Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Geo ecology



Studying the subjects of this educational program will provide in-depth knowledge and skills in landscape ecology and restoration of damaged landscapes, geo-environmental monitoring and environmental quality, design and geo-ecological examination, sustainable development of rural and urban areas, processing of waste products, GIS and environmental mapping.





After the end of the study of the subjects of the educational program "Geoecology" a  graduate should:

 know and understand: 

  • basic concepts of geo-ecological environment, geoecosystems, natural and man-made ecosystems; 
  • processes of effecting  producing fields on the environment; 
  • basics of atmospheric science, the nature of happening physical processes , patterns of climate formation and geographical distribution of climates; 
  • major local, regional, and global environmental problems and reasonable measures to eliminate violations in the structure and function of ecosystems; 
  • regularities of geographical cover of  the earth as a holistic formation; 
  • large-regional characteristics of its individual areas (natural waist, physiographic zones continents, sectors, countries); 
  • basics of integrated landscape approach to ecological studies.

Be able to:

  • formulate ideological criteria in the assessment of natural ecosystems, determine own practical relation to them;
  • analyze the achievements of geo-environmental science from the standpoint of philosophical principles as a form of synthesis of the previous spiritual development of human society and its practical activities;
  • summarize the natural sciences and the practical results of scientific knowledge;
  • properly formulate the goals and objectives of scientific research, the concept of scientific research;
  • • systematize the knowledge and coordinate research in the field of geo-ecology;
  • • integrate knowledge, draw conclusions based on incomplete information - within the boundaries of professional ethics;
  • • express own ideas and draw conclusions clearly, unequivocally and clearly both for specialists and non-specialists in this area.

To posses:

  • skills of analyzing the results and their scientific analysis, searching and sorting information and creative solutions; 
  • proficiency in the use of knowledge in solving problems in new and unfamiliar conditions; 
  • technology of the environment assessment; 
  • modern information technology.



Catalog of disciplines of the educational program


Catalog of disciplines of educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating the prerequisites and postrequisites, the number of credits, types of classes, and information about the leaders of the program.



Basic disciplines

Geoecology - 2 credits 

Prerequisites: Ecology and Sustainable Development, Biology, Chemistry.

Course Outline: Theoretical and methodological foundations of geo-ecology: goals and objectives. Human evolution and the environment.  Landscape ecological foundation of Geosystems’ stabilization. Geo-environmental forecasting. Methods of geo-ecological research. Geo-ecological zoning and mapping. Modern geo-environmental problems. 

Postrequisites: Geoecological design and examination, Landscape ecology and restoration of damaged landscapes. 

Types of classes: practical. 

Program manager: Shevchenko L.Y.

Landscape Ecology and rehabilitation of transformed landscapes – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Ecology, Geography, Biology, Chemistry

Course Outline: Properties of components of the landscape, the overall patterns of landscape, differentiation of territory. Landscape and its main parts, the morphology of the landscape, the classification of the landscape. Landscapes and soil cover of Kazakhstan. Features of the landscape of Kazakhstan. Protection of natural resources, landscapes. Restoration of disturbed landscapes. Landscape optimization principles of the natural environment.

Postrequisites: EIP and ecoaudit, Geo-environmental designing and expertise.

 Types of classes: practical.

Program manager: Chekhova T.I.


Nature conservation and biodiversity-2 credits

Prerequisites: Ecology and Sustainable Development, Geoecology

Course Outline: Biological diversity as a basis for sustainable operation and use of plant and animal resources. Conservation of biodiversity of ecosystems. Improvement of the economic system to promote the conservation of biological diversity. Development of bases of  environmental and economic assessment of biodiversity resources and regulations of their sustainable use. Сохранение биоразнообразия экосистем.

Postrequisites: Geoecological design and expertise. Regional ecology and sustainable development.

Types of classes: practical. 

Program manager Bragina T.M..


Sustainable development of urban and rural settlements – 2 credits

Prerequisites:: Ecology and Sustainable Development, Social Ecology, Urboecology

Course Outline:: Sustainable Development and the quality of environment. Concept of Sustainable Development (SD). Indicators of SD at the local, regional, national levels. SD strategy (Agenda 21) on a local, regional, national, international levels. SD programs: participants (organization), stages of development. International and domestic experience in the implementation of SD programs.

Postrequisites: Geological and engineering expertise.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager: Mosey J.


Profile subjects

GIS and ecological mapping – 2 credits

Prerequisites:: Geoecology

Course Outline: Raster and vector graphics. Types of geographically distributed data. Technology of developing maps in GIS. Technical means of data collection. Spatial data infrastructure. Software for mapping and analysis. GIS applications for solving specific environmental problems.

Postrequisites: Geoenvironmental design and expertise

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:  Blisov T.M..


Geoecological monitoring and Environmental quality – 2 credits

Prerequisites:: Geoecology

Course Outline: Quality of the environment and environmental monitoring. The concept of environmental monitoring (EM). Steps (observation, assessment, prediction, control) and EM technology. Data collection. The observation points of the state of soil, water and air. Sampling techniques. Methodology for assessing the quality of water, air, soil. Methods of prediction of the 0quality of water, air, soil. EM systems: levels, kinds, types. Remote monitoring. Geo-ecological monitoring. The automated monitoring system.

Postrequisites: Geoenvironmental designand expertise, Management ofnatural resources, EIA and ecoaudit

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:  Naumov N.S.


Recovery of hazardous waste – 2 credits

Prerequisites: Ecology and Sustainable Development, Social Ecology

Course Outline: Treatment of toxic industrial waste. Monitoring of radioactive materials and waste. Recycling of industrial solid waste. Decontamination of radioactive and dioxin containing waste. Control in the field of waste management.

Postrequisites: Geoenvironmental design and expertise,

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:  Yunusova G.B.


Geoecological design and expertise – 3 credits

Prerequisites: geology, protection of natural ecosystems and biodiversity

Course Outline: Basis of practical activities in the field of geo-environmental design and environmental impact assessments. Legal and regulatory framework of environmental impact assessments and planning, the state system of standards for the protection of nature and environmental certification .

Postrequisites:  EIP and ecoaudit

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:   Yunusova G.B.


Natural Recourses Management - 2 credits

Prerequisites: geology, protection of natural ecosystems and biodiversity

Course Outline: Management of the environment and the quality of the environment. Management cycle (Deming-Shewhart) and the cycle of the environmental management. Structure (elements, links) of the environmental management systems. The main environmental management system: EMAS, ISO 14000 - their elements, features, fields of activities. The development of environmental management systems: communication systems OHSAS, ISO 22000. The concept of "clean production." The focus of the educational process is the formation of an interdisciplinary approach to solving the urgent problems in the field of environmental management and sustainable, effective regional development.

Postrequisites: Regional ecology and sustainable development, EIP and ecoaudit, environmental assessment of projects, information technology in environmental protection.

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:  Mishulina O.V.


Environmental law - 2 credits

Prerequisites:  protection of natural ecosystems and biodiversity, geo-environmental monitoring and environmental quality.

Course Outline:  Subject and system of environmental law. Sources of environmental law. The right of nature using. The right of ownership of natural resources. Environmental management in the legal relations. Environmental licensing. Economic and legal mechanism of nature using. Environmental control. Environmental violations and legal liability. Environmental requirements in  business activities. The legal regime of individual natural resources. The legal regime of specially protected natural territories. International legal mechanism for the protection of the environment.

 Postrequisites: EIP and ecoaudit

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:  Zamlelov A.L.


Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and audit- 2 credits

Prerequisites:  protection of natural ecosystems and biodiversity, geo-environmental monitoring and environmental quality.

Course Outline:  Environmental audit as environmental and entrepreneurial activities aimed at increasing the effectiveness of environmental management. The criteria for mandatory environmental audit. Environmental audit in the system of National Security Committee. Environmental management system of the enterprise. Environmental audit as part of the overall audit.

Postrequisites: geological design and expertise

Types of classes: practical

Program manager:   Yunusova G.B.


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