Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program

Innovation economy




Training on this educational program allows to acquire the skills of system analysis of the innovative environment at the macro level and behavior of an innovative company in the long and short periods, gain an insight about different aspects of the entrepreneur from the moment of an innovative idea to its realization and going out of business.



After the end of the study subjects of the educational program "Economics of Entrepreneurship" undergraduates should:


Know and understand :


• fundamentals of all functional areas of management activities at the enterprise level ( economics, management, marketing, finance , etc.);

• the main approaches to the management and maintenance planning, production, investment and innovation;

• key features and processes that determine the economic security of the enterprise ; • international and domestic standards of business ethics and etiquette ;

• characteristics of the economic, legal, political, cultural and technological environment of domestic business - partnership;


be able to:


• analyze the performance of economic entities , do evidence-based conclusions and pick the forms of organization of production and management, management decisions ;

• build and use models to describe and predict the processes, phenomena, situations, while promoting their qualitative and quantitative analysis and synthesis ;

• handle large amounts of scientific information, to work independently with its various sources;

• use computer technology to solve professional problems ;

• Process the results , analyze and interpret them in the light of available statistical and accounting data ;

• have the ability to thoroughly analyze socially significant problems and processes and use methods of social and humanities and basic sciences in their work;

• work in a team , to defend his point of view , to be proactive, to offer new solutions to correlate your opinion with the opinion of the team, to comply with the collective decisions .




• scientific methodology, logic and technology of the research;

• independent research work;

• educational activities, analysis of educational situations, identifying and solving educational problems.


Catalog of disciplines educational program


Catalog of disciplines educational program contains a description of each discipline separately indicating prerequisites and postrekvizitov, number of credits, occupations, information about the leaders of the program.


Basic disciplines


Актуальные проблемы теории и практики экономики / Экономиканың теориясы мен практикасының өзекті мәселелері / Actualproblemsofthetheoryandpracticeofeconomy – 3 Credits

Prerequisites : economics , economics of enterprise, economic policy and state regulation of the economy, the global economy.

Course Outline : Modern views on the subject of economic theory and methods of economic analysis. The theory of economic systems and property relations. The theory of commodity and money : an unsolved problem. Modern theories of production costs and individual firms. Competitive strategy of the firm and the contract. Optimal boundaries monopolies. Some paradoxes of the market mechanism. Features of formation of capital market and investment problems. Labor market : the exploitation or social partnership . Macroeconomic Development : Theory and Practice . Social policy and income of the population.

Postrekvizity : Economic security firm

Types of classes : practical lessons .

Program managers : Zhientaev S.M.

Prerequisites: history and philosophy of science.

Course Outline : Specialization economic sociology. The system of categories of economic sociology. Socio- economic division of labor law. Essence, aspects and manifestations . Socio-economic change labor law. Forms of manifestation of the modern stage. Essence , origins and scope of the law of socialist competition. Essence and forms of socio-economic competition law . "The game laws in society" - the basis of the development of social consciousness. Economic consciousness and economic thinking: dialectic relationship. Economic culture as a way relationship between economic consciousness and economic thinking. Economic interests and their role in the development of economic relations. Nature and features of the functioning of a social stereotype change as a factor of economic thinking. "The effect of stereotyping " and social mobility in society. Economic behavior, types and forms of manifestation. Economic culture as a regulator of economic precepts subject. The general idea and specific social mechanism of regulation of economic relations.

Postrekvizity : Modern Institutional Economics

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program Manager: Turezhanov S.U.

Современная институциональная экономика / Қазiргi институционалдық экономика / ModernInstitutionalEconomics - 2 Credits

Prerequisites: history and philosophy of science.

Course Outline : The limits of applicability of neoclassicism. Old and new institutionalism. Public Choice Theory. Norms as a result of rational choice. Economy agreements. Game Theory and Simulation. Mixed strategies. Economic Analysis of Property Rights. Coase theorem and transaction costs. Contract Theory. Theory of the firm. Theory of the state. Institutional development theory.

Postrekvizity : Economic Sociology

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program Manager: Turezhanov S.U.


Микро- макроэкономический анализ / Микро- макроэкономикалық талдау / Mikro- makroeconomic analysis - 2 Credist

Prerequisites: Macroeconomics

Course Outline : Modern micro - macroeconomics and its methodology. The theory of supply and demand elasticities. The theory of consumer choice. Theory of production . Production costs. Proposal under perfect competition. Monopoly. Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly. Factor markets. Macroeconomic gauges. Macroeconomic instability : economic cycles, unemployment, inflation, national income : production, distribution and consumption of aggregate demand and supply. Model «AD-AS» Macroeconomic equilibrium in the goods and money markets. Model «IS- LM " Open Economy Growth .

Postrekvizity : Business planning innovative projects

Types of classes : practical lessons

Project Manager: Zhientaev S.M.

Бизнес-планирование инновационных проектов / Инновациялықжобаларды бизнес-жоспарлау / Business-planingofinnovativeprojects- 2 Credits

Prerequisites: Business Planning

Course Outline : The concept of business planning innovative projects. The content and organization of business planning. Methods and technology innovation. Business plan innovative projects. Management decisions in business planning innovative projects. Prediction of innovative projects. Analysis and evaluation of innovative projects. Operational- calendar business planning innovative projects. Risk management and sequences of innovative projects. Business planning culture of innovation projects.

Postrekvizity : Managerial Accounting

Kinds of activities : workshops

Project leader: P. Koval

Инновационный менеджмент / Инновациялық менеджмент / Innovation management – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: management, marketing, enterprise economy .

Course Outline : The concept of innovation management. State regulation of innovation. Macrotechnologies global markets and competition. National Innovation System. Forms of organization innovation. Scientific basis for the organization of innovation management. Management decisions in innovation management. Personnel management in innovation. Integrated software innovation. Forming a portfolio of innovations. Change Management. Physical and technical justification of breakthrough innovation. Planning and organization of innovation. Analysis and assessment of innovation.

Postrekvizity Theory innovative economy

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program Manager: S.U. Turezhanov

Теория инновационной экономики / Инновациялық экономиканың теориясы / The theory of the innovation economy - 3 Credits

Prerequisites: history and philosophy of science.

Course Outline : The historical experience of innovation. Genesis of innovation theory. Content of the category of "innovation". Innovation as a factor in the reproduction process. Innovative potential of the economic system. Innovation process and its attribute characteristics. Evaluating the effectiveness of innovation. Basis of the concept of innovation diffusion. State innovation policy. Principles, tools, intellectual property protection, innovation management at the microeconomic level. Place and role of market innovation in the modern economy.

Postrekvizity : practical lessons

Types of classroom lectures, practical

Program Manager: Turezhanov S.U.

Управление затратами / Шығындарды басқару / Cost management – 3 Credits

Prerequisites: basics of economic theory.

Course Outline: The role and importance of cost management in market conditions. Grouping costs and their contents. Planning (budgeting) costs. Calculation of production cost. Cost of production. Cost analysis in making short-term management decisions. Basic principles of calculating the costs of circulation. Cost control. Transfer prices.

Postrekvizity: management analysis.

Types of classes: practical lessons

Program Manager: Mishulina O.V.

Инвестиционный анализ / Инвестициялық талдау /InvestmentAnalysis – 3 Credits

Prerequisites : economics, economics of enterprise management, financial management, statistics, accounting, entrepreneurship.

Course Outline : The investment process and its content. Macroeconomic parameters for assessing the investment situation. Regional problems of development of investment activity. Investment planning in market conditions. Infrastructure investment process. Financial and investment analysis and mathematical foundations. Determination of efficiency of investment projects. Evaluating the effectiveness of mutually exclusive investment projects. Evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects with limited investment resources. Evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects under uncertainty. Sources of financing investment projects. Cost of capital. Analysis and evaluation of investment attractiveness of enterprises. Management of investment projects. Making optimal decisions in investment planning. The impact of inflation on the efficiency of investment projects.

Postrekvizity : Cost Management

Types of classes : practical lessons

Program Manager: Turezhanov S.U.