Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational Program

Business economy



Training on this educational program gives an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the integrity of the business cycle, the whole process of professional activity entrepreneur or head of the firm.


In modern conditions is particularly important problem of the organization and business development. Without the development of entrepreneurship can not exit from the economic crisis and embark on a path of sustainable economic progress.




After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Economics of Entrepreneurship" undergraduates should:


Know and understand :


• fundamentals of all functional areas of management activities at the enterprise level ( economics, management, marketing, finance, etc.);

• the main approaches to the management and maintenance planning, production, investment and innovation;

• key features and processes that determine the economic security of the enterprise;

• international and domestic standards of business ethics and etiquette;

• characteristics of the economic, legal, political, cultural and technological environment of domestic business - partnership;


be able to:


• analyze the performance of economic entities , do evidence-based conclusions and pick the forms of organization of production and management, management decisions ;

• build and use models to describe and predict the processes, phenomena , situations , while promoting their qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis ;

• handle large amounts of scientific information, to work independently with its various sources;

• use computer technology to solve professional problems;

• Process the results , analyze and interpret them in the light of available statistical and accounting data;

• have the ability to thoroughly analyze socially significant problems and processes and use methods of social and humanities and basic sciences in their work;

• work in a team , to defend his point of view , to be proactive, to offer new solutions to correlate your opinion with the opinion of the team, to comply with the collective decisions .




• scientific methodology, logic and technology of the research;

• independent research work;

• educational activities, analysis of educational situations, identifying and solving educational problems.


Catalog of disciplines educational program


Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrekvizitov, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.

basic disciplines

Интернет - решения для бизнеса / Кәсіпкерлік үшін шешімнің интернеті / Internet solutions for business – 2 Credits

Prerequisites: Computer Science.

Course Outline : Introduction to the Internet for helpful sites. Internet - actions. Working with search engines. Thematic search online . Working with electronic agents useful for economists : thematic websites and blogs online - magazines. Participate in videoconferences, online seminars, conducting online - consultations. Browsers . Domain name. Create a portfolio , personal website , the Internet - shop , guest books . Web - design. Site audit . Create a guest book on the site. Support, promotion and site optimization . Internet - solutions for business. Making the Internet - shop. Create flash - product presentation or company. How to make money through the Internet. The international currency market FOREX. Trader . Internet - Trading . Teamwork with documents. Electronic document. Internet - portal. Types of portals. Corporate Internet - portal. Account. Creating an account. Creating e - book ( electronic book ), dictionaries and electronic library. Study programs for creating self-extracting photo albums, slide - show clips , electronic postcards and magazines, internet - galleries, digital catalogs, booklets, brochures, covers for CDs . Acquaintance with useful programs for economists. Portals and forums.

Postrekvizity : Business planning innovative projects

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program managers : Ismailov A.O.


Управленческий учет (продвинутый уровень) / Басқарушылық есеп (жылжытылған деңгей) / Managerial accounting (advanced level) – 2 Credits

Prerequisites: management, accounting, economics and finance businesses, socio-economic statistics.

Course Outline: The essence of management accounting. Accounting for the costs of materials and labor. Accounting for overheads. Allocation of overheads, their inclusion in the cost. Custom calculation. Process for costing.

Postrekvizity: Modern Economic Thought

Types of classes: practical lessons

Program managers: Mishulina O.V.


Современная экономическая мысль / Қазіргі заманғы экономикалық ой / ModernEconomicThought – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: History of Economic Thought, economic theory, philosophy.

Course Outline : History of Economic Thought as a science. The emergence of economic thought and its feature in pre-capitalist societies. Mercantilist economic views . Formation of classical political economy. W. Petty. Physiocracy. Development of classical political economy. Economic doctrine of Adam Smith and David Ricardo. Economic concepts of utopian socialists and representatives of economic romanticism. Economic Doctrines of Karl Marx. Completion of classical political economy . Historical school in economics. Social and institutional direction in economic thought. Economic Doctrines of John Maynard Keynes . Neo-Keynesian model of state regulation of the economy . Modern doctrine of economic thought.

Postrekvizity : Economic Sociology

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program managers : Zhientaev S.M.




Микро- макроэкономический анализ / Микро- макроэкономикалық талдау / Mikro- makroeconomic analysis - 2 Credits

Prerequisites: Macroeconomics

Course Outline : Modern micro - macroeconomics and its methodology. The theory of elasticity of supply and demand. The theory of consumer choice. Theory of production. Production costs. Proposal under perfect competition . Monopoly . Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly. Factor markets. Macroeconomic gauges. Macroeconomic instability: economic cycles, unemployment, inflation, national income : production, distribution and consumption of aggregate demand and supply. Model «AD-AS» Macroeconomic equilibrium in the goods and money markets. Model «IS- LM " Open Economy Growth .

Postrekvizity : Business planning innovative projects

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program managers : Zhientaev S.M.


Бизнес-планирование инновационных проектов / Инновациялықжобаларды бизнес-жоспарлау / Business-planingofinnovativeprojects- 2 Credits

Prerequisites: management, marketing, enterprise economy.

Course Outline : The concept of business planning innovative projects. The content and organization of business planning. Methods and technology innovation. Business plan innovative projects. Management decisions in business planning innovative projects. Prediction of innovative projects. Analysis and evaluation of innovative projects. Operational- calendar business planning innovative projects. Risk management and sequences of innovative projects. Business planning culture of innovation projects.

Postrekvizity : Managerial Accounting

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program managers Koval P.I.


Внутрифирменное планирование / Фирмаішілік жоспарлау / Corporateplanning – 3 Credits

Prerequisites : Economics Business , management, marketing, business planning, entrepreneurship .

Course Outline : General characteristics of corporate planning in a market economy. Organization of planning work in the enterprise. Regulatory framework planning. Network planning methods . Prediction of the business environment. Strategic planning at the enterprise. Business planning business plan for the company. Current and operational planning for the enterprise. Planning of production and sales. Planning work and social development in the enterprise. Planning costs and prices. Financial planning.

Postrekvizity : Organization consulting activities

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program managers : Gorelov A.N.


Организация консалтинговой деятельности / Консалтингтік қызметі ұйымдастыру / Organizationofconsultingactivities – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: management, marketing, enterprise economy.

Course Outline : Methodological bases consulting service. Consulting as an element of professional business support infrastructure. History, current state and prospects of development consulting. Overview of the consulting process. Analysis and problem solving. Behavior and communication. Marketing and management activities for the implementation of consulting projects. Management and improvement of the consulting firm. Consulting in the general management and production management. Consulting in financial management.

Postrekvizity : Business Valuation

Kinds of activities : workshops

Program Manager: Turezhanov S.U.


Оценка бизнеса / Бизнесті бағалау / Assessment of business – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: enterprise economy, cost management, business organization, economic theory, microeconomics, financial analysis, fundamentals of HR management, business analysis company.

Course Outline : The concept of business. Subjects and objects of business. Mechanisms of sales and business information base assessment. Types of enterprise value , the factors affecting the valuation of the company. Basic principles of company valuation. Risk types, measurement in the evaluation of business value. Stages of the evaluation process. Report on business valuation . Practice valuation activities abroad. Methods of company valuation. Valuation of various types of property companies. Valuation of land. Valuation of buildings and structures. Market valuation of machinery and equipment. Valuation of intangible assets. Measurement of financial assets . Evaluation of current assets. Rating human capacity as a component of enterprise value . Assessment of the financial condition of the company. Accounting for the effects of inflation in the financial analysis. Features company valuation for specific purposes. Relationship assessment taxation enterprise. Features assessment of individual objects and property rights used for business.

Postrekvizity : Practical course of business statistics

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program Manager: Gorelov A.N.          


Практический курс бизнес-статистики / Бизнес-статистиканың практикалық курсы / Practical Course inBusinessStatistics– 2 Credits

Prerequisites: Mathematics for Economists , probability theory and mathematical statistics, statistics, computer science, economics, philosophy.

Course Outline : Introduction. Subject and method of business - statistics. Descriptive statistics. Summary measure : the interpretation of typical values ​​and percentiles . Variability : the study of diversity. Summary statistics and grouping. Theory averages. Probability : random situations in the economy. Random variables : work with null values ​​. Statistical inference . Confidence intervals Allowing malfunctioning ratings. The statistical study of the relationship of socio - economic phenomena. Reporting : the presentation of results of multiple regression. Time series : analysis of changes over time. Priori analysis of temporal information on phenomena and processes in the business - environment. Methods and Application. Analysis of variance : checking for differences in several samples.

Postrekvizity : Innovation Management

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program managers : Kurmangalieva A.K.