theoretical and methodological problems of sources studies and historiography - 2 credits
Prerequisites: Sources studies and historiography.
The course outline: Scientific concepts. Categories  and   principles. Positivist  methodology  of history. Basic   methodological  concepts   in  modern  historical research. Alternatively  and regularity. Modern   problems   of   studying  historical  science. Sources  studies  analysis and synthesis. Principles  of   historical cognition. Basic  methods   of  historical  research.
Types of classes: lectures, practical.
Program manager:  Koldybaeva S.