Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Physics teaching in the higher school




This educational program of preparation of the master is aimed at those who wishes to connect the further professional activity with the world of science and education of future generations of experts. The main subjects of this educational trajectory will allow to study modern pedagogical technologies at the higher school, feature of pedagogic and psychology in the higher school, skills, the principles and methods of carrying out scientific and pedagogical experiments. The student teaching passed by undergraduates, will allow to consolidate the received knowledge and abilities directly at communication with students.






After the end of studying of disciplines of an educational program "Physics teaching in the higher school masters have to:


  • fundamental physical laws and the mathematical apparatus which is using in physics;
  • to be able to apply them to creation of physical and mathematical models, to the description and forecasting of the various phenomena and processes;
  • to be able to organize the work on a scientific basis;
  • to own computer methods of collecting, storage and the information processing applied in the sphere of professional activity;
  • to be capable to continue training at the subsequent levels of higher education;
  • methodology of scientific knowledge;
  • principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity;
  • psychology of informative activity of students in the course of training;
  • psychological methods and means of increase of efficiency and quality of training;
  • to have idea of science and education role in public life;
  • about current trends in development of scientific knowledge;
  • about actual methodological and philosophical problems of natural sciences;
  • about professional competence of the teacher of the higher school;
  • about contradictions and social and economic consequences of processes of globalization;

Be able:

  • to use the received knowledge for original development and application of ideas in a context of scientific researches;
  • critically to analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and the phenomena;
  • to integrate the knowledge received within different disciplines for the solution of research tasks in new unfamiliar conditions;
  • by integration of knowledge to take out judgments and to make decisions on the basis of incomplete or limited information;
  • to apply knowledge of pedagogics and psychology of the higher school in the pedagogical activity;
  • to apply interactive methods of training;
  • to carry out information and analytical and information and bibliographic work with attraction of modern information technologies;
  • creatively to think and creatively to approach to the solution of new problems and situations;
  • to be fluent in a foreign language at the professional level, allowing to conduct scientific researches and to carry out teaching of special disciplines in higher education institutions;
  • to generalize results of research and analytical work in the form of the thesis, the scientific article, the report, an analytical note and B'day;



  • skills of research activity, solution of standard scientific tasks;
  • skills of implementation of educational and pedagogical activity on credit technology of training;
  • technique of teaching of professional disciplines;
  • abilities of use of modern information technologies in educational process;
  • skills of professional communication and cross-cultural communication;
  • oratory, skills of the correct and logical registration of the thoughts in an oral and written form;
  • skills of expansion and the increasing knowledge, necessary for daily professional activity and education continuation in doctoral studies.
  • skills to conduct scientific researches of the put physical problems;
  • to carry out teaching and educational process in the educational organizations;
  • to carry out planning, the organization and management in research, production and pedagogical activity;
  • to develop, carry out and supervise a condition of production and technological process;
  • to provide a high-quality translation of scientific and technical literature.


Catalog of disciplines of an educational program

The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the instruction пререквизитов and post-requisites, quantity of the credits, types of occupations, information on heads of the program

Basic disciplines


Основы педагогического мастерства / Педагогиқалық шеберліктің негіздері / Basics of pedagogical skills – 3 кредита
Pre-properties: knowledge of bases of pedagogic, psychology and pedagogic of the higher school are necessary for assimilation of the course "Bases of Pedagogical Skill".

Course summary:  The discipline is studied in the Component for Choice block and includes the following questions:  Maintenance of skill, way of its formation and realization.  Pedagogical skill and pedagogical activity.  Pedagogical equipment as form of the organization of behavior of the teacher.  Speech as condition of pedagogical skill.  Pedagogical communication, functions and styles.  Communicative abilities of the teacher.  Self-education as means of vocational training of the teacher.  Pedagogical step.  Skill of the teacher in management of teaching and educational process.

Post-requisites:  student teaching

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Berkenova G. S.


Педагогическая психология / Педагогикалық психология / Pedagogical psychology – 3 кредита
Pre-properties: theoretical and practical knowledge is necessary for assimilation of the integrated course "Pedagogical Psychology" according to the bachelor degree program, and also knowledge of bases of philosophy, history, sociology.

Course summary: The discipline "Pedagogical psychology" is studied in the Component for Choice block and includes questions: Subject and problems of pedagogical psychology. Main problems of pedagogical psychology. Methods of pedagogical psychology. Concepts "educational activity", "training", "doctrine", "learning", "maturing". Types, conditions and learning mechanisms. The factors defining its success. Features of educational activity. Problem of interrelation of training and development. Psychological requirements to the identity of the teacher. Structure of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical abilities, skills and their formation. Pedagogical abilities, their structure and formation. Psychological bases of pedagogical skill. Individual style of pedagogical activity.

Post-requisites: student teaching

Types of classroom occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Parkhomenko I.A.


Main subjects


Методика преподавания физики в ВУЗе / Физиканың ЖОО оқыту әдэстiмесi / The methodology of the study at the university – 3 кредита

Pre-properties:  Pedagogic, Psychology.

Course summary:  Purposes and problems of discipline.  System of teaching, feature.  Communication with other disciplines and subjects.  Physics teaching on physical and not physical specialties.  Technique of carrying out lecture occupations.  The maintenance of a lecture course and its feature for not physical specialties.  Technique of carrying out a practical training.  Technique of carrying out laboratory works.  Methods of examination of skills.  Term papers, as independent research.  Technique of carrying out research work of students and carrying out kruzhkovy work.  Thesis in the specialty as training result.  Technique of implementation of the thesis.  Educational work when teaching disciplines of a physical cycle.

Types of occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.


Методика современного физического эксперимента / Қазiргi физикалық тәжiрибенiң әдiстемесi / Methods of modern physics experiment – 3 кредита

Pre-properties: general physics, informatics, programming bases.

Course summary:  Gives the chance to estimate correctly reliability, profitability and ecological expediency of a choice of materials when developing the new equipment.  Use of computer models of various physical processes, laws and their manifestation in other areas of sciences and experiments is studied.  The knowledge received at studying of a subject, is used in processing of statistical data, methods of scientific researches and experiments.

Types of occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.


Моделирование физических процессов / Физикалық процесстердің пішіндеуі / Modeling of physical processes – 2 кредита
Pre-properties: general physics, the higher mathematics, informatics

Course summary:  The course is based on use of applied programs on visualization of physical processes, processings of statistical data, work with vectors and matrixes.  To see limits of applicability of various physical concepts, laws, theories and to estimate reliability of the results received by means of mathematical methods of research.

Types of occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.


Интерактивные методы обучения физике / Физиканы оқытудың интерактивті әдістер / Interactive methods of teaching physics – 2 кредита
Pre-properties: informatics, computer modeling of physical processes.

Maintenance of a course: Introduction. Subject of discipline and its place in system of training of specialists in the field of training. Use of computers. Classification of computers. External devices. Printers, scanners, digital cameras and cameras, projectors. Appointment, principle of work, types, types, key parameters of devices. Use of a multimedia projector on occupations. Program complex "Educational Monitoring". Program complex "Generator of Tests and Lessons". Operating systems. Appointment and main functions of operating systems. Single-task and multitask, multiuser, network operating systems. Windows operating system. Applied software. Application software classification. Use series of electronic textbooks of Fizikon firm. Live Physics (Interactive Physica), Tutor of the Physicist. Physics in pictures, Physics on your PC. Classification and types of topology of computer networks.  Data transmission protocols.  Internet and Intranet.  Internet technologies.  Control – a training mode.  Internet technologies both for quick, and for the delayed communication with colleagues and pupils:  e-mail, forums, videoconferences.

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.

Types of classroom occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Orazalinova D. K.


Организация научных исследований студентов в вузе / ЖООдағы студенттердiң ғылыми зерттеулерiнiң өткiзуiн әдiстеме / The organisation of the research students at the university – 3 кредита 

 Pre-properties: Physics, Chemistry, Philosophy.

Course summary:  Purposes and problems of NIS.  Choice of subjects.  Technique of kruzhkovy work.  Individual work with students.  Order of participation in conferences, competitions.  Scientific article.  Technique of writing and publication order.  Interactive and conference Internet.

Types of occupations: practical, laboratory

Head of the program: Poyezzhalov V. M.