Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Regional ecology





The study of the subjects of this educational program will provide in-depth knowledge of the geochemistry of the environment, preservation of the natural environment and biodiversity, regional ecology and sustainable development, information technology in the protection of the environment (ecological mapping and GIS).





After studying the subjects of the educational program "Regional Ecology" students must:

 Know and understand: 

  • Rewgularities of the development of geographical surface of the earth as a holistic formation, as well as large-regional characteristics of its individual areas (natural waists, physiographic zones, continents, sectors, countries); 
  • basics of integrated landscape approach to research; 
  • problems of integrated management; 
  • protection  and restoration of the natural resources of specific regions of Kazakhstan; 
  • prediction of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters.


Be able to: 

  • formulate ideological criteria in the assessment of natural ecosystems, determine own practical relation to them; 
  • analyze the achievements of  geo-environmental science from the standpoint of philosophical principles as a form of synthesis of the previous spiritual development of human society and its practice; 
  • summarize the natural science and the practical results of scientific knowledge; 
  • properly formulate the goals and objectives of scientific research, the concept of scientific research; 
  • systematize the knowledge and coordinate research in the field of geo-ecology; 
  • integrate knowledge, draw conclusions based on incomplete information within the boundaries of professional ethics; 
  • express own ideas and draw conclusions clearly, unequivocally and clearly both for specialists and non-specialists in this area.



  • technology of the analysis of the results obtained and their scientific summarizing; 
  • technology of searching and sorting information and creative solutions; 
  • technology of using knowledge in solving problems in new and unfamiliar conditions; 
  • modern information technologies.



Catalog of disciplines of the educational program

Catalog of disciplines of the educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, and information about the leaders of the program.


Basic subjects

Modern environmental problems of Kazakhstan – 2 credits

Prerequisites:  soil ecology, plant ecology, ecology of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems 

Course Outline:  Features of the climatic conditions of Kazakhstan, their environmental assessment. A variety of resources in Kazakhstan, environmental aspects and their use. Environmental impact assessment of human impact, the environmental problems of biodiversity in Kazakhstan, the ecological situation and public health, state policy and priorities in the field of environmental protection, the system of state  administration of the  environment.

Postrequisites: environmental assessment of projects, information technology in environmental protection

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:   Naumov N.S.


Environmental geochemistry – 2 credits

Prerequisites:  Ecology and Sustainable Development

Course Outline:   Factors of movement, redistribution and accumulation of weathering products. Group of aquatic geochemical mobility of weathering products. Features of pedogeochemistry of essential mineral compounds. Vertical migration and redistribution of products of weathering and soil formation. Areas of accumulation of products of weathering and soil formation. Geochemical relationships of ocean and land. Geochemistry of trace elements in soils and weathering crust.

Postrequisites: regional ecology and sustainable Development, geo-environmental design and expertise

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:   Chehova T.I.


Risk assessment – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Ecology and Sustainable Development.

Course Outline: Identification of risk factors and assessment of the probability of occurrence of environmentally hazardous events in the activities of the organization, evaluation of the probability of occurrence and development of situations that lead to negative consequences for the environment, the definition of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the possible negative consequences for the environment, the analysis of the costs associated with the prevention / by negative consequences, the development of a set of measures on environmental risk management (minimizing the probability of occurrence of situations that lead to negative consequences for the environment).

Postrequisites: ecological assessment of projects, geo-environmental design and expertise

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:   Naumov N.S.


Regional ecology and sustainable development – 2 credits

Prerequisites: environmental assessment of projects, information technology in environmental protection

Course Outline: Features of the climatic conditions of Kazakhstan, their environmental assessment. A variety of resources in Kazakhstan, environmental aspects and their use. Environmental assessment of human impact, the environmental problems of biodiversity in Kazakhstan, the ecological situation and public health, state policy and priorities in the field of environmental protection, state administration of environment.

Postrequisites:  geo-environmental design and expertise, geo-environmental monitoring and environmental quality.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:   Shevchenko L.Y.


Profile subjects (majors)


Project environmental assessment – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Management of environmentally sound processes

Course Outline: Requirements for the environmental assessment of projects. The impact of the proposed activity on the environment. Public involvement in the decision-making process for the project as a requirement of environmental assessment. Ecological risk assessment as a tool used in the process of forming the state environmental policy. The role of the regional environmental authorities in ensuring development of the area, the analysis of environmental risks of projects.

Postrequisites:  geo-environmental design and expertise, geo-environmental monitoring and environmental quality.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:   Shevchenko L.Y.


Project management – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Ecology and Sustainable Development.

Course Outline: Classification of the basic concepts of project management. Classification of types of projects. Objective and strategy of projects. The result of the project. Controllable parameters of the project. The ambience of the project. The project cycle. Structuring projects. The functions and subsystems of project management. Project management techniques. The organizational structure of project management. The participants of the project. Personnel management and communication in the project. Timetable and budget: the effective planning, management and control. Practical methods for effective risk management in projects and programs. Planning and control of projects by using Microsoft Project 2007.

Postrequisites:  geo-environmental design and expertise, regional ecology and  sustainable development

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Yunusova G.B.


Geoecological design and expertise – 3 кредита

Prerequisites: Geology

Course Outline: basis of practical activities in the field of geo-environmental engineering and environmental impact assessments. The legal and regulatory framework of environmental impact assessments and planning, the state system of standards for the protection of nature and ecological certification.

Postrequisites:  geo-environmental monitoring and environmental quality.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Yunusova G.B.


Information technologies in environmental protection – 2 credirts

Prerequisites: Ecology and Sustainable Development. Informatics

Course Outline: Informatics in environmental protection: existing approaches and information technology. Protection Management of EP: basic concepts, structure and features of information processes. Information flows in the management of environmental protection, classification of information flows. Trends in the development of information technology. Systems of electronic data collection. Building a system of integrated indicators of operating system and the effect on it on behalf of the natural resources users.

Postrequisites:    geo-environmental design and expertise, regional ecology and  sustainable development

Types of classes: lectures and  practical classes

Program manager: Blisov T.M.


Geoecological monitoring and Environmental quality – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Informatics in environmental protection, Project Management

Course Outline: Quality of the environment and environmental monitoring. The concept of environmental monitoring (EM). Steps (observation, assessment, prediction, control) and EM technology. Data collection. The observation points of the state of soil, water and air. Sampling techniques. Methodology for assessing the quality of water, air, soil. Methods of prediction the quality of water, air, soil. EM systems: levels, kinds, types. Remote monitoring. Geo-ecological monitoring. The automated monitoring system.

Postrequisites: geo-environmental design and expertise

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Naumov N.S.


Waste management - 2 credits

Prerequisites:  Informatics in environmental protection, Project Management, Regional ecology and  sustainable development

Course Outline: Types of waste. Legislation in the field of waste management. Transportation of waste. Landfills for municipal solid waste. Composting of solid waste. Burning of solid waste. Organization of non-waste (low waste) plants. Control in the field of waste management.

Postrequisites: geo-environmental design and expertise

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Yunusova G.B.



Renewable Energy Sources - 2 credits

Prerequisites:  Informatics in environmental protection, Project Management, Regional ecology and  sustainable development

Course Outline: The types, the main uses of resources and renewable energy sources. The basic laws of solar energy. Space solar radiation. Classification of solar heating systems. Solar systems for generation of electricity. Types of solar energy collectors and their design. Solar radiation absorbed by the plate solar energy collectors. The concept of wind energy. Characteristics of wind flows. Classification of wind turbines on the basis of their work. The design of wind turbines. Advantages and disadvantages of the various systems of wind turbines. The method of calculating wind turbines. Fundamentals of the theory of wind energy. The utilization of wind energy. Hydraulic power. Micro and mini hydrostations. Biofuels. The energy of biogas

Postrequisites: geo-environmental design and expertise

Types of classes: practical and laboratoty

Program manager: Gluschenko T.I.