Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Electronics and telecommunications


To date, the labor market demand are specialists in the field of electronics, digital microcircuit design, construction, maintenance and repair of modern machines and electronic devices in the field of information and network security, information protection from viruses and network attacks, protection against hacking computer systems engineer for telecommunications, electronic tuning tools, computer equipment, devices and machines.

The knowledge gained by the undergraduates in the study of disciplines of this program will enable them to become specialists of high-level multi-channel telecommunication systems in the area of ​​implementation, operation and maintenance of modern electronic means.




After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Electronics and Telecommunications" undergraduates should:


know and understand :


  • specifications , purpose, design features , the technical operation of equipment electronics, digital microcircuit ;
  • hardware and software to protect information from viruses and network attacks , protection against hacking computer systems ;
  • principles of design , construction , maintenance and repair of modern machines ;
  • languages ​​and programming techniques ;
  • basics of information security , how to protect information from unauthorized access , damage or deliberate distortion ;
  • The general procedure for the design of telecommunication systems;


be able to:

  • establish the setting of radio electronic means, computer engineering, equipment and machines;
  • provides software configuration on multichannel telecommunication systems;
  • maintaining an software modern machines and electronic devices for the purpose of information and network security , information protection from viruses and network attacks , protection against hacking computer systems;
  • use a common architecture instrumentation systems programming techniques;
  • Take steps to recover the function of a telecommunications system;
  • monitor electronic equipment, computer equipment, devices and machines;
  • Provide anti-virus protection information system.


own :


  • software engineering technology telecommunications systems;
  • software technology of modern machines and electronic devices , to information and network security , information protection from viruses and network attacks , protection against hacking computer systems;
  • technologies structured cabling systems;
  • the basics of networking technology CISCO;
  • relevant technologies autonomous and integrated debugging and testing software module ;
  • wireless networking technologies ;
  • current telecommunication technologies .


Catalog of disciplines


Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.



Basic disciplines

Человеко-машинное взаимодействие/ Адам мен машинаның өзараәрекеттестігі/ Human – computer interaction – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Programming Languages 

Brief course content: Intelligent human capabilities used in the development of software systems. Translation model and sources of error. Definition of software requirements. Specification of software quality tools . Interaction between subsystems and architectural features. Methods of developing the program structure . Structured programming and stepwise refinement. Autonomous and integrated debugging and testing software module. Implementation of the user interface and providing ease of use software tool. Certification of software tools and methods to assess the quality characteristics of software tools. Computer technology (CASE- technology) software development and jobs. The overall architecture of systems, software engineering tools

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Muslimova A.Z.

Электронная техника/ Электронды техника/ Electronics engineering - 2 credits

Prerequisites: physics

Brief course content: Electron-hole transitions. The electrical conductivity of semiconductors. Effects of semiconductors. Semiconductors program. Diodes, transistors, phototransistors. Digital microcircuitry. Logical elements. TTL, ECL. Analog electronic devices. Amplifiers. Operational amplifiers. Indicators CRT monitors.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Lifenko V.M.

Profiling disciplines

Алгоритмы и их сложность/ Алгоритмдер және олардың қиындықтары/ Algorithms and algorithm complexity - 2 credits

Prerequisites: Informatics

Brief course content: Algorithmic complex problems. Algorithm with guaranteed accuracy estimate. Computational algorithms. Complexity classes. NP and P algorithm complexity. NP-complete problems. The complexity of algorithms using recursion.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Kudubaeva S.A.

Криптология/ Криптология/ Cryptology – 2 credits

Prerequisites: information theory

Brief course content: Mathematical Foundations of cryptology. Theory of comparisons. Chinese remainder theorem. Construction of finite fields. A modular arithmetic. Management of secret keys. The system of public key cryptography. Cipher system RSA, Diffie Hellman, El Gamal, Mack Ellis, based on the algorithm "knapsack problem." Cryptographic hash functions. Key distribution protocols.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Sukhov M.V.

Системы реального времени/ Нақтыуақыт жүйесі/ Real time system – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Operating Systems

Brief course content: The notion of real-time systems. Requirements and characteristics of RTOS. Standards RTOS. Scheduling. Interprocessor communication. Time RTOS. Overview of real time operating systems. Real-time extensions to the OS family of Windows NT and Linux. Dispatching. Schedule periodic processes.

Types of classes: practical

Program leader: Sukhov M.V.