Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Radiophysics and electronics

Studying of disciplines of this educational program is directed on receiving more profound knowledge, work skills with the modern radio engineering and electronic equipment, systems and means of communication. Studying of fundamental and applied bases of operation of electronic devices, obtaining skills of independent researches in the field of telecommunications – roughly developing area of modern physics and equipment. Studying of the main subjects of this program forms deep professional skills, will help to understand difficult modern electronic devices, methods of their operation, repair and service. It is devoted to studying of modern transmission media of information and communications. It is directed on receiving more profound knowledge, work skills with the modern radio engineering and electronic equipment, systems and means of communication.





After the end of studying of disciplines of an educational program "Radiophysics and electronics" masters have to:

Know  and  understand:

  • methodology of scientific knowledge;
  • principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity;
  • psychology of informative activity of students in the course of training;
  • psychological methods and means of increase of efficiency and quality of training;
  • science and education roles in public life;
  • current trends in development of scientific knowledge;
  • about actual methodological and philosophical problems of natural sciences;
  • about professional competence of the teacher of the higher school;
  • contradictions and social and economic consequences of processes of globalization;


Be able:

  • to use the received knowledge for original development and application of ideas in a context of scientific researches;
  • critically to analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and the phenomena;
  • to integrate the knowledge received within different disciplines for the solution of research tasks in new unfamiliar conditions;
  • by integration of knowledge to take out judgments and to make decisions on the basis of incomplete or limited information;
  • to apply knowledge of pedagogic and psychology of the higher school in the pedagogical activity;
  • to apply interactive methods of training;
  • to carry out information and analytical and information and bibliographic work with attraction of modern information technologies;
  • creatively to think and creatively to approach to the solution of new problems and situations;
  • to be fluent in a foreign language at the professional level, allowing to conduct scientific researches and to carry out teaching of special disciplines in higher education institutions;
  • to generalize results of research and analytical work in the form of the thesis, the scientific article, the report, an analytical note and B'day;



  • methods of research activity, solution of standard scientific tasks;
  • skills of implementation of educational and pedagogical activity on credit technology of training;
  • techniques of teaching of professional disciplines;
  • skills of use of modern information technologies in educational process;
  • skills of professional communication and cross-cultural communication;
  • oratory, skills of the correct and logical registration of the thoughts in an oral and written form;
  • skills of expansion and the increasing knowledge, necessary for daily professional activity and education continuation in doctoral studies.
  • competences of area of methodology of scientific researches;
  • competences of area of scientific and scientific and pedagogical activity of higher educational institutions;
  • competences of questions of modern educational technologies;
  • competences of implementation of scientific projects and researches of professional area;
  • competences of ways of ensuring continuous updating of knowledge, expansions of professional skills and abilities.



Catalog of disciplines of an educational program


The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the instruction pre-properies and post-requisites, quantity of the credits, types of occupations, information on heads of the program.


Basic disciplines

Электроизмерительная техника и методы измерений / Электр өлшеуiш техника және өлшемдер әдiстерi / The electric machinery and methods of measurement – 3 кредита 

Pre-properties: General physics, the higher mathematics, electrodynamics

Course summary:  Theory and methods of measurement of electrical, magnetic and not electrical quantities;  scopes, technical characteristics and schemes of turning on of the corresponding electric devices.

Types of occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.

Основные принципы современной физики / Казіргі заманғы физикасының негізгі принциптері / Basic principles of modern physics - 3 кредита

Pre-properties: The higher mathematics, course of the general physics, quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, nuclear physics, astronomy, course of theoretical physics

Course summary: To pay attention to methods of the description of the physical phenomena on the basis of basic representations, the principles and the logical schemes having fundamental and general value for a subject as a whole. It is necessary for formation of complete scientific outlook of the scientist of the wide profile, capable to see, competently to put and solve numerous practical and theoretically important problems, including arising on joints of the various scientific directions

Types of classroom works: the practical

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.


Main subjects


Цифровая обработка сигналов / Сигналдардың цифрларға өңдеуi / Digital signal processing
Pre-properties: Electricity and magnetism, Electrodynamics. The higher mathematics

Course summary: Linear filtration. Spectral analysis. Time-and-frequency analysis. Adaptive filtration. Nonlinear processing. Multi-speed processing. Convolution - traditional types. Section convolution. Formatting. Source coding. Enciphering. Channel coding. Consolidation. Pulse modulation. Strip modulation. Range expansion. Multiple access. Signaling. Reception of signals. Multiple access. Range narrowing. Demodulation and sampling. Detecting. Razuplotneniye. Channel decoding. Decoding. Source decoding. Formatting.

Types of occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.

Телекоммуникационные системы / Телекоммуникациялық жүйелер / telecommunication systems

Pre-properties: Electricity and magnetism, Electrodynamics. The higher mathematics

Course summary: Introduction. The general concepts about information transfer. Main data on telecommunication networks. Communication lines. General provisions on transfer systems. Analog systems of transfer. Digital systems of transfer. Radio communication systems. Equipment of telephone networks. Digital processing of analog signals. Application of telephone networks for data transmission. Systems of a mobile radio communication. Satellite communication systems

Types of occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.

Types of occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.

Автоматизированная обработка экспериментальных данных / Автоматтандырылған өңдеуi эксперименталдi мәлiметтер / Automated processing of experimental data – 3 кредита
Pre-properties: general physics, informatics, programming bases.

Course summary:  use of computer models of various physical processes, manifestation laws in other areas of sciences and experiments.  The knowledge received at studying of a subject, is used in processing of statistical data, methods of scientific researches and experiments.

Types of occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.


Солнечно-земная радиофизика / Радиофизиканы күн-жерге / Terrestrial radio physics – 3 кредита
Pre-properties:  General physics, Theoretical physics, Astronomy.

Course summary: Definition of solar and terrestrial physics as sets of sciences. The solar and terrestrial radiophysics is a set of the sciences studying the phenomena and processes, occurring on the Sun, and impact of the Sun on a near-earth space and a planet Earth. History of formation of solar and terrestrial physics. Continuous mutually catching up and mutually stimulating development of basic and applied researches. Achievements of solar and terrestrial physics. Demonstration of achievements of solar and terrestrial physics as results of basic researches on a joint of the scientific directions. Distinctive features of solar and terrestrial physics. Spatial and temporary scales, technique and relationship with related subjects, the morphological analysis and model calculations, complex projects (The international Polar Years, the International Geophysical Year and all subsequent international programs). Solar and terrestrial communications. Terrestrial reflection of the main solar processes. Modern problems of solar and terrestrial physics. Basic researches and creation of program computer systems for implementation of various heliogeophysical forecasts for reasonable functioning of a national economy

Types of occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Aytmukhambetov A.A.