Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program




This educational program allows to further consider the processes involving biological catalysts . Considered are catalysis, are widely used in environmental studies . The study of these disciplines helps to master the concepts of the mechanisms of enzymatic , heterogeneous catalysis , structural spectroscopy , use of catalysts in industrial processes.

The objects of professional graduate universities are public and private profile , governments in education, chemical industry, research institutes chemical , environmental , pharmaceutical , metallurgical , petrochemical, gas and coal , etc. Profile




In the course of study at an educational program "Catalysis" undergraduates should:


Know and understand:

  • properties of heterogeneous catalysts and biological;
  • adsorption on the catalyst surface;
  • chemical structure of biological catalysts;
  • factors affecting the rate of catalytic reactions;
  • macrokinetics heterogeneous and enzymatic catalysis;
  • theory of catalysis.


Be able to:

  • use methods for determining the activity of catalysts;
  • secrete the enzymes of biological material;
  • to study the kinetics of catalytic processe;



  • methods for determining the activity of catalysts for studying the mechanism of their action;
  • extraction technology of biological catalysts of plants;
  • methods of determining the optimal mode of action of catalysts.


Catalog of disciplines educational program

Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and post-requisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.


Basic disciplines

Search methods and structuring of chemical information – 3 credits

Prerequisites disciplines: chemistry, basics of Mathematics, Informatics

Course Outline : Introduction . Information processes . Bibliographic search chemical information science . Information retrieval systems . Ontology chemistry. Methods of scientific information retrieval on the Internet . Using abstract journals for search market information . Information retrieval and analysis systems , working with electronic documents in Russian . Search Technologies for full-text databases. Search chemical information on the Internet . Methods to improve the scientific information retrieval . Investigation methods of information retrieval in distributed networks .

Types of classes: practical

Program Manager: Altynbayeva L.S.


Main subjects

Contemporary Problems of Organic Chemistry– 2 credits


Prerequisites: organic chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, chemistry высокомолекулярныхсоединений, structure of matter, quantum chemistry, physical and physico-chemical methods of analysis

Course Outline : The mechanisms of chemical reactions in the aliphatic and aromatic series . Electronic displacement in compounds with simple and multiple svyazyami.Rezonansnye structure , static and dynamic factors reactions. Transition state theory , the theory of electronic offsets the basic mechanisms of organic reactions , as well as the synthesis of new organic compounds. New methods for functional groups. Methods of protecting functional groups in the various transformations. Natural sources of raw materials for the synthesis of organic compounds.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Ergalieva A.H.


Selected chapters of Analytical Chemistry – 2 credits

Prerequisites: inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry

Course Outline: Thermodynamic and graphical study of the equilibrium state and the mechanism of complex chemical processes real protonation, complexation, oxidation-reduction and precipitation occurring simultaneously with competing reaction.Homogeneous balance. Acid-base balance. Equilibrium in the complexation process. Equilibrium in collecting and redox processes.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Ergalieva A.H.


Enzymatic catalysis – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical engineering, physical and colloid chemistry, macromolecular chemistry, biological chemistry

Course Outline: Enzymes - a highly specialized class of protein molecules. The chemical structure of an enzyme cofactor: coenzymes aliphatic and aromatic, coenzymes - heterocyclic compounds, coenzymes - nucleotides and nucleosides. The mechanism of action of enzymes. The kinetics of enzymatic processes. Unit of enzyme activity. Lability of enzymes: the effect of temperature, pH on the catalytic properties of enzymes. The practical significance of enzymatic catalysis.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Klotchko L.V.


Heterogeneous Catalysis – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical engineering, physical and colloid chemistry, macromolecular chemistry

Course Outline: Industrial inorganic and organic heterogeneous catalysis. Adsorption and catalysis. Development of the theory of catalysis. And metal oxide catalysts. The activity and selectivity of the catalysts. Decontamination and regeneration industrial catalysts.

Catalysis and ecology: neutralization of waste gases and transport industry, sewage treatment.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Klotchko L.V.


Research methods of organic compounds – 3 credits

Prerequisites: mandatory list of chemical disciplines, physical and chemical methods of analysis, structure of matter

Course Outline: Methods of analysis, comparison of physical and chemical methods of analysis. Structures of the compounds on the basis of spectroscopic data obtained

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Ergalieva A.H.

Processing of natural hydrocarbon feedstock – 3 credits

Prerequisites: Physical chemistry, organic chemistry, petrochemistry, chemical engineering, chemistry Navy, physics -chemical methods of analysis, environmental chemistry.

Course Outline: Theoretical bases of processing gas, oil and coal. The use of catalysts in industrial processes. Electrothermal cracking of natural gas, oil refining, thermal processing and The hydrogenation of coal. Regularities of natural processes of catalytic processing of hydrocarbons.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Klotchko L.V.