Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational Program





Educational program "Linguistics" cycle includes linguistic disciplines. The urgent problems of linguistics, cultural peculiarities of speech and writing, especially the history of linguistic exercises.



After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Linguistics" undergraduates should

Know and understand:

  • basic theoretical and methodological principles; 
  • conceptual and terminological apparatus of linguistics; 
  • topical linguistic areas within the modern scientific paradigms, their most significant issues and developments; 
  • Methods and techniques of linguistic research; 
  • innovative technologies; 
  • traditional techniques and methods of language teaching. 

Be able to:

  • assess the condition and direction of linguistic processes; 
  • Use metodolingvisticheskoy science; 
  • fluent language settings of professional competence; 
  • apply innovative technologies of language learning; 
  • techniques and methods of language teaching in the university and the school. 


  • Culture of systems thinking; 
  • innovative and informative initiative; 
  • independent creative activity; 
  • innovative research and teaching technologies; 
  • interactive teaching methods; 
  • to apply scientific methodology and methodological apparatus of Philology in professional work in the field of communication; 
  • fluent in language settings of professional competence; 
  • have the ability to choose the logic and style of adequate oral and scientific speech, demonstrating a high level of speech culture. 

Catalog of disciplines educational program
Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrequisites, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.

Basic disciplines

Этнолингвистика / Этнолингвистика/ Ethnolinguistics - 4 credits
Prerequisites: Introduction to Linguistics, General Linguistics.
Course Outline: Current trends in Russian linguistics. The emergence of new areas and sectors of Russian linguistics at the intersection of science. Basic concepts ethnolinguistics . The rate for the philologist.
Type of Occupation: practical (Seminary)
Program Manager: Akhmetov B.Z.

Новыенаправленияязыкознания/ Тілбілімініңжаңабағыттары/New directionsof Linguistics- 2 credits
Prerequisites: General Linguistics
Course Outline : The Evolution of linguistic ideas and new directions in linguistics : analitism , functionalism, structuralism , new research paradigms . Computational linguistics and intelligent technologies : automatic natural language processing , computer lexicography and machine translation , information retrieval languages ​​and thesaurus , modeling communication , hypertext technology, computer technology in language learning , the national tongue body , resources for researchers , linguistic portals and blogs in Linguistics .
Type of Occupation: practical ( seminary )
Program Manager: Akhmetov B.Z.

Философско-методологические проблемы языкознания/Тіл білімінің философиялық-әдіснамалық мәселелері/Philosophical and methodologicalproblems of linguistic - 2 credits
Prerequisites: New directions Linguistics
Course Outline: Linguistics and Philosophy of Language: similarities and differences. General scientific and philosophical aspects of linguistic knowledge. Antinomy antinomy language and linguistics. Language, thinking and being. Language and society. The question of linguistic and extra-linguistic facts. Associative-psychological representations and phenomenology. Significance and meaning.

Type of Occupation: practical (seminary)
Program Manager: Akhmetov BZ

Социолингвистика / Әлеуметтік лингвистика / Social linguistics - 3 credits
Prerequisites: general linguistics, comparative grammar.
Course Outline: Sociolinguistics as the science that studies the mechanism and the effects on the language of social factors. Social conditionality language. The role of language in the development of society. Social, cultural and historical characteristics of the language. Social community people and social types of languages ​​(nationality and its language, the nation and the national language). Languages ​​and ethnic composition of the population of the world. Socio-historical, cultural and functional classes of languages. Development of language. Patterns of development and national literary languages.
Type of Occupation: practical (seminary)
Program Manager: Akhmetov B.Z.

Организация и планирование научных исследований/ Ғылыми зерттеулерді ұйымдастыру және жоспарлау/Organization and planning ofresearch - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Fidler problems of linguistics
Course Outline: History of science research. Place of science research in the sciences. Information concept of the scientific process. Examine the overall character of the development of science. Forecast as scientific knowledge. Innovative models lingvodidakticheskih research.
Type of Occupation: practical (seminary)
Program Manager: Akhmetov BZ

Культура устной и письменной речи / Ауызша және жазбаша тіл мәдениеті / Cultureoforalandwrittenspeech - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Workshop on the Russian language, the modern Russian language.
Course Outline: Subject culture of speech and writing as an academic discipline. Theoretical bases of speech culture. Communication with other disciplines. Norms of the literary language. Verbal skills - figure of speech culture. Varieties of speech. Types of verbal communication. Good speech quality. The structure of the text elements of its composition. Methods of presentation.
Type of Occupation: practical (seminary)
Program Manager: AA Bayahmetova

История лингвистических учений / Лингвистикалық ілімдердің тарихы/ Historyoflinguisticstudies - 3 credits
Prerequisites: Introduction to Linguistics, General Linguistics.
Course Outline: The emergence of the science of language: Indian, Chinese, Arab, European, Japanese, Russian tradition. Vocabulary and grammar. Universalism. Comparative linguistics. Wilhelm vonHumboldtandphilosophical approachto language.Mladogrammatizm. Neolinguistics and linguistic geography.
Type of Occupation: practical (seminary)
Program Manager: Akhmetov B.Z.