Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Programming and project management


In the context of the process of informatization of society demand specialists in the field of computer technology , which have a high level of professional competence in the development and operation of the system and application software , computer equipment and automated systems. Methods and software development tools allow you to apply software tools for planning, project management and implementation of projects using effective management practices.

Disciplines study this program aims to teach undergraduates to work in the field of object-oriented, systems programming, analysis and design of automated systems.

Do undergraduates develop a habit of designing applications based on characteristics that could eventually give them the opportunity to become the head of a major project to develop software.



After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Program and Project Management " undergraduate should:

Know and understand :

  • methods of software design project;
  • color psychology , the psychology of perception of images;
  • methods of processing and editing program code ;
  • principles of composition program;
  • the client software used to create the project;
  • theory of programming languages ​​;
  • tools used to create and maintain a software project ;
  • appropriate languages ​​and use them in executable form ;
  • develop software in industrial control systems ;
  • software for databases;
  • software to create a virtual server ;
  • methods and tools for software development.


be able to:

  • use the software applications;
  • use software editors for creating software design project;
  • use software tools for planning, project management;
  • monitor the implementation of projects using effective management practices;
  • analyze and design automated systems;
  • develop skills in designing applications based on characteristics;
  • to process and convert the signals.



  • technology structure design software project as an information system;
  • the general procedure of designing a software product;
  • technology development and decoration of a software project;
  • technology of object-oriented analysis and design;
  • technology-aided design software project;
  • System Programming technology;
  • technology support and maintenance software project;
  • technology databases;


Catalog of disciplines educational program "Programming and Project Management"


Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.



basic disciplines

Компьютерное моделирование естественных физических процессов/ Табиғи физикалық құбылыстарды компьютерлік пiшiндеу/ Computer simulation of natural physical processes – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Informatics, Mathematical Analysis, equations of mathematical physics

Brief course content: Fundamentals of mathematical modeling. Constructing models of the fundamental laws of physics. Mathematical modeling of complex objects. Kinetic theory of gases. Boltzmann equation. Schrödinger equation. Energy, momentum. Quantum statistics and the equation of state. Equation of electromagnetic waves. The propagation of electromagnetic waves. Molecular dynamics method. Model matter under extreme conditions. Model equation of state at high temperatures. Mathematical modeling in hydrodynamics of Relativism,modeling in rheology. Modeling the dynamics of multiphase media . Introduction to Meteorology . Physics and atmospheric dynamics . Mesoscale atmospheric processes . The theory analysis and simulation of mesoscale flow . Radiation energy . Basic physical laws and their mathematical expression . Basic equations . Adjoint equations . Finite difference approximation. The Finite Element Method . Basic equations of advection and diffusion . Transport equation impurities in the atmosphere. Uniqueness of the solution . Diffusion approximation . Uniqueness of the solution . Structure and modeling of turbulent motions in the atmosphere . Numerical solution of basic and adjoint equations. The general theory of splitting on physical processes. Basic and adjoint equations . The influence function . Two-dimensional approximation . Modeling the dynamics of the free atmosphere . General principles of dynamic models of the free atmosphere . Dynamic models of the mesosphere . Dynamic model of the thermosphere . Stationary model of wind and thermohaline circulation .

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Ismailov A.O.

Автоматизированная система управления технологических процессов и производств/ Технологиялық процестер мен өндірістерді басқарудың автомат тандырылған жүйесі/ Automatized system management of technological procedure and manufacture - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Theory of information, Microprocessor complexes and systems

Brief course content: General information about the automated control systems (ACS). Concept of ACS and ACS of management by a technological process, integrated and distributed control . Application of microprocessors, microcomputers and computer networks for process control. Handling process. Transformation of technological information. Types and forms of signals. Scheme of automation of standard processes. Scheme of automatic control of complex engineering. The general notion of a complex system. Communication and the structure of complex systems. Classification of complex systems. The main objectives of the study of complex systems. Structural and topological analysis of complex systems. Purpose modeling. Basic principles of simulation. Modeling technology. Basic methods for solving simulation. Structure of ACS of management by a technological process. Purpose, objectives and functions of ACS. Examples of information and management control systems. The main varieties APCS and TP. Composition APCS and TP. Scheme of interaction of the main parts of control systems. Experience in the development, implementation and operation of control systems. Examples of ACS in various industries.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Zhikeev A.A

Profiling disciplines

Алгоритмы и их сложность/ Алгоритмдер және олардың қиындықтары/ Algorithms and algorithm complexity - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Informatics

Brief course content: Algorithmic complex problems. Algorithm with guaranteed accuracy estimate. Computational algorithms. Complexity classes. NP and P algorithm complexity. NP-complete problems. The complexity of algorithms using recursion.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Kudubaeva S.A.

Криптология/ Криптология/ Cryptology – 2 credits

Prerequisites: information theory

Brief course content: Mathematical Foundations of cryptology. Theory of comparisons. Chinese remainder theorem. Construction of finite fields. A modular arithmetic. Management of secret keys. The system of public key cryptography. Cipher system RSA, Diffie Hellman, El Gamal, Mack Ellis, based on the algorithm "knapsack problem." Cryptographic hash functions. Key distribution protocols.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Sukhov M.V.

Системное программирование/ Жүйелік бағдарламалау/ Systems programming – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Algorithms and their complexity

Brief course content: Development environment. Overview of the components. Creating your first application. Optimization program. Debug program. Testing program. Create event handlers. Using the API.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Ismailov A.O.