Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Ecological safety and renewable





Studying of disciplines of this educational program will allow to receive knowledge of use of systems of production of electric and thermal energy on the basis of renewable sources, and also to study the principles of increase of ecological safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in other countries.








After the end of studying of disciplines of an educational program "Ecological safety and renewables" undergraduates have to:

Know and  understand:

  • fundamental laws and the mathematical apparatus which is using for production of electric and thermal energy;
  • to know advantages and shortcomings of nonconventional power sources.
  • to know structure and basic provisions of calculation of power installations on the basis of nonconventional power sources.
  • to be able to apply them to creation of physical and mathematical models, to the description and forecasting of the various phenomena and processes;
  • to be able to organize the work on a scientific basis;
  • to own computer methods of collecting, storage and the information processing applied in the sphere of professional activity;
  • to be capable to continue training at the subsequent levels of higher education
  • methodology of scientific knowledge;
  • principles and strukturuorganization of scientific activity;
  • to have idea of science and education role in public life;
  • about current trends in development of scientific knowledge;
  • about actual methodological and philosophical problems of natural sciences;


Be able:

  • to use the received knowledge for original development and application of ideas in a context of scientific researches;
  • to settle an invoice and a choice of the capital and service equipment of power installations on the basis of nonconventional power sources;
  • to make the analysis effective power installations on the basis of nonconventional power sources and to determine the cost of expenses for constructions and operation;
  • critically to analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the analysis of processes and the phenomena;
  • to integrate the knowledge received within different disciplines for the solution of research tasks in new unfamiliar conditions;
  • by integration of knowledge to take out judgments and to make decisions on the basis of incomplete or limited information;
  • to apply interactive methods of training;
  • to carry out information and analytical and information and bibliographic work with attraction of modern information technologies;
  • creatively to think and creatively to approach to the solution of new problems and situations;
  • to be fluent in a foreign language at the professional level, allowing to conduct scientific researches and to carry out teaching of special disciplines in higher education institutions;
  • to generalize results of research and analytical work in the form of the thesis, the scientific article, the report, an analytical note and B'day;



  • methodology of scientific researches;
  • scientific projects and researches in professional area;
  • in the ways of ensuring continuous updating of knowledge, expansions of professional skills and abilities
  • solution of standard scientific and professional tasks;
  • the scientific analysis and the solution of practical problems in the organization and management of economic activity of the organizations and the enterprises;
  • research of problems in the field of management and marketing and to use the received results for improvement of methods of management by the enterprise;
  • professional communication and cross-cultural communication;
  • oratory, the correct and logical registration of the thoughts in an oral and written form;
  • expansion and the increasing knowledge, necessary for daily professional activity and education continuation in doctoral studies;
  • use of information and computer technologies in the sphere of professional activity


Catalog of disciplines of an educational program


The catalog of disciplines of an educational program contains the description of each discipline separately with the instruction пререквизитов and post-requisites, quantity of the credits, types of occupations, information on heads of the program.


Main subjects


Энергияны ұтымдыпайдалану / Рациональное энергоиспользование/ Rational energy use -2 credits

Pre-properties: The higher mathematics, course of the general physics, renewables, power industry, design of systems of electrification.

Course summary: Introduction. Basic principles of rational use of energy Traditional ways of obtaining thermal and electric energy. Energy saving technologies. Nonconventional both renewables and their development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Biological technologies in an energy drink. Secondary energy resources and their classification. Standard and legal aspects of energy saving.

Postrekvizity:avtonomnye of power supply system with sources various physical природ. Use of renewables in agrarian production

Types of classroom works: the practical

Head of the program: Koshkin I.V.


Аграрлық өндірісте жаңғырмалы энергия көздерінпайдалану /Использование возобновляемых источников энергии в аграрном производстве/The use of renewable energy in agricultural production.-  2 credits.

Pre-properties:  The higher mathematics, course of the general physics, renewables, power industry, design of systems of electrification, design of systems of electrification.

Course summary: Introduction. Analysis of a current state of use of renewables. Condition and development prospects ветроэнергетики. Use of solar energy. Energy of the small rivers and prospect of their development. Biopower installations. Geothermal energy. Warmth accumulators in systems of a heat supply of agriculture. Use of secondary energy resources.

Types of occupations: the practical

Postrekvizity:ispolzovaniye of renewables in industrial production and a life

Head of the program: Glushchenko T.I.


Әртүрлі физикалық қасиет көздерімен электржабдықтаудың автономдық жүйелері/Автономные системы электроснабжения с источниками различной физической природы/Stand-alone power system with sources of different physical nature -2credits

Pre-properties: The higher mathematics, course of the general physics, renewables, power industry, design of systems of electrification, design of systems of electrification.

Course summary: Structure and potential resources of renewables in the region. The main directions of use of renewables in the world and in the region. Analysis of renewable energy resources of the region. Technical problems of use of renewables. Space sunlight. Spectral structure of solar radiation. Sunlight passing through the atmosphere. Systems of a solar heat supply. Solar systems for receiving the electric power. Wind power use.wind-mechanical and wind-electric installations. Thermal accumulation of energy. Hydroenergy resources of Kazakhstan. Classification of biofuel and technologies of receiving biogas. Energy of biogas. Hybrid systems of power supply

Types of occupations: the practical.

Post-requisites: Use of renewables in industrial production and a life; Reliability of power supply with renewables

Head of the program: Glushchenko T.I.


Өнеркәсiптiк өндiрiстегiқолдануқайтабасталатынкөзэнергияларыжәне тұрмыс-салтқа / Использование возобновляемых источников энергии в промышленном производстве и быту / Theuseofrenewableenergysourcesinindustryandeverydaylife –2 credits

Pre-properties: The higher mathematics, course of the general physics, renewables, power industry, design of systems of electrification, design of systems of electrification.

Head of the program: Glushchenko T.I.

Course summary: The general power resource-saving technologies in production and municipal household sector. Renewed a power source (solar energy, wind, a biomass, geothermal, low-potential heat of the earth, water, air, hydraulic, including mini-hydroelectric power station, inflow, waves). Secondary renewables (solid household waste - TBO, warmly industrial and household drains, warmly and ventilation gas). Nonconventional technologies of use non-renewable and renewables (hydrogen power; microcoal; turbines in a small-scale power generation; gasification and pyrolysis; catalytic methods of burning and processing of organic fuel; synthetic fuel - methil air, methanol, ethanol, motor fuels). Power installations (converters) which exist usually irrespective of a type of energy. The thermal pump, the car of Stirlinga, vortex tube, the hydrosteam turbine and installations of direct transformation of energy - electrochemical installations, photo-electric converters, thermoelectric generators, thermoissue installations, MGD-generators

Types of occupations: the practical.

Post-requisites: the help in data processing when performing researches and the thesis.

Head of the program: Gladov Yu.V.


Жаңғырмалы энергия көздерінің электрмен жабдықтау сенімділігі /Надежность электроснабжения с возобновляемыми источниками энергии/Reliability of electricity supply from renewable energy sources – 3credits

Pre-properties: The higher mathematics, course of the general physics, renewables, power industry, design of systems of electrification, design of systems of electrification.

Course summary: Introduction. Random variables. Hypotheses. Reliability indicators. Causes of failures of electric equipment of electrical power objects, including with renewables. Means of ensuring of reliability including with renewables. Accounting of deliberate shutdowns.

Types of occupations: the practical

Post-requisites: the help in data processing when performing researches and the thesis.

Head of the program: Kosshkin I.V.


Электрмен жабдықтау жүйесінің күштік қондырғыларының электрмагниттік сыйымдылығы / Электромагнитная совместимость электросилового оборудования систем электроснабжения/ Electromagnetic compatibility of electric power supply systems –3 credits

Pre-properties: The higher mathematics, course of the general physics, renewables, power industry, design of systems of electrification, design of systems of electrification, relay protection and automatic equipment.

Course summary: Main concepts of electromagnetic compatibility. Regulatory base of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility on power generation facilities. Short characteristic of technical means of the power generation facilities sensitive to electromagnetic hindrances. Sources of electromagnetic hindrances on power generation facilities. Classification of an electromagnetic situation. Noise stability and resistance to damages of sensitive elements of power generation facilities. Protection against electromagnetic hindrances.

Post-requisites: the help in data processing when performing researches and the thesis.

Types of occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Gladov Yu.V.


Ғылыми эксперименттің және моделдеу теориясы/Теория моделирования и научного эксперимента/Theory and simulation of a scientific experiment –4 credits

Pre-properties:  The higher mathematics, mathematical tasks and computer modeling in power industry.

Course summary: Method of half division. Method of simple iteration. Assessment of an error of a method of iterations. The solution of the equations from one variable. Gauss method. Calculation of determinants. Decision of systems of the linear and nonlinear equations Zeydel's methods, Monte-Carlo, simple iteration. Problem definition. Interpolation polynomial Lagrange. Newton's interpolation polynomials for equidistant knots. Final differences. Error of polynomial interpolation. Method of the smallest squares. Interpolation by splines. Approximation of periodic functions. Approximation by splines. Problem definition of numerical integration. Calculation of certain integrals. Method of trapezes. Simpson's method. Features of a problem of numerical differentiation. Solution of the differential equations Euler and Runge-Kutta's methods. Interpolation formula Lagrange for equidistant knots. Numerical differentiation on the basis of an interpolation formula Lagrange. Elements of mathematical statistics. Distributions. Check of statistical hypotheses. Exact and interval estimates. Criteria of the importance. Correlation and regression.

Post-requisites:  the help in data processing when performing researches.  Help in thesis writing.

Types of occupations: the practical

Head of the program: Esimkhanov S. B.